
The point of just putting a link here was that I first posted this mod in the main Creation and Customization forum, and once I decided it was in fact a finished mod, I figured it would be siimpler to just post a link to the main forum thread than to reproduce the whole post from there.

I guess the effect will be that my mod will be there in the finished files forum,
where I believe it deserves to be at least as much as some of the junk, but will not be constantly pushed up to the top, over far more professional mods, by discussion about it, for it is both functionally finished and yet improvable--lets call it primitivist school.

The point of doing a solar system mod...its sort of like if you have to ask you will never understand. Part of it is that it did not yet exist. Part of it is to extend the story into the future, sort of an epilogue. Part of it is that it is a fascinating challenge to try to mod the conquest of the solar system within the civ3 engine, retaining both some level of plausibility and a degree of playability. And part of it is to proslytize my own beliefs about the meaning of human existence.

EDIT: Oh, yeah. Our purpose is to conquer the universe, dismantle the stars, and make all the material into a giant robot.
I get the jist of a solar system mod, but what I asked (or tried to) was what was the point of creating a thread here that simply links ot another one, which you have answered.
Here are the first four planets, a fourpack, the moons of Jupiter. Its so big and later space units move so fast that it bogs down in later ages but it doesn't seem to have crash problems. Civilopedia is skimpy but has all you really need. Icons are repetitive, but the ones you really need are there. (Ie, building and unit icons yes, tech icons no)
The planet at the top of the map is Io, the next one down is Europa, then Ganymede, then Callisto. Maps were hand drawn from images off the internet. Ganymede has a big gray plain in the middle that it shouldn't. Maybe I'll fix it in a patch.

Download both files, about 2 1/2 MB each.
Unzip Gallileans first, in Scenarios.
Then Unzip Jovia. Take the folder "Terrain" out of Jovia and put it under Art in Gallileans. Leave Jovia.biq straight under scenarios.
You also have to have the latest Pentagenesis installed.
(I'm not going to upload a bunch of units you probably have anyway, though
I really need to make my own text files.)
Stuff has been taken from other places for which I have not completed documentation.
Titan is next, now that we have info, but I fear it will be another big evil monster like this. You just can't separate them future-economically. I'm thinking two axis wrap, with the rings in over view, Titan along one edge. Scale will have to be Titanic.
Triton will be nice and cozy, though, for fast play throughout.
Does anyone know if you can produce more energy by separating water and burning the oxygen with hydrocarbons than it costs to separate the water?

Tholish said:
Does anyone know if you can produce more energy by separating water and burning the oxygen with hydrocarbons than it costs to separate the water?
Possibly, if you use an efficient system to split the water like, plants' electron transport chain.
Right, you would have to research it.

Came on line to download a map of Triton, and took the occasion to upload Pluto which doesn't need a map, because there isn't one, or a radically different rules set
because its basically Europa farther from the sun and not near a gas giant, with a smaller moon nearby.

Unzip and put stuff in the right places. This time I put the text and terrain both in the
Pluto zip. You still need Pentagenesis for Civ3 Conquests installed. (NOTE: This Gallileans folder should replace the original one for playing Jovia as well.)

The 30 by 30 diamond in the middle is Charon. The 60 by 60 diamond in the corners is Pluto. The "polar" terrains represent the area directly under where Pluto and Charon orbit each other. The strip of space in betwen is the space between the two.

Jovia runs so slow because the map is just huge.
Its boring because civs are so far apart. I've played it up into the third era and it can get fun. So I made a couple of smaller maps, this Pluto and a fancifull Triton, and made it run 31 civs. I have on a 1.5 gig laptop and move times are tolerable. Also made some tweaks and improvements. Civilopedia has been improved so it no longer crashes when you try to sell a building and the init for Nanoworker matches the animations (that was a last minute change before). (Don't think of Tholish mods as crashmobiles, think of 1.0s as crashmobiles.) Made an infantry line draftable units. Fixed some of the Pentagenesis incongruities--AD now not EY, Money not eXc--though not all yet. Added more text to the civilopedia, some kind of explanation of every topic, generalized it to the entire outer solar system which will use basically the same module, though it is still all text with no links. Sulfer is still spelled wrong, though the bureaoucracy has been defeated.

Some of the art is from NASA. Some is from Alpha Centauri. Some is from the Space Empires graphic package. Some is from Daftpanzer's Spacewars. Some is from the screenshots of BeerEngine's Lunar Terrain. One of the era splashes is from the StarTrek mod. Neomega documented everything that came from Pentagenesis. I'm working on getting all the tech icons from MOO3. I've made PCXs from screenshots, just have to resize them. The leaderheads from that will be good when the Solar System series is done and I do the near interstellar one (which will be followed by the galaxy and the universe).
aeehm scussi, ähh exuse me are there any pictures or stuff? maybe?? :rolleyes:
Sure, I'll put them right here. But first, a fine tune to the Biq. The AI were not settling enough because Autonomy Gov was so superior to Colony Gov that they went to it immediately, deactivating the Colonization Program too early, so I made Colony Gov a little better--got rid of the tile penalty and made corruption merely problematic. Couldn't mess with Autonomy because it transitions to AI Gov surprisingly well, considering that due to private enterprise all buildings are maintenance free under Autonomy, as they are not under AI Gov, but the Trade Bonus overcomes it if you are well enough developed, which you should be by the third era. Took the chance to fine tune a little more. Made Road Settler "Homesteader" and it costs no population. AI were piling them up once everything was settled, mindlessly depleting their population. Gave some more units air defense. Made Satellite an air recon unit instead of an expensive invisibility detector. Made Catalyst Drone upgrade to Organic Worker, and Organic Worker and Roboworker upgrade to Nanoswarm and Supernano respectively. Made the second start unit a Development Contract instead of an Armed Researcher, and made them non disbandable. (It's a rental, you can't just melt it down). The AI were disbanding them on the first turn instead of keeping them a few turns until they could research worker jobs.


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This might help too. Includes
1. Science advisors with actual arrows between techs. Put them in
2. A Pediaicons that makes a call to CPVtechLLL.pcx rather than CPVtecjLLL.pcx, which does not exist. Put it in Text.
3. A biq in which the tech Catalyst Worker is what gets you the Catalyst Worker, rather than Organic Worker. Put it in Scenarios.

This is definitely the best of the series and it's working great. Four files, about 8 megabytes. If you've already got the units. Sure it doesn't come fully assembled, and I'm still playtesting, but it's really good. Try it.
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