Sources of envoys

I don't see Apadana mentioned in this thread. +2 envoys upon completing the wonder and +2 when completing any other wonder in the city that built it.

I had a strange game last night where the map loaded up and it was as if most civ's and city states just didn't load. So i effectively had a huge continent to myself. I eventually met other civs and found two city states on the other continent, at this point I had 28 envoys saved up. It took about 12 to become suzerain of each.

Edit: I mean, of course, the Apadana wonder, not Potala Palace.
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Do you avoid beelining techs and era jumps to maximize envois?

Example :
You can jump from Classical Era (Shipbuilding) by building 2 harbors (Eureka) directly to Renaissance Era (Cartography) bypassing Medieval Era.
Usually you do not have finished your Classical CS Quests when you beeline Cartography. So you miss to complete these quests in Classical Era and you completely skip the quest reset for Medieval era which costs you 1-2 envois with every CS you know / you can meet in your part of the world without a Caravel.

Do you eliminate other players to avoid an envoy fight for certain CS?
Usually eliminating a player comes with high diplomatic costs (Warmonger Penalty) for taking the last city but leaving the player with 1 crappy city means that he gains further envois like any other player.
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Beelining severely damages quests and therefore envoys. There is a middle ground Infeel but some beelines like apprenticeship are hard to ignore

I am not sure it's a good enough primary reason for destroying a civ, it's a reason but not strong enough by itself. NotbanythingbI have considered before so good point.
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