Spy actions- who did it?


Jan 18, 2002
I keep on getting governor neutralized. Annoying. Questions:

1- is there a way to see which civ did it?
2- is there a way to protect a particular city governor? They always seem to take education governor as target.
Counterspy options are poor, poor, poor. Have to choose one of many, instead of protecting the entire city from one action. What a waste. pfft...
A counterspy in a city center has a chance to protect the governor. A counterspying spy with Surveillance promotion protects all that city’s districts. Tries to, that is.
You have a chance to learn who did it, capture the hostile spy, kill it, or he can just escape leaving no trace.
Intelligence agency helps your spies. I find spying mechanics one of the better developments in Civ VI, actually :)
More info about espionage in the wiki.
One of the things I have learned over the years: Counter-espionage is worthless. I always put three spies with the defensive promotions in my capital (one in the city center, one in the industrial zone, one in the spaceport and if I can have a fourth one, in the neighborhood) but it is no use at all. Pingala is always removed which massively slows down my space projects (and it takes up to 13 turns until he is re-eastablished), the industrial zone and the spaceport get pillaged and if there is a neighborhood, rebels appear every few turns. If I can determine who spied on me, I demand the promise ("do not spy on me") which is never kept. It's all very annoying.
Thanks, the only other thing I've learned is some civs really use a lot of spies on governors and others tend to let them be and steal money and techs.
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