Study: Spoilers Enhance Enjoyment of Movies

holy king

Jan 3, 2003
Vienna, Austria

Licence to spoil: why film fans need not look away now

Spoilers don't ruin stories, they increase our enjoyment of them, says a new study. Do you get in a twist over plot revelations or devour every last movie morsel you can find?

In the age of Twitter, blogs and YouTube, dealing with spoilers is an everyday battle. When you're reading about movies that are still months away from release you've got to tread a fine line between feeding your curiosity and preserving the enjoyment of seeing the film.

This is something that's reared its head again in recent weeks with the avalanche of spoilers that have emerged from the set of The Dark Knight Rises. Christopher Nolan has made no secret of his desire to keep plot details about the final part of his Batman trilogy under wraps. But despite his best efforts the web has been awash with reports, photos and even footage from the film.

What do you do in the face of such rampant revelation? The consensus among film fans is that ignorance is bliss, because knowledge of the final product ruins your enjoyment of it. But that may not be strictly true. At least according to a new study that says it's okay to skip ahead to the ending, as knowing what happens ahead of time actually increases our enjoyment of a story.

Researchers from the University of California in San Diego asked 30 people to rate 12 short stories, some of which had been altered to include a spoiler that revealed the story's ending. The results showed that those subjects who were told of the plot twist ahead of time took more enjoyment out of reading the story than those who weren't.

Substitute story for movie and what the research suggests is that the lack of surprise is part of the pleasure, that we like it best when we know what's going to happen. We don't have to work up a sweat worrying about whether the protagonist is going to pop his clogs or if the "will they/won't they" couple will or won't. In short, spoilers don't spoil movies, they actually improve them.

If you think about it, it's not that shocking a revelation. We all have favourite films, which we'll re-watch time and time again without denting our enjoyment of them. Likewise, isn't our choice of film itself an inherent spoiler? We intrinsically understand that by choosing to watch a film from a particular genre – say a romcom, western or sci-fi – we know where the film is going to take us. The pleasure is derived by seeing how it gets us from A to B rather than what B actually entails.

The California team concluded their findings by saying: "perhaps birthday presents are better wrapped in transparent cellophane, and engagement rings not concealed in chocolate mousse". So maybe it's better that you know that Verbal is Keyser Soze. That Soylent Green is made of people. Rosebud is the name of the sled. Donnie dies. Norman Bates is the killer – in drag. 42 is the answer. Deckard is a replicant (or is he?). Tyler Durden isn't real. Bruce Willis is actually a ghost. Vader is Luke's father. Neo is the one (whoa). Dil is a man. And that it was Earth all along – because it will improve your enjoyment of the movie.

Or maybe it's better to stay ignorant? In which case we're sorry for spoiling some of the biggest twists in the last 50 years of film.

What do you think of spoilers? Do you try to avoid the avalanche of information available online or hungrily devour every movie morsel before the film's final release? Spoil us with your comments.

have you ever felt coming across a spoiler has made your enjoyment of a movie greater?
do you, like me, think this study is nonsense, but then, you cant watch a movie for the first time twice?
I would think it's something like this: If the plot twist is really well done, makes sense and has an appropriate amount of foreshadowing, then the shock of it is amazing; you don't want it spoiled, you want to be hit with it as the author intended. On the other hand, if the twist is ridiculous, nonsense and out of left field, then perhaps it's better to have that spoiled for you in advance, such that it won't ruin your experience while you're presently reading/viewing/playing the thing in question, but have already coped with it and can deal with the rest of the the thing without the spoiler bugging you.
For a while I looked at spoilers of a favorite TV show. Then I wasn't happy with that and stopped doing it. And then something happened on the show that really blew me away. And I was so glad I didn't see it coming.

It's hard to avoid all spoilers. And some level of spoiler matters to some people, but not others. With many movies, the trailer and commercials give away all the best parts in any case. And that's often true of TV show previews as well. But I'd rather be surprised.
I saw that study on the BBC and thought it didn't sound very reliable. They only used a small number of stories and it doesn't give an example of what they are classing as a spoiler as a minor spoiler, particularly in a book, can encourage me to finish the story to see the full picture and a better explanation. Its possibly also true that spoilers work better in books rather than films as for instance the book version of Fight Club gives heavy hints about the eventual plot twist which I don't think would have worked so well in the film version.
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