I will open this by saying this one technically doesn't count. This was my first time playing as Zulu and I wanted to limit-test my Impi so I rushed London which 1shot all of them, and I went back to my T100 Save and played the game out more sensibly with a comp more suited to compliment the Impi. I've only ever played against Shaka Deity AI and it seemed like the Impi are a city-taking powerhouse, dealing crazy damage to cities, after learning the strength of the Impi I decided to adjust my strategy. Rather than using Impi+Bowmen I decided to run Impi+Siege because the Impi specialize in killing units which means they are my ''bowmen'' and I can therefore support them with Siege. My focus was to get +1 range on my Siege ASAP to safely shoot cities, because I didn't want to wait for Arti. (I did later get Arti and had 4 pretty insane Artillery units, they were basically my lifeline and my tool to win the game)
With the disclaimer out of the way, it's a T312 Domination Victory for me, not super fast, but I actually expected Epic Speed to be a lot slower, so I was pleasantly surprised.
I wanted to use the Impi, no matter what, so I did, they were very useful all the way up until only Morocco and Carthage were left, where I replaced them with Cavalry. Their main job was guarding my Trebuchets/Cannons from any units, and I mostly used them as fodder because they would always trade very favorably.
I farmed XP on Egypt all the way up till I had +1 Range on my Catapults after which I wiped them out and moved to Byblos (ally of Egypt) who I used to finish up the farming of XP to get Logistics. At this point England declared war on me and I used the terrain around Byblos to basically destroy them, it's terrible terrain for the English Longbowmen to fight in so it was an easy victory. The Netherlands later piled on and also declare a surprised war on me, running into the exact same terrain as England did, and losing their army the exact same way. While fending off the Dutch army I conquered London and York. The main reason I captured York was to keep a path open towards Amsterdam.
I rolled straight onto Amsterdam, because I had mostly already eliminated the Dutch army near Nottingham, my Citadels did a ton of work to fend off both the Netherlands and England. The Netherlands was a total pushover, they didn't put up any resistance at all anymore. While I pushing into the Netherlands I got a request from Ethiopia to join him in a war against Askia, which I gladly accepted, without actually actively participating. Some 10 turns later Askia came to me with a peace offering, offering up the city of Jenne to me. Strangely, I feel like this completely random event changed the direction of the game completely for me as I was suddenly offered a clear path towards Gao, which would eventually get conquered by Ethiopia.
I marched on to the west, figuring I would just going to march into Moroccan land, but then my spy discovered that England was building the Forbidden Palace in Hastings, so I turned my army around to take the 2 remaining English cities, I figured Forbidden Palace was pretty essential for this game.
At this point I kinda realized I might run into some relationship problems with my ally, Ethiopia because he had taken Gao and I've taken 3 Civs out of the game, betraying England. So instead of marching my army back west towards Morocco I sailed them north towards Jenne. In hindsight (I didnt know this at the time) it probably completely saved my game, because towards the west there's nothing but walls, and sailing across to Morocco would've probably cost me some of my essential Cannons. I paid Ethiopia to declare war on Morocco, and I paid Carthage to declare war on Ethiopia, to buy me some time to reach Jenne without him attacking me before I was ready. Once I landed in Jenne I declared war and started attacking Gao. This is probably the only war where I got real resistance, Ethiopia was the Civ with the most territory, destroying Songhai and half of Morocco, and he had TGW. I took Gao and liberated Askia, so I could place my Cannons in his land and attack Ethiopia from safety.
I used my great generals to remove the land towards the Ethiopian capital to be able to get the city without being stalled out by The Great Wall. His army was pretty much wiped out at this point because I was starting to get Cavalry to completely run over his army.
This is where I had another stroke of luck, after capturing Addis Ababa I got worried because the southern borders were still Ethiopian, and upon scouting my Cavalry found the city of Lalibela on 1HP from Carthage's war efforts. Had they succeeded it wouldve been really difficult for me to reach Morocco, but fortunately the path was clear and I was able to completely roll Morocco. At this point my Arti came in with full upgrades. The Moroccan army was also essentially wiped out by Carthage.
I traded everything I had to beg Carthage for Open Borders, her capital was waaaays away and meanwhile I was researching Astronomy to send some Cavalry from my starter area over the ocean for a pincer attack. Carthage foolishly open her borders (I did pay a pretty hefty prize) and I scouted her land with my Cavalry to plan my final approach.
After moving my incredibly slow Artillery through her land, it was time to declare war, it took me 2 turns to take her capital and finish the game.
T312 Domination Victory. My first win as Zulu! I got 2 achievements out of this game, the other one being something to do with upgrading Impi.
For Policies I went Libery -> Collective Rule -> Honor for bonus XP -> Liberty Finisher (GS) -> Exploration -> Maritime Infrastructure -> Rationlism Opener -> Naval Tradition. Later I got another throwaway policy in Honor (melee combat bonus) because the game was over anyway. No Ideology, no player reached the Modern Era.
My tech priority, in very rough lines was: Philosophy -> Civil Services -> Metal Casting -> Physics -> Education -> Chemistry -> Military Science -> Dynamite
I settled 3 cities (as visible in the Opening Actions thread), took Byblos, took 2 Egyptian cities, 4 English cities, 2 Dutch cities, 2 Songhai cities, 3 Ethiopian cities, 1 Moroccan city, 1 Carthagian city.
Another note is that Hanoi, Florence, Prague and Ormus were my ally for basically the entire game, which was a great baseline for growth and unlocking policies.
I never quite know when to stop prioritizing Science in these games. It's really hard to find a balance between when to build up your Science and when to move to try and win the game. I've never played Epic Speed, so I'm curious what units I could've had available by turn 312 if I had just prioritized Science the entire game. Seeing the previous months I wouldn't be surprised if someone beats the game in 250 turns with Bombers and Paratroopers.
This was my first time playing as Zulu, I hated it at first, but once I made the adjustment in strategy I feel like Impi really exist to make Siege shine, which I really love, I'm a huge fan of Persia for example. Because of this I will probably play more Zulu games. Pretty fun Civ to play. The Epic Speed was also very enjoyable, it's my first time playing on this speed. I feel like the AI is definitely worse, making the game quite a bit easier, but it was still very enjoyable.