Turns in a prince game

I'm pretty sure the Scrolls of Wisdom are wrong on this.
I think for prince it is:
50 years until 1000bc
25 til 1 ad
20-til 1000ad
10-til 1500ad
5-til 1750
2 til 1850
or it might be 20>500ad then 10>1500

I know it kicks into 5 year increments at 1500AD
I don't know, but I think it has 470 turns (Shadowdale told me that).

I know it seem hard sometimes, but uh...
remember one thing:
through every dark night,
there's a bright day after that,
so no matter how hard it get, stick ya chest out
keep ya head up and handle it.
I had 470 turns also. I have noticed a bug in Civ 242 where if you play a game on Warrior or Cheiftain, it can sometimes play Prince with 520 turns ie. starting from 4000BC in increments of 20 years. Has anyone else noticed this?
Yes indeed.It appears as though map size effects the # of turns in a game BELOW deity level(no effect).Larger map=more turns
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