Useless Forests


Jul 2, 2012
Central Victoria, Australia
The Title says it all - We have forests on our new world, but absolutely NO way to make use of them. That needs to change... Sure, your all high-tech and stuff, but wood would still be a needed resource for early building, and later more decoratively (furniture, sculptures, etc).

So what I propose is a basic (appropriately high-tech looking) "Lumber farm" improvement (It makes sense that the colonists would start with the most efficient lumber production systems developed on earth - the massive 'tree farms' most commonly used to grow hard-woods). It would be a combination of the existing Civ5 style lumber mill and the old Civ4 'nature preserve' improvements, with latter tech adding in culture and/or science benefits (production would stay rather low compared to later enhanced mining).

Anyone else have any other ideas of how something like this could be done?

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