War Machine Achievement Query

Hans Castorp

Apr 15, 2013
Cambridge, UK
Has anyone got the With the Army You Have achievement yet (Win War Machine without training any units)? The problem I'm having is that once you've built all the buildings, there are no city projects, so you are forced to train units, even if you don't want them (and goodness knows why you'd need them if you're facing the AI). I tried just training Military Engineers to see if it just meant combat units, but that didn't work. My best guess now is that you just have to win quicker? I already did it in 19 turns, but I guess I could shave a few turns off that... Anyone got any better ideas?
The key is to set all of your cities to avoid production focus (the production icon on the City view screen should have the red stop symbol) and then queue up the buildings (fortifications and military academies before industrial zones, of course). Some of those cities will never finish the first building you queue up (I recall some German cities were projected to take 240+ turns to build fortifications -- Great!), while others (even on avoid production) may still crank out buildings in 15-20 turns, and may have only one or two more buildings to build.

Once a city has built all of the buildings it can build, your "get out of jail free" card is to build armies, which (thankfully) can take forever to build in a low production city (which every city should still be). Queue up an artillery army and you should be OK through the end of the scenario. If it looks like an artillery army will pop out, just switch production to a machine gun army.
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