What districts do you prioritize for your victory condition(s) ?


Dec 5, 2017
If my aim is to win through war I go encampments first and then commercial hub or harbor as the second district and then focus on eurakas and captured cities already with a campus for science.

If my aim is to win through all means I'll build campuses in every city, then a theatre square after that, third would be commercial hub or harbor,and fourth would be a entertainment complex.

I usually don't build industrial zones.
I always build campuses and holy sites and harbors where I can. I only build theaters if I'm going for culture. I sometimes win with culture without realizing it if I build theaters, so now I don't build them until that's my aim. I like the building/exploring aspect and hate the war aspect of the game, so I don't build many encampments if any. I use walls and strong units to deter the AI from attacking.

I wish diplomacy was a victory condition like in CiV. There should be more ways to win. And I still want a NoWar toggle.
Its mostly obvious for peaceful victory conditions:

Science - campus
Religious - holy sites
Culture - theater square

For domination and domination based other victories its a bit trickier. At least one encampment is certainly needed for domination but overall I would actually prioritize campus. I've also seen some silly games posted where people won domination based culture victories at 17 tourists due to conquering map and stifling enemy culture growth, so TDs weren't even really needed.

For the most part I do like mixing in 3 CH's for the trade route eureka and all the flexibility that the extra gold will provide.
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