[GS] What is the Better Start?


Jan 3, 2017
I should probably do some math but for those quick victory efficient types, what is the better start between Pingala, Encampments, and Magnus/Expansion. Early production yields and reduced settler scaling seem to make me think delayed expansion is better.

Encampments are +1 culture/+1 production per citizen and help with military needs if you run out of space to settle home grown settlers.

Pingala +1’s have been discussed ad nauseum.

I haven’t crunched numbers but I feel like I get my second city and push for growth in both cities usually getting to 6 or 7 pretty quick. Get an encampment for culture and production in the one I think can pump settlers. That with a couple envoys and Pingala in the other city I am still at whatever conquering unit I need really early (Horseman, Knight, swordsman, etc). I can build a nice army and then hit Ancestral Hall and spam my settlers.

I can get to 12-14 cities by turn 100-110 pretty easily with peaceful play and with conquering a neighbor or two the sky is the limit. But whatever my needs are, even with two cities I seem fine for 60-75 turns and then boom. Settler rush and sometimes settler and conquer rush.

The Oracle seems fine to build later so I don’t need Magnus as early for that. The pyramids will go quick.

Do most people think it’s two promotions Magnus and chop still? Then Pingala later? Or is the Pingala start and delayed expansion better?
Do most people think
There are 3 early promotions. None are necessary to win.
Magnus provision is often not worth it now considering the competition.
I often find I do not want to chop with Magnus too early so first choice is either Pingala or Amani.
I mostly play deity/domination and I still think magnus first is a better choice if you don't have a classical UU.
So you can reach the black marketeer promotion as early as possible with your 3 first titles and then chop horses or w/e.
I only played one game in GS so far though, so havn't tried pingala first.
I also feel like getting to your first governor title is less mandatory than in RnF.
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