Where to find info about start biases?


Apr 5, 2011
Washington State
I'm trying to make a mod that would give Germany a start bias towards grasslands (since right now they seem to have one towards tropical). While I've modded Paradox games before, I've never modded Civilization, and so far I'm having trouble finding the files I want. I've found files that list the civilizations and leaders, but not where their actual traits are.

Sidenote: has anyone made a mod that does this?
There's this mod: Improved Start Biases

If you want to make a mod yourself there are four tables that contain the different biases: StartBiasFeatures, StartBiasTerrains, StartBiasResources, & StartBiasRivers. Not all civilizations have a bias, but if you don't have a database viewer the code is generally in the Civilizations.xml file iirc, or wherever the individual Civilization(s) is(are) defined in the case of the DLCs. Keep in mind that biases are not a guarantee that a Civ will start where you want, there's many other factors that the game considers. Chimpan'G did a good write-up here.
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