Why is it that Firaxis and MacSoft have been unable to come up with the ability to SIMPLY ALLOW STARTING POSITIONS to work? How difficult is that? I CANNOT IMAGINE THAT IT WOULD BE SO HARD!!!!! Yes, I've taken programming, yes, I've learned C and C++ and I cannot imagine the obstacles preventing these corporations, full of talented and brilliant programmers and game designers, from allowing the Romans to start in ROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is it that corruption is so terrible? It's RIDICULOUS and an atrocity. Games take twice as long as they should, perhaps, and most of the first several thousand years is spent clicking the return button to wait for your granary or temple to develop. IIIIIIINSANE!
But the truth of the matter is this: I love CivIII. I love CivII, I love CivI. And for me, seeing this beautiful, wonderful, masterpiece of a game with these minor flaws... it brings out the emotion in me that wants to write a scathing review, ,that wants to smite whatever I can with malicious words of discontent. This is only because seeing a scratch on a Picasso is far worse than seeing a major gash in an ordinary painting, because your expectations are higher. Being anointed and granted that CivIII namesake means that this game should be perfect, a paragon of computer games no matter the genre.
Please correct these tiny flaws- I hate seeing CivIII get anything less than perfect ratings. Perhaps I'm biased, and perhaps my fanaticism (I literally have asked my girlfriend to go hang out with her friends when she wanted to spend all day in the bedroom so I could conquer another continent in peace) has been too great. I'm seldom overzealous about games, but this particular work of art and Myth II have become my sole digital havens. Please, I beg of you, fix the cornerstone of your work, for this way the arch of the majestic reputation will never crumble on minor glitches and the resulting major complaints.