258 kills
Does anyone even look at these?
I do. I find them very helpful. Once I get started on my Romanian land units, your "Panzer" tutorial will come in very handy. At a first glance, I believe I saw how you animate the tracks...
Does anyone even look at these?
I do. I find them very helpful. Once I get started on my Romanian land units, your "Panzer" tutorial will come in very handy. At a first glance, I believe I saw how you animate the tracks...
That sucks. Do they block porn 2.
I do. I find them very helpful. Once I get started on my Romanian land units, your "Panzer" tutorial will come in very handy. At a first glance, I believe I saw how you animate the tracks...
You will need to have Bryce 5 or 5.5 for this since it involves texture animation which is broken in Bryce 6.x
They also block all im ports, chatting, and can moniter your every click on the computer.
Any serious requests on HOW TO something? Otherwise I'll be posting very random things.
It's like your paintshop pro. Go look at Spacer One's Sig.
I use Adobe Photoshop, the standard of the grafix industry.
You could look at the animation I posted of a dirt / could trail.Wyrm...would it be possible to get a "Wheeled vehicle - Run" tutorial from ya??...
I animate the tires, and tried to make "peel out" dirt trails, but I just cant get it...
Im going for Jeep/Sports car style (actually its a police car )