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NotW XXXVII - The Party [Game Thread]

When words fail to describe the dismay, there's always the facepalm.
Morning Eight

The Eighth dawn of the party, still pretty small by Jubilee standards though in terms of deaths it is quite high. Still, not many parties have werewolves running around, which could be a good explanation for the death toll. It was certainly the reason for The Fanatical Apprentice for not making it to breakfast. The other guests soon forgave Autolycus since he didn't have any legs to walk on nor did he have any heart to keep his body in working order.
Spoiler :

Autolycus the Fanatical Apprentice has been dismembered.

The Guests numbers had dwindled again. If they lost any more there was a very real danger of the party being dead. The Drunken Pirate was just about to explain this when he accidently spilt his rum down his front which promptly caught fire from a nearby candle stick. He ran around engulfed in flames screaming his head off to the laughter of the other guests. Perhaps because he had enough of the pain or for more sinister reasons he suddenly exploded into bits releiving him of the the pain or the ability to feel any pain at all.

Spoiler :
Landlubber the Drunken Pirate was Dentonated.

The Laughing King stood up, It was a while since he laughed. A kind of anger flickered behind his eyes but never made it into speech. Instead he nodded to his Jester who spoke on his behalf.
"Guests, please! We have limited time, our number has grown very small. The King urges us to find those responsible." Said the Jester in a rather panicked voice.

"A usual please tell us who is suspicious and which game we will play in the afternoon. Also there are also some items which guests may claim."​

- - -​

Accusions in Bold
Game in Red
Eyes of Jubilee in blue

Night in 48 Hours
Yes DaveShack has to go. Catharsis for the Eyes
Figures, first time my ability yields something useful and someone other than the cute but annoying (dearly departed) bear cub decides to accuse me. Well, we're getting down to the wire and it's use it or get dismembered/exploded time...

I have been watching from the shadows, to try to look for people using abilities on the deceased. Lots of useless stuff, like the Bear Bub visiting the Courtesan ("nothing" happened, though the Stoned Knight wandered by and might have seen me), the Bear Cub visiting the Goblin on like the 1st or 2nd night (nothing happened).

This time we have a clue. The Jester visited the Pirate -- who then exploded. So, DrumStudent, you have been placed in someone's room right before they died. What defense do you have?

Oh, and Catharsis can have the eyes.
So, DrumStudent, you have been placed in someone's room right before they died. What defense do you have?

Uh, I was not in the room. You are mixed up my good sir. And also, from the update before last:

"Yeah we did responded" the Stoned Knight. "I even tried to kill him!" Not edited. Either DaveShack or RRRaskolnikov are evil. Also, here is a theory. Everytime ya'll have tried to lynch me, I have escaped. This is not an ability of mine. The only true lynch we have gotten was on Darth Caesar. I think he was a Werewolf, and if a Innocent gets the most votes, another is accidentally lynched. Let us try DaveShack today, while playing Settlers of Catan, and Catharsis for the eyes.
Bit of an unprecedented bandwagon on the Blacksmith. Very short posts there from both Diamondeye and RRRaskolnikov. DrumStudent is the only person who makes any effort, but at the same time, I'm not sure how he's linking up "Yeah we did responded" the Stoned Knight. "I even tried to kill him!" with DaveShack/RRRaskolnikov.

He might perhaps have come up with an interesting theory about the accidental lynches, however it seems a bit harsh that a different townie would be killed off because of their comrades mislynch.

The only thing I'll agree with for now is to let Catharsis have the eyes. You'll have to make an actual argument before I decide upon the lynch.
Hang on guys, your most inexorable king is here to solve this problem, using awesome syncretism! D:

Seems like our efforts have been hampered by a most mischievous substituter! I consider his efforts undoubtedly redoubtable - ha! if you will look closely, you will observe a small piece of wordplay - yet nonetheless difficult to collate with an innocent stratagem, desu~

So who among us could perpetrate such solipsistic kerfufflery? Well, my dear friends, my eyes fall only upon one, the sole intellectual among you - that's right, it's me! By which I mean LightFang of course. Why, I am the most untrustworthy harlequin ever to have walked this rather predictable fantasy world. It's the sort of thing I'd do! :blush:

Items to me, for some reason I have decided that I deserve them, and we shall of course be playing Team Fortress 2 to while away the time, desu~~
GM Comment:

Please make sure that if your retract an accusation or place another accusation on another person please make sure you use the strike out tags to retract the orginal accusation.
Bit of an unprecedented bandwagon on the Blacksmith

Yeah, I confess... I suspect Dave to be Tak's murderer. And has been mostly silent the whole party then come up with an interesting ability as he is being accused. DrumStudent is still my prime target (I still don't know why he thinks I am a wolf...) though I am expecting us not being able to lynch him so...
Midday Eight

The King didn't like any of the games suggested so it was to fall to the old standby game of 'dwarf chucking' much to the Druids dismay. Last time he looked, he was the only dwarf and the Kings constant gaze made him uncomfortable. One could say the Druid was lucky for the interruption, another could say the Courtesan was unlucky as she was the distraction. Not only did she manage to get the kings eye off the Dwarven Druid but she also managed to distract everyone from lunch. And just how was this distraction completed? Nothing pleasant I can assure you, nor was it something unique. That's right! She just simply exploded just like seven other guests before her.
Spoiler :
Diamondeye the Beautiful Courtesan was detonated.

It was a shame the king took his eyes off the Dwarven Druid. If he hadn't then he would have noticed the Druid pulling out a few personal items he threw one to the Stoned Knight and threw another to the Colourful Jester.
"What's this For?" asked the Jester.

"It's a surprise" replied the Druid "Daveshack the Blacksmith, if you would be so kind"

The Blacksmith smiled "Why, of course!"​
And with that the Blacksmith pulled out an item of his own. It was a strange box with what looked like a button on it. The Blacksmith pressed the button for a second time that day, and both the Stoned Knight and Colourful Jester Blew up into bits.

The Laughing King stood up suddenly. He could sense he was in great peril. The Feisty Mimic mirrored the Kings movements. But then did somthing strange. He started to grow in size and fur began to cover his body. Suddenly standing before the King was a Mighty Werewolf.

Catharsis Growled "Oh how I waited for this! I dreamt of this day, this day where we overthrow the Mad King"​
He jumped over the table lunging straight for the King's throat. His claws dug in and crushed it in seconds. The Kings body went limp and the Werewolf Howled in Victory.

Spoiler :

Werewolf Victory.

Robbiecon the Dwarven Druid
Daveshack the Hardy Blacksmith
Cathasis the Feisty Mimic

- - -​
I will post an epilogue and all the Role PM's when i get hom from work tommorrow.

I will also include all my thoughts and views.

Thank you everyone for playing, I really enjoyed it even if the innocents got dealt to badly. A special mention to Catharsis who had me in stiches most of the game.
Congratulations to the wolf team. They were dealt a strong hand from the start, both in terms of game mechanics and the composition of their team, but they must be credited with a near-flawless performance. :hatsoff:

And thanks to sprig for running a highly enjoyable game. I'll have more to say on the set-up later. But putting aside issues of balance, this was a top-class NotW. :clap:
Seven people dying in one night, how did that happen?

Well 6 of them were my doing. My ability meant I could implant a bomb into someone each night. DaveShack was able to provide me with more bombs, when I ran out. 4 of those detonations were my implants, Winston Hughes had been given a glovebomb I believe (still not sure of the details of that), and I had already implanted the worn ring in Darth Caesar, which was then voted to Camikaze I think.

The detonator could be used at any time, and would detonate all bombs not in the werewolf teams possession. Plus, a PG was to have at least 5 people detonated at once, otherwise I'd have probably used it as a second kill each night.

As it happens Diamondeye inadvertently asked me for the final bomb. He wanted the amulet, so I obliged. I had the amulet since the start, and felt it was the only item in my possession that I could validly pass off to someone.
Fun game, I thought. Shame about the whole bomb thing, but that only really detracted from the game for me as much as being killed by any means would've.
Well 6 of them were my doing. My ability meant I could implant a bomb into someone each night. DaveShack was able to provide me with more bombs, when I ran out. 4 of those detonations were my implants, Winston Hughes had been given a glovebomb I believe (still not sure of the details of that), and I had already implanted the worn ring in Darth Caesar, which was then voted to Camikaze I think.

The detonator could be used at any time, and would detonate all bombs not in the werewolf teams possession. Plus, a PG was to have at least 5 people detonated at once, otherwise I'd have probably used it as a second kill each night.

As it happens Diamondeye inadvertently asked me for the final bomb. He wanted the amulet, so I obliged. I had the amulet since the start, and felt it was the only item in my possession that I could validly pass off to someone.

What's really frustrating about you exploding us just then is not only that Renata and I had just moved you to the top of our suspect list (which I guess you had an idea of), but also that I was trying to give the damned gloves to rhawn that very night (he didn't reply). :cry:
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