News: SGOTM 13 - Napoleon's Revenge - Signup Thread


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003

SGOTM 13 - Napoleon's Revenge

In this game you are playing Napoleon of the French. Following your defeat by the Sixth Coalition you have been forced to abdicate and exiled to the remote island of Elba. It is time for you to take your revenge on the European powers that have defeated you. Are you up for the challenge, or are you going to end up like the real Napoleon, defeated and condemned to finish your life in exile for the second time?

Thanks for this scenario go to DynamicSpirit.

Please sign up in this thread by February 16 at the latest. To help us to assign players to teams, please indicate your preferred team, whether you have played previous SGOTMs or SGs, and the highest level of Civ4 difficulty you can typically win at.

The game will start on February 25.

As teams seem to be uncomfortable with less than four months to complete, the completion deadline will be June 25.

Game Settings
This is the start of the game (click for a bigger image):

  • Level: Notionally Emperor, but this is a difficult map for warring.
  • Map: You start surrounded by tiny islands (you are after all in exile). Your European opponents have rather more land available.
  • Options: Vassals are disabled.
  • Victory Conditions: All enabled (for the AIs).
  • World Wrap: Cyclindrical.
  • Speed: Epic
  • Opponents: 6 European AIs.
  • Special Map Features: To avoid the game turning into a great-lighthouse-rush, one of your opponents has been pre-settled and already owns a lighthouse and the great lighthouse.

Note that although the real-life Napoleon was exiled in 1814 AD, this game is a standard 4000BC start in all aspects other than the heavily modified map. Also, your opponents aren't exactly the countries of the sixth coalition - DS admits he took a bit of artistic license!

The laurels will go to the teams that can secure the conquest or domination victory with the earliest in-game dates.

Wooden spoons will go to the team who finishes the game (win or lose) with the lowest score.

  • Versions
    This game will be played in Civilization IV Beyond the Sword, version 3.19, using the standard BUFFY-3.19.003 HoF mod.
    If a later BtS patch is released during this game you will NOT be able to use it to play. You will need to complete this game in BtS version 3.19 before updating your copy of BtS, or create and update a separate copy.

    Mac players can only join in if they are able to run the Windows software on their system.
  • Rules and Procedures
    Please visit the Civ4 SGOTM reference thread to check out the rules and procedures to ensure that you are adequately prepared for this game.

    All saved game files uploaded to the server are parsed through software that extracts and archives data about your save, including reload count for each turn set.
  • Spoiler information will absolutely NOT be tolerated in this thread.

Please sign up for this game as soon as possible by posting your own details in this thread. I shall publish draft team lists below in the next ten days.

Current Sign-up Lists
These are currently your stated team preferences. Number of players is shown in brackets.
player: neilmeister
team: T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't
played: SG 11 & 12
level: Immortal
Me three:
1. T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't
2. Yes
3. Monarch (yeah beat my first monarch yesterday) SP; Emperor SG.

Hope to see the rest of the team back, and maybe a few new faces.
I'm in.

1. Gypsy Kings if there are enough of us, otherwise I guess I'm a free agent.
2. Yes.
3. Immortal.
Not a great start for poor Napo! Let's hope the GLH is close (but i doubt).

Team: the long-lived 5th Element
Level: Settler-Immortal, depends by the mod (and the mood)
SGotM: next will be my 12th.

Hope all my mates will join, even some old one.
1. Phoenix Rising
2. SGOTM 11 and 12
3. Immortal
1. Currently teamless
2. SGOTM 9 (with Wonder Bumpkins)
3. Emperor

Keen to learn. I play every BOTM, but don't always submit. Have played through SGOTMs 2 & 12 and read through a few teams' threads for 2, 9 and 12.
Fifth Element
Alan - Don't forget to put a new sticky in the S&T forum
Team Preference: ChokoMisfits
Prior SGOTM exp.: 10, 11, 12
Comfortable Level: Deity (MF)

Sun Tzu Wu
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