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I got in a small fight today in school. The kid was aggravated with me extremely so out of nowhere he punches me in the head. No warning, I was just sitting down. He got 2-4 cheap shots on me until I realized what was going on. I only got him once until the lunch lady came over and stopped it. Now I'm probably going to get suspended even though I didn't even start it and all I did was do what was necessary to stop it.
That's what she- *choxorn is killed by snipers before finishing his comment for making the oldest bad joke known to man*

:( I wanted to make that one :p

Dentest? what is that? haven't seen one in two years? last time I was there I sat in the chair for 10 seconds and all was well... I then decided it isn't worth my time and money :p
It's pretty much a fact now that my surgery has caused more problems than the problem it solved. *sigh*
It's strange that all this discussion about teeth is on the same day I got a silver crown in the back of my mouth. I mostly have problems with my gums, not the teeth themselves.
I've had, for the past week, a deep melancholy set over me and I just cannot shake it. Do you know what I mean? it's nothing specific, just an aching sadness (it really does seem aching) that pervades everything I've done for the past week.

There are things wrong in my life, I know, but every body has problems. I don't know what it is but it maybe mourning for a lost past, the happy things and also all the things I could have done but didn't. Maybe because all of the people I'm meeting at the minute are younger than me, perhaps I long to be their age again and to do life right like they are doing- or to get to know them without the unspoken acknowledgement that I'm too old to be an undergraduate meeting other undergraduates.

Or maybe I'm lost as to what the future holds; I can't see anything to be hopeful about, to look forward to, just losing my friends one by one as we all continue to grow up and go our separate ways.

Such an aching sadness I could curl into a ball and cry

Also our house was burgled :( nothing of mine was taken but just don't feel safe here anymore

I'm really sorry to unburden this here, I just needed to get it out in the open
It's pretty much a fact now that my surgery has caused more problems than the problem it solved. *sigh*

What new problems has it caused?
I never really properly learned to brush :(
I've had, for the past week, a deep melancholy set over me and I just cannot shake it. Do you know what I mean? it's nothing specific, just an aching sadness (it really does seem aching) that pervades everything I've done for the past week.
I think I know what you mean. Sometimes if I find something old that I used to like, maybe an old game or something, I feel down in the dumps. Partially just because of how great the memories were, partially because how life has turned out since then. It usually takes a day or two to go back to normal, but I'm sure the duration depends on who it is. Either way, I hope you'll be feeling better soon.
I'm starting to feel like I am going to slip into a deep melancholy period again :(.

Not looking forward to my second anniversary of getting laid off this December :(.
My worst fears have indeed come true. :(

I'm crying as we speak.

No one died, it's just that I finally realized all the time and energy I spent on Belle Hades and blue alien girls the past 5 years has been for nothing.
No one died, it's just that I finally realized all the time and energy I spent on Belle Hades and blue alien girls the past 5 years has been for nothing.

Hang in there, if you keep working with them you might one day invent a way to make them come to life.
No one died, it's just that I finally realized all the time and energy I spent on Belle Hades and blue alien girls the past 5 years has been for nothing.

At least you've got your health. Thankfully you don't have a mortgages to pay off, kids to feed, or living on the streets after your unemployment runs out.
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