SGOTM 15 - Discussion Thread


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
Please use this thread for public questions and comments about SGOTM 15. It's not a good idea to discuss tactics and strategies in this public thread. These should wait until you can use your team threads.

All sign-ups should be posted in the Sign-up Thread
AP win in! :eek:
Although you have to remain Hindu, which may no helps us...

What happens if one AI goes for Hindu before...instant loss!

Or the setup was made to avoid any mysticism civ except us?

Otherwise, moving around may be not advisable.

In addition, the initial warrior is with the settler...looks like someone doesn't want us to uncover the fog for better city placement.

After more thinking, I think it was as placed in the middle to make difficult where to move the warrior...there is no no-brainer in where to move.

That flood plain was put to force us to move, isn't it? :lol:

Anyways, the question is in blue.

What happens if one AI goes for Hindu before...instant loss!

That is correct, so you probably want to research Polytheism quickly. :)
WHAAT! You sadistic monster. :lol::lol::lol::lol:;)

Tell me, at least, you took measure to avoid the RNG messing with us...even if we settle in place.

I promise, you have at least a 50% chance of getting it. ;):mischief:
I do not understand the part where it says "you must found Hinduism as soon as you found your first city". Clearly, we cannot found Hinduism until several turns AFTER we found our first city, unless you gave us a GPro to bulb it with.

My question though, is: Is it prohibitted to found a second city BEFORE founding Polytheism? Are you trying to say we need to found Hinduism in the first city we found?
What its trying to say is that you don't want to take any risk in founding it, and you should start immediately. It is a binary event.

As long as you found Hinduism, revolt, and stay Hindu for the rest of the game (that means no Free Religion btw), then you can do it when you please... but it would be foolish to delay. This does not mean that you have to settle on turn 0, it just means don't faff about. :)

To make it very clear: you cannot conquer the city that founded Hindu to fulfill this requirement, it must be founded in a city you settle.
neilmeister, you might consider being more precise with your description of the Hindu requirement. Otherwise some people around here are going to give you endless grief. For starters, even if you have us beginning with Polytheism, we don't found Hinduism till Turn 6. :eek: Also, judging from your follow-up post, it's unclear whether we need to revolt to Hinduism on the same turn that we found Hinduism.
I'd have thought even the barrack room lawyers would have more important things to think about at this time of year. However, I have modified the requirement statement in the first post of the sign-up thread, removing any reference to your cities - first or otherwise. It now says "You must found Hinduism, convert to it as your first and only religion, and then remain Hindu for the entire game."

In other words, as neilmeister says, it's entirely up to you what risks you are prepared to take when deciding when to found or convert.
I think it's:

1-settle Delhi
2-select Polytheism as first tech
4-found Hinduism
5-convert to Hinduism and stick with it all game long.

I had a few extra paragraphs written down but they might be considered spoilerish so I removed them.
Nice try Alan, but reading your post and Neil's, I have to ask if this scenario is permitted:

found Hinduism
stay no religion
switch to Free Religion
switch to a religious civic
convert to Hinduism
complete victory condition

not that anyone would do this, but is it allowed?
can we be in Free Religion while waiting to convert?
What its trying to say is that you don't want to take any risk in founding it, and you should start immediately. It is a binary event.

As long as you found Hinduism, revolt, and stay Hindu for the rest of the game (that means no Free Religion btw), then you can do it when you please... but it would be foolish to delay. This does not mean that you have to settle on turn 0, it just means don't faff about. :)

To make it very clear: you cannot conquer the city that founded Hindu to fulfill this requirement, it must be founded in a city you settle.

Nice try Alan, but reading your post and Neil's, I have to ask if this scenario is permitted:

found Hinduism
stay no religion
switch to Free Religion
switch to a religious civic
convert to Hinduism
complete victory condition

not that anyone would do this, but is it allowed?
can we be in Free Religion while waiting to convert?

Try again???
Try again???
Clearly, the prohibition against Free Religion is there to prevent us from being Hindu and avoid negative points with other civs by getting around it via FR.
With this as the purpose, is the restriction there primarily for the above, in that case, is it permissible before we convert?
My interpretation is that you have to found Hinduism and upon founding it convert to it, never to leave the Hindu fold again. So you're free to found it whenever you want (at your own risk of losing pretty quickly ofc), but not free to convert to it whenever you want. That's contrary to what AlanH states, but I thought pretty clearly the intention of neilmeister. Then again, this is my interpretation. :p

The endless grief LC referred to has been unleashed. :lol:
That's why we have these discussion threads - because we like to discuss. :mischief:

The endless grief LC referred to has been unleashed. :lol:
I LOL'd at LC post: he so diplomatically asked the questions and predicted others would be providing endless grief. :lol:

... Clearly, we cannot found Hinduism until several turns AFTER we found our first city, unless you gave us a GPro to bulb it with.
Having a great prophet would make it interesting: you can't use him to bulb Hinduism until another civ founds Buddism. What if another civ goes Poly first? I think you can't take that chance and would still need to beeline Poly.

"You must found Hinduism, convert to it as your first and only religion, and then remain Hindu for the entire game."
Are we allowed to found other religions? Or restricted from being the first civ to their techs?
Seems clear to me, you lose Hindu = game over ;)
Rest is up to the teams.

My guess would be most of the AIs will have a different religion (Isa zealot spreading ;) ), making diplo hard.
Also they will get the AP, well iam always suspicious about this part of the game cos as we all know the AP is not well thought out. I trust that you make sure to take it's worst features out of the game ;)
Glad to see that any and all ambiguities in this Hinduism business will be utterly resolved, and probably before the game starts. ;) I was more interested in the "No Tech Brokering" part. I assume that all of the following are impossible?
  • Trade tech(s) for tech(s)
  • Trade our techs for AI gold (or anything else except techs)
  • Trade AI techs for our gold (or anything else except techs)
  • Extortion of techs from or by us as part of a peace deal
  • Gifting of techs by or to us
No tech trades on Emperor--yikes! :eek:

I'm a little fuzzy on "City Flip After Conquest." What exactly does this mean, and isn't it the default setting?
You misunderstood that @Xcali, no tech brokering means that only self-researched techs can be traded.
Sooo for example you couldn't trade away your Aesthetics for Alphabet and then trade Alpha to other AIs.
You can however trade Aest. with everyone.
Clearly, the prohibition against Free Religion is there to prevent us from being Hindu and avoid negative points with other civs by getting around it via FR.
With this as the purpose, is the restriction there primarily for the above, in that case, is it permissible before we convert?

When you are in FR, you are not in Hindu religion. Since the requirement is to adopt immidiately and stay in Hindu religion, FR is not an option if you want to win the game within SG15 rules.
Glad to see that any and all ambiguities in this Hinduism business will be utterly resolved, and probably before the game starts. ;) I was more interested in the "No Tech Brokering" part. I assume that all of the following are impossible?
  • Trade tech(s) for tech(s)
  • Trade our techs for AI gold (or anything else except techs)
  • Trade AI techs for our gold (or anything else except techs)
  • Extortion of techs from or by us as part of a peace deal
  • Gifting of techs by or to us
No tech trades on Emperor--yikes! :eek:

I'm a little fuzzy on "City Flip After Conquest." What exactly does this mean, and isn't it the default setting?

No Tech Brokering means you can only trade away techs you've researched yourself (i.e. you can't trade for X and then trade X for Y with another AI). The same applies to the other players.

City Flipping After Conquest: by default, although a conquered city can revolt (lose a few turns' production), it will never culture flip back to a previous owner. This setting makes conquered cities culture flip like normal.
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