The Great DoC UHV v 1.10 challenge

I added only a stone resource close to Timbuktu.
Didn't Leoreth add new resources near Timbuktu? If not, I would recommend settling your capital at Wagadugu (Ouagadougu?) to the east. It cripples your southern cities a bit but the production is vastly better.

I added only a stone resource close to Timbuktu.

Wagadagu (2S2E, as capital and Islamic city), Timbuktu (1W) and Accra are my preferred cities for UHV, Djenne sometimes if I think I can spare the production of a settler. The stone can be hooked up after Wagadagu's second border pop and in time to build University of Sankore most of the time.
Clearly, this can be a lot better. I was slacking off during most of the game, but wanted to win -something- after failing my Ethiopian and Moorish games. Founded Oslo on the spot and Lulea a few turns later. A galley dropped a settler in Ireland to enable later access to Iceland and then America. I was forced to build Vinland. With proper timing you could build a fortress there instead and sail on to found Washington or Chicago.

The Roman Empire collapsed before I met them. They were quite big too, leaving a rich France and Italy for pillaging. My starting troops collected some 1300 gold before finally getting picked off by the independent legions. With the gold I hired mercenaries to crush England. Unfortunately, I had to wait for the 10 turns peace to pass and paid upkeep through my nose.

I was hesitant to attack the other Europeans, instead opting to tech up a bit and improve economy. You can win -much- sooner by focussing on troops and having a large enough army to actually win battles, which I only got late. Aztec defended with mercenary knights and heavy swordsmen, but I capitulated Inca easily.

Still, pretty fun to play. Will replay one day to set a better time and score.

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Forgot to make a save again, so this is the turn after victory. Holy Rome chickened out and capitulated to Turkey, forcing peace.


  • VictoryViking.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Fast paced game winning on last turn with my last Great ppl shipped and settled at last turn:)


Cordoba: build harbor, then barracks, then catapults. Dont whip anything! u need size 13 by 1000 ad to be first city!

Marakesh: build fishboat, then mesquita with marble from arabia and libray/temple to start farming great persons.

1- Cleared Spain with cordoba catapults + lots of mercenaries, check mercanaries all the time and buy cheap ones.

2- Started shipping my spanish army around 1000 to start killing the Mali in time for 1200

3- Rest of game was holding off a gangbang from France, poland and portugal.Eventualy killed portugal with Mali army shipped back:) and yeah farmed a few more great ppl just in time.

4- tech was Drama for happiness, then traded stuff with arabia.

5- Founded Warhan on Dye and Tanger on iron to fullfill magreb 3/3
Final score Shaka Zulu 9726 pts.


  • Abd-ar-Rahman AD-1300 Turn 251.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Not a hard set of UHV but France is very fun to play and I tried to go for max score.

Monarch, normal, 9347. Finish date is 1800, virtual in 1766 as per the screenshot with the 2/3 one turn after the Eiffel Tower was completed.

France is one of the civs the least affected by the 1.9 changes. In fact, it's arguably easier than it used to be, with Spain and HRE weakened by the the Moors and Poland. In this case, I don't think it was as much factor with Cordoba falling super early to the spanish, my most persistent opponent in the early stage of the game.

I started by rushing a galley from Bordeaux, to send the 2nd settler in Scotland. The indep city in Ireland was taken when it reached Pop 2 from a single axeman.

Immediately after spawning, the whole of the HRE army went straight for Rome, roughly 10 units. With the castle removed from Rome, this is a much faster siege. I sent all my spare troops (1 longbow, 1 Xbow, 3 swords and 1 axe) to try and wrest Rome from the victor. As it was, the city fell to HRE and I immediately declared on them and wiped the survivors. With their whole initial army destroyed, the war was already over. However Byzantium joined the fray and their neapolis army attacked Rome right away, but were repulsed. I was down to only 2 units in Rome, but the city held and I eventually made peace. At this point, early in the game still, with 6 good cities, and no italian spawn forthcoming since there were no independant cities left, it definitely was a dominant position.

Next I started preparing to invade england, as they are so weak with only 2 cities and no iron (due to scotland). As I was ferrying troops across to invade from Scotland, Spain attacked. They nearly captured Marseilles from the start, but were repulsed. I rushed most troops back to the south and kept a defensive posture, as I didn't feel invading Spain as this stage was the best course of actions. I thought that with heavy casualties off the bat, they would make peace quickly. I was wrong, the war dragged on in series of across the border raids, and fishing boats being defended/pillaged.

Eventually they were willing to talk peace, and I turned my attention northward again. The very next turn, England offered to vassalize. I decided to accept since the european domination target is much easier with vassals, and there are only 3 valid nations - meaning stable up to 1800: Vikings, Spain and England. Plus, England is a great research slave. I got gunpowder, military science and chemistry from them, allowing me to focus on the culture, wonders and technological techs.

So Spain it was as the next target. I waited for the 10 turns treaty to expire and built up troops, then invaded. It was a rout, and I ended up capturing Barcelona, Santiago and Cordoba before they collapsed, leaving independant Madrid. I also invaded Portugal and razed Lisbon to clear their culture. Surprisingly, they never collapsed.

Looking back, going for Spain right away would have shaved off many turns for the virtual UHV and probably would have snowballed into a higher score. But that's all in hindsight from England peacevassaling.

I settled 4 cities in the great plains in the mid 1500s, covering the north american land requirement.

Meanwhile in Europe, I only covered for 34ish% after popping borders in Spain. Netherland stayed catholic through the reformation... and declared war on me because England turned protestant, along with Mexico, Portugal and Incas. Talk about really weird stuff. With weak defence and a dozen rank 4+ units stationned near Paris, Amsterdam fell on the next turn and that was it for the Dutch, but still not enough land in Europe by 1600.

I decided to invade the Turks, but before that I teched up before getting too many cities (I was already at 14 so at least 2 over the optimal amount). I stole military tradition from the ottomans, traded for Chemistry, upgraded my veterans and invaded Turkey, which was quite huge then, and at war with Egypt. With most of their army away, Constantinople fell easily, and I was very surprised when they were ready to capitulate and I jumped on the occasion, reaching 44% land in Europe and wrapping up the last UHV (I forget the exact date, but it was in the early 1700s).

I teched up to Radio, got the english to research steel (and stole it from them right when Radio was completed), rushed the Eiffel Tower with a GE in 1763 and voila, virtual win in 1766.

The last few years were spent expanding as much as I could by conquering and settling all over the place to pad up my score.

Attached files: save in 1796, virtual UHV screenshot and score.


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England, monarch, normal, 7862, virtual win in 1775.

Things with England are a little more complicated with the advent of the moors. What I used to do, was send 1 settle in south africa, 1 to scotland, and 1 to Tunisia and sending a 2nd one to algeria soon after. This not only settled 3 of the rare good spots in Africa, but also established a strong base to leapfrog to Alexandria and the great lighthouse.

This is no longer possible since the moors will not open borders until the renaissance, and england's tiny army makes forcing the gibraltar straits a losing proposition. So I sent both settlers to the south, one to the usual Durban spot, and the second one in east africa, just south of the river to get 3 freshwater lake tiles and a fish as food sources. This is not a great city spot, but there's just very little left available in Africa with the starting situation.

I conquered ireland when the indep city spawned and reached size 2, and stayed at 5 cities for a long time. I got islam in edinburgh, which meant the red fort in london. I went for patronage quickly, and with the leaning tower also in London, this meant a massive GP farm. Maybe going for astronomy earlier would have been better, I'm just not sure.

I got both conquerors and just moved them as garrison for my future colonies. I got the best spots in the great plains and south america in the mid 1500s. Meanwhile, my african colonies were building troops, and when the trading company was finished in 1620, I took the troops option and along with the african levies, I had 40ish units to conquer india. Northern India was reached relatively quickly, but after the mughals took forever to collapse, choking my cities for longer than I wished for.

I still needed 2 african cities, and for style I decided to go for egypt, currently a vassal of Turkey. I moved troops from the homeland and south america through the mediterranean, while indian veterans came from the red sea. I wrapped up the last 2 cities just in time and made peace. This ended up being fruitless as mongols declared war on me, and with my 2 egyptian cities still choked from egypt culture and no open borders, mongols were able to pick my 2 garrisons apart.

The technological goal takes significantly longer with radio not being in the modern age anymore, and requiring steam power. I still ended up with the virtual win in 1775 when I finished mass media.

Maybe it's been said before, but this UHV would be more historical if the asian targets actually meant south and southeast asia, because obviously I wend the hard way being conquering india, when I could just have settled kamtchaka or some other silly place.


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  • Victoria 1.10.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Score: 18810
Virtual UHV: 1280AD

This was a lot of fun. Not overly difficult, but my there are a lot of Seljuks!

Early strategy was to hit Byzantines repeatedly and demand as much as possible each time they wanted to sue for peace. The first time I got Sailing, the second time Aesthetics. Camel Archers razed the Byzantine cities in Anatolia, captured the Persian cities and razed Aksum. Used a settler to found a replacement city in Ethiopia 1NW of Aksum. Remaining settler headed around the independent Mahgreb cities to make contact with Moors and found/liberate Tunis to them. Moors vassalised peacefully not long afterwards.

After conquering Persia, I razed the first independent city in India (near the Marble) and conquered Delhi. Chased and captured a whole bunch (about 8) of independent workers in India. I also tried to create a Tibetan empire, by capturing/liberating Patliputra and Samarkand and for a while Tibet actually had four cities. Sadly the eventual spawns of the Mughals and Mongols flipped everything outside of Tibet. :(

When the Byzantines weren't looking (I think most of their troops had moved out of the capital to fight some barbs) I sneak-declared war on them again and took Constantinople, which conveniently had Catholicism. Constantinople then spent the next 300 years or so either building Islamic missionaries or Catholic wonders.

The middle period of the game was all about building troops, lots of them, to prepare for the Seljuk spawn(s). I built six Catapults and left them in each of my Persian cities, and just managed to learn Gunpowder before 1050AD so that I could upgrade them to Bombards in time. A combination of Bombard action and about 4-5 Camel Archers in each of my Persian cities was enough to smash the Seljuks.

I peacefully spread Islam via open borders to HRE, Russia, Poland and Vikings but that only took Isalm to 38%. So I declared war on France and crushed three of their cities in the first two turns of the invasion. They promptly capitulated and I liberated their cities back to them. Islam was at 41% in about 1200AD.

Spain then beat me to the punch and declared war first (!) so I obliged and crushed them also. Portugal was the last piece of the UHV condition, conquered in 1280AD.

Right at the end, Constantinople wanted to flip to Turkey, which was annoying, but I had too many wonders in there to allow the flip. Circumnavigation was in 1290AD when I also met the Aztecs and Inca, who immediately peace-vassalised. No conquerors though (too early).
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Nowhere near Jusos's 1.9 topscore, but I wanted to play Egypt in 1.10. Getting the UHV is easy; maximizing score with the remaining time can be tricky. I'm not aggressive enough to destroy Greece before they get conquerors. They are easy enough to beat, but every turn spent at home is another turn not conquering cities. And Rome is just a big pain. All those free legionnaires, ugh.

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  • VictoryEgypt.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Score: 10553
Date: 1360AD

Declared war on China from the outset. Took Chengdu first and then with promoted horsie took Chang'an and sued for peace. Captured Patliputra and Delhi for the 1st UHV goal.

I was quite lucky with the spread of Buddhism, with both Japan and Korea adopting it as their state religion and thereby preventing the spread of other religions in their cities. Spammed Buddhist missionaries from every city prior to 1000AD. Gifted several missionaries to Arabia who used them to spread Buddhism in Baghdad and several other cities. Got the 2nd UHV goal in exactly 1000AD.

Arabia auto-declared war. :( But it was a phoney war, because the Seljuks got in their way before they could get any troops close enough to our border for it to matter. The Arabians conveniently fought quite well against the Seljuks. Because of the large numbers of Arabian troops in Qandahar, the city never actually fell to the Seljuks, although Badhdad and the rest of Persia did.

From here, it was troop production all the way to the finish. I conquered the rest of India for the experience, ended up having 3x horsies with attached Great Generals. By the time that the Mughals spawned, I had a stack of Knights waiting for them. Refused the flip and annihilated their stack, recaptured Delhi (eliminating them) and then quickly got all of my troops out of the spawn zone. Had to disband several Knights, but they weren't going to be able to reach the Mongol battlefront area in time anyway.

Remaing battles were against the Mongols. My there are a lot of Keshiks. China vassalised to me, but still lost about four cities to conquest. I was then able to start turning the tide back against the Mongols, slowly but surely. Once Beijing was recaptured, the Mongols sued for peace.

Stability was Unstable by 1200AD and Collapsing by 1300AD. Just managed to hang on long enough to generate the last Great Prophet in time, before my likely imminent collapse.
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Score: 3226
Date: 1360AD

Founding cities on resources is definitely the way to go. Capital on the Silver, second city on the Stone. Got to Calendar with a couple of turns to spare.

The extra Plains Hill south of the Stone makes getting the Temple of Kulkullan easy. I finished it with 100+ years to spare. Had to wait around for so non-barbarians to spawn. Eventually Tucume provided a Native target (Warrior). Sent a Galley via the fort on the (Banana) tile, with some Catapults down to sit outside Tucume and bombard like it was going out of fashion. My workers eventually connected a road all the way south too, then they chopped the forest which (surprisingly) gave +13 hammers to Tucume. Which turned into a 2nd Native Warrior! :king: Double speed combat experience from this point forwards.

Eventually the Inca and Aztecs spawned, but I had to wait 10 turns to be able to declare war on the Aztecs. The last 10 or so experience points came in a rush. Captured the Aztec capital after the General was born just because I could.

I didn't check via worldbuilder what happened to the old world civs, but it would appear that most of the Pantheon wonders never got built. As well as the Temple of Kulkallan, I also nabbed Great Cothon, Great Lighthouse, Colossus and Colosseum. Possibly had time to complete one more wonder if I'd built less defensive units along the way.

Fun little game all round.

What conquerors? :cool:
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I didn't check via worldbuilder what happened to the old world civs, but it would appear that most of the Pantheon wonders never got built. As well as the Temple of Kulkallan, I also nabbed Great Cothon, Great Lighthouse, Colossus and Colosseum.

this happened in my recent maya game too. i decided to not build kulkan until after 900 and built all the rest of the classic wonders, heading towards space race. once you get cothon on the eastern city, you have two power houses.
Had to wait around for so non-barbarians to spawn. Eventually Tucume provided a Native target (Warrior). Sent a Galley via the fort on the (Banana) tile, with some Catapults down to sit outside Tucume and bombard like it was going out of fashion. My workers eventually connected a road all the way south too, then they chopped the forest which (surprisingly) gave +13 hammers to Tucume. Which turned into a 2nd Native Warrior! :king: Double speed combat experience from this point forwards.

Brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of the experience you get from siege weapons? I used your idea for an even quicker win than my last one: 990AD!

Oxwitik trained a scout, then whipped out a library, while Huaxyacac built a pagan temple, work boat and barracks. A relatively early settler founded Tuitan, which will be building the Temple of Kukulkan as well as defences against those mighty annoying barbarians. As soon as possible, build some colonies on the coast of South America, then grant independence and start pounding away with catapults. I ended up building three cities, but two should be fine, as Tucume spawned before I even had catapults by the third city.

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  • AutoSave_AD-0990 Turn 220.CivBeyondSwordSave
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I rolled a few starts to see no workers spawning after two turns. This seems to happen often as Greece... I added them with world builder, being careful not to look around.

Two Huluganni flipped at the start. I shipped them plus starting Phalanxes to conquer Egypt with no losses. Auto-war with Persia allowed me to quickly take Jerusalem from them. Babylon collapsed and I took that city as well. For some reason the Persians were heavily fortified in Ur, fighting off Assyrians, so I passed them and went for Persepolis. Turns out I should have conquered Sur right away - Phoenicia culture flipped Jerusalem from me, leaving me in an awkward position to take it back on the very last turn.

Egypt had been fuelling the war effort with swordsmen, while Korinthos and Salona built wonders. At least that part of the UHV was done with time (and wonders!) to spare. It took a bit longer to research Philosophy, since I unfortunately didn't spawn any great scientists. Finished in 130BC, when the game registered victory a turn after researching Philosophy.

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  • VictoryGreece.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Babylonia UHV, monarch, normal

I found Babylonia UHV extreamly easy. Correct way to research is: mystism -> writing -> masonry -> polyteism -> priesthood -> monarchy.

Building order is: worker -> grannary -> library -> something -> hanging gardens or other wonder -> something -> oracle -> more wonders.

You dont need to move your starting warrior because you dont need to explore or hunt huts. Random element is what Egypt will research, if you are lucky they dont research Hanging Gardens and it is yours.

Oh wait... it that all?

Yes, it is that easy.

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Luckily enough Moors collapsed and I could take Maghreb, I also found the La Mezquita there which was a bonus. But more importantly, I got the plague just before 1500, so I was able to finish the UHV without much trouble.

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I rolled a few starts to see no workers spawning after two turns. This seems to happen often as Greece... I added them with world builder, being careful not to look around.

Did you happen to notice if the auto-play had run over by one turn? This used to happen often enough to me when loading up starts as Greece and given that you moved from the Athens location, if your "first turn" was actually already your second turn, you would miss getting any workers as you would have no cities founded in time.
Brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of the experience you get from siege weapons? I used your idea for an even quicker win than my last one: 990AD!

Oxwitik trained a scout, then whipped out a library, while Huaxyacac built a pagan temple, work boat and barracks. A relatively early settler founded Tuitan, which will be building the Temple of Kukulkan as well as defences against those mighty annoying barbarians. As soon as possible, build some colonies on the coast of South America, then grant independence and start pounding away with catapults. I ended up building three cities, but two should be fine, as Tucume spawned before I even had catapults by the third city.

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Good job. :goodjob: Wait for the "nerf" to this strategy from Leoreth however... ?
I suppose independents could be treated as barbarians with regard to combat experience, but that might unnecessarily nerf other civilizations. It would also make my "rush Inca" strategy the fastest, which is still awkward. I like the great general goal much better than the old one of never losing a city before -bla-, though.
Sure, you don't -need- to explore as Babylon, but gold and random technologies do help. This time, I popped mining, giving just that extra bit of production (+1 hammer and +1 commerce from the mined rather than forested hill; granted, it's not much :D).

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