Louis XIV Is A Cunning Jerk


Nov 10, 2011
I trounced him in a war, and he offers to surrender, giving me one of his cities in return. This is it.

Does the AI do stuff like this intentionally?


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Usually by the time you've beaten them so badly that they're offering cities, you might as well go all the way. If he were any good as a techer, you could vassal him. In my limited experience, Louis is one of the worst AI players, who's only good for founding multiple early religions and building a couple of wonders before you walk in on his 3 warriors and an archer and take it all for yourself.

I think you should give that city away. Let someone else feel the embarrassment of losing a city to barbs....
Haven't you ever done this to an AI before?!

Cracks me up every time.
Haven't you ever done this to an AI before?!

Hilarious. In my current game I took a city from Mansa, whipped out three archers and gave it back at pop one after ending the war... just to be a nice guy, of course. No ulterior motive. :rolleyes:

Barbs took it from him, then I took it from the barbs and burned it to the ground. It was in a bad spot but I wanted those three archers from the whip. ;)
I ghost Louie just on general principles. I think maybe it's the hair.. Has to much mousse in it.
My favorite has got to be gifting a city to an AI that's about to be annihilated by someone else. Place it in the crappiest terrain you can find so it can't be an expansion threat to you, and then...WHAM!!! Once they lose their capital, all of a sudden say hello to Elizabeth, Queen of the Arctic!!! (who loves me because of our fair and forthright trade relations, naturally...)
Usually by the time you've beaten them so badly that they're offering cities, you might as well go all the way. If he were any good as a techer, you could vassal him. In my limited experience, Louis is one of the worst AI players, who's only good for founding multiple early religions and building a couple of wonders before you walk in on his 3 warriors and an archer and take it all for yourself.

I think you should give that city away. Let someone else feel the embarrassment of losing a city to barbs....

Yeah, it's a bad habit of mine. I love the game when its at its most intricate diplomatically, so I prefer to allow civs to hang on, rather than eliminating them - if only to use them as pawns against the other major players. I always find there's something strangely depressing about a game where there's only a handful of civs left.

Haven't you ever done this to an AI before?!

Cracks me up every time.

Heh I've never seen them do it before though. I wonder if he just made the trade because it was his worst city, or if he did it deliberately, just to screw me?
I think you should give that city away. Let someone else feel the embarrassment of losing a city to barbs....

If you gift it to someone, don't a pair of defenders spawn in the city?

Also, when you go to peace talks and they offer up a city, you can back out of the peace talks and scroll around to see what city they are offering. When you go back to the table they won't have changed their offer any if you haven't done anything else to piss them off.
My favorite has got to be gifting a city to an AI that's about to be annihilated by someone else. Place it in the crappiest terrain you can find so it can't be an expansion threat to you, and then...WHAM!!! Once they lose their capital, all of a sudden say hello to Elizabeth, Queen of the Arctic!!! (who loves me because of our fair and forthright trade relations, naturally...)

Oooo! That's a nice trick there, very clever! I'll have to try that sometime...
My favorite has got to be gifting a city to an AI that's about to be annihilated by someone else. Place it in the crappiest terrain you can find so it can't be an expansion threat to you, and then...WHAM!!! Once they lose their capital, all of a sudden say hello to Elizabeth, Queen of the Arctic!!! (who loves me because of our fair and forthright trade relations, naturally...)

Yeah, the last time I tried that. Apparently the Zulus weren't quite finished with Elizabeth and marched a 50 unit stack through my territory to finish her off. And once they did, they parked that 50 unit stack in that city and eventually used it as their base to attack me later.
Yeah, the last time I tried that. Apparently the Zulus weren't quite finished with Elizabeth and marched a 50 unit stack through my territory to finish her off. And once they did, they parked that 50 unit stack in that city and eventually used it as their base to attack me later.

Probably wasn't at the time, but this is hilarious.
Yeah, the last time I tried that. Apparently the Zulus weren't quite finished with Elizabeth and marched a 50 unit stack through my territory to finish her off. And once they did, they parked that 50 unit stack in that city and eventually used it as their base to attack me later.

The nice part about a stack that big is how vulnerable it is to tac nukes :mischief:

Also, to avoid this, only do this trick if you can make their last city some resourceless ice isle or whatever. Its even better than killing them completely because it will cause their score to decay for the remainder of the game :D
:lol: :lol:
Yeah, I was still not quite to nukes yet.

And it was a realllllllly crappy city.

After reading here, I've been doing quite a bit gifting of designed sucker cities. We play no tech trading so your opportunities to influence certain things is greatly reduced. It's amazing how well this works with TOK. At the cost of a settler and missionary, I can get him to friendly quite easily. He has been much more a good neighbor these days.
Wow. Build a city you don't really want, give it away, have a friend for the duration...there's a lot to be said for that...even if tech trading isn't turned off.
One of the many things I learned here. I doubt I would have thought that one up myself.

It's even more humorous because I always select a crappy location that touches their cultural border and when you go to the diplomacy screen you don't get the option to liberate any of your great cities, just the crappy ones near him. You don't want me to liberate my 10 wonder city, but you do that crappy tundra only city. OK FINE. :lol:
In my experience, the AI only offers crappy cities that I would rather not defend nor manage myself.
Usually AI sort cities by culture rather than the actual value. I've gotten a 3rd civ's double shrine ex capitol before because the civ I was fighting with had just captured it.
No, no, no. Retitle the thread "Louis XIV is a Lousy Friend!"
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