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Civ Design Challange VIII: Fictionland

This one is from a book I will get round to writing one day, after I write everything else on my list.

The Northern Continent
Leader: Milaek

UA: Naturally Powerful: Enemy units ending a turn within two tiles of a Great General or Admiral you control have a small chance to disappear. Conquered cities in Resistance grant all yields if you have a unit garrisoned.

UU: High Mage: Unlike the Great Prophet it replaces, the High Mage can be also be expended convert all enemy units within two tiles of it to your command, including Great People.

UI: Time Trap: Unlocked at Writing, the Time Trap can be built on grassland, plains and hills and is invisible to enemy units. Enemy units stationed on a Time Trap cannot attack, and if only one unit is stationed on it, they cannot move.

EDIT: This is not my submission for this challenge.
The Mushroom Kingdom Invention Department (Professor E. Gadd)
UA: Time Holes: Time Holes occasionally spawn in the Fog of War (just like Barbarian Camps). Whenever a friendly unit enters a Time Hole, it travels back to the past to take is his old self to the present: The Time Hole is destroyed and a copy of the unit (of how it was 10 turns ago*) is spawned**. Gain a small boost of :c5science: Science (that scales with era and Gamespeed) whenever a Time Hole is used.

UB: Junior Shrooboid Examination Tube (JSET)(replaces the Research Lab): In addition to the normal bonuses of the Research Lab, the JSET also spawns in a Time Machine upon creation (can only happen once per city), which can be expended to spawn in a Time Hole on a tile of choice.
Additionally, whenever a Captured Enemy Unit is stationed within a city with a JSET, the JSET's bonuses are doubled (including the specialist slot; meaning that you get 2 specialist slots, though the specialist bonuses are NOT doubled). After 10 turns, the Captured Unit is fully examined and thus will not provide any bonuses anymore.

UU: Hydrogush 4000 (replaces the Cannon): Unlike the Cannon, the Hydrogush 4000 only has 12 :c5strength: Combat Strength and only gains a 150% Bonus when attacking Cities.
However, whenever the Hydrogush 4000 attack an enemy unit, it moves that unit one tile backwards. If that tile is blocked by a mountain, the unit takes extra damage (and is not moved). If the tile is blocked by another unit, both units take extra damage (and none of the units are moved).
Additionally, whenever this unit attacks a City, it reduces the City's Attack Range to one for one turn (the water reduces the effectiveness of all the fiery bolts).

Spoiler * :

*E.g. Turn 1: The unit has PROMOTION_SHOCK_1, has 3 XP, 60HP, and is UNIT_ARCHER. Turn 11: The unit now has PROMOTION_SHOCK_2, has 0XP, has 80HP, is UNIT_CROSSBOWMEN, and enters a Time Hole ->
Result: A UNIT_ARCHER with PROMOTION_SHCOK_1, 3XP and 60HP spawns next to the crossbowmen.

**:c5greatperson: Great People are prevented from entering Time Holes, since they are too valuable for the empire to take the risk of not returning!

A design that focuses around Professor E. Gadd and his appearance in Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (ds)
"To hold in my hand a capsule that contains such power, to know that life and death on such a scale was my choice... To know that the tiny pressure of my thumb, enough to break the glass, would end everything... Yes, I would do it! That power would set me up above the gods!"

Skaro under Davros
For the duration of a War, you and your enemy gain a +5% increase in Science (caps at +25%). Units gain a +10% Combat Bonus for 10 turns upon being upgraded, doubled if the Technology was recently discovered.

UU: Dalek
More powerful yet more expensive than the Mechanised Infantry, which it replaces, the Dalek gains a combat bonus against units from a previous era, and gains a small amount of Science and Golden Age points from defeating them. Additionally, it may be upgraded into a "Special Weapons Dalek" unit, a slower, ranged unit with a large combat bonus against armoured units.

UB: Kaled Dome
Slightly cheaper than the Research Lab, which it replaces, the Kaled Dome provides additional Combat Strength and Unhappiness. In addition, cities with a Kaled Dome may expend one Population in exchange for either a powerful military unit or an advance in a military Technology.
Actually, I'm going to change my design.

Before anyone says Xenoblade isn't time travel, Precognition is counted among the aspects of time travel fiction.
The Mechonis

Leader: Egil

UA: Crush the Colonies: Mechon units in unfriendly City State territory get a combat bonus equal to the amount of negative influence you have. Workers may enter Foreign Territory without open borders.

UU: Face Mechon: Unlike the Great General it replaces, the Face Mechon grants an additional attack bonus to Mechon units against cities, and grants Great General points whenever an enemy unit is killed within two tiles.

UI: Ether Mine:Unlocked at Metal Casting, the Ether Mine can only be built outside of your territory. Any Mechon unit ending a turn on an Ether Mine recovers 2% of their total health when inside your territory, and 4% when outside your territory.
If Xenoblade Chronicles counts as Time-Travel fiction, guess what else counts?
:c5war: Regna Ferox :c5culture:
Khan Basilio and Khan Flavia

UA: Battle Politics
Gain a sum of :c5culture: culture whenever you declare a war or kill an enemy unit. Once every 15 turns, a tournament is held in your Capital, increasing :c5culture: culture and :c5gold: gold production for 5 turns and generating a Champion.
UU: Champion
Replaces Great General. In addition to the Great General's abilities, a Champion located within a city increases that city's :c5rangedstrength: strength and :c5happy: happiness.
UU: Myrmidon
Replaces Swordsman. While weaker than the swordsman it replaces with 11 :c5strength: strength, the Myrmidon has a :c5moves: movement of 3 and has a 25% chance to avoid combat whenever attacked.
If Xenoblade Chronicles counts as Time-Travel fiction, guess what else counts?

I'd have said not to do Regna Ferox, but it seems to be a hotspot for the children, so that should work.
Based off a Stargate episode (or was it one of the movies?). anyway, Stargate isn't really about time travel, but that specific episode fits the challenge's description properly.

Goa'uld (Ra)
UA: Gods on Earth
May enter the territory of civilizations following your :c5faith: religion without open borders. Capturing a civilian unit grants you a sum of :c5faith: faith and :c5science: scinece, in addition to converting a fraction of the unit original owner's population to your religion.

UB: Egyptian Temple
Replaces temple. Grants +1% :c5faith: faith for every city founded by other civilizations that now follows your religion (extra 4% for each :c5capital: capital, max. 50%). if you've conquered at least one city, the Egyptian temple won't cost any maintenance.

UU: Staff Gunner
Replaces Rifleman. starts with 40 :c5strength: strength, and gains even more :c5strength: the more you research as opposed to becoming obsolete. it will retain its price, and gain 10 XP for each :c5strength: strength upgrade it received.
I got 2 idea for this challange, Yith (Lovecraft) and Homura (PMMM), and since someone has actually made the latter, then...
Yithian Commune
:c5capital: Pnakotus

UA - The Great Race
Spies in other civ's city gather Science, Faith, Great Scientist point, and/or Culture which type and value is based on the city's output, your total output, your spy rank, number of Temporal Gate you have, and number of Great Scientist you have at that point. Can expend Great Scientist to add Spy (max. 10) and vice versa after you have at least one Temporal Gate.

UB - Temporal Gate (Military Base)
Much more expensive (twice MB production cost) and also require Research Station in the city. Beside the usual bonus, Temporal Gate have 2 Scientist slot, allow you to remove unit inside the city and reappear it in any tile that is or has been at least once lies within your empire several turn later, and allow you to take temporary (5-10 turn) control to enemy unit 2 tiles from the city with 10% chance of sucess. It also have 1% chance for automatically provide you with any unresearched tech

UU - Thunder Cannon (Artillery)
1.5x more expensive than normal unit. +50% attack and +10% Production if stationed in a city, -25% outside. Avabile at Electricity. Can Intercept enemy aircraft and have +15% bonus against unit if stacked with Great Scientist. Doesn't upgrade
Based off a Stargate episode (or was it one of the movies?). anyway, Stargate isn't really about time travel, but that specific episode fits the challenge's description properly.

Goa'uld (Ra)
UA: Gods on Earth
May enter the territory of civilizations following your :c5faith: religion without open borders. Capturing a civilian unit grants you a sum of :c5faith: faith and :c5science: scinece, in addition to converting a fraction of the unit original owner's population to your religion.

UB: Egyptian Temple
Replaces temple. Grants +1% :c5faith: faith for every city founded by other civilizations that now follows your religion (extra 4% for each :c5capital: capital, max. 50%). if you've conquered at least one city, the Egyptian temple won't cost any maintenance.

UU: Staff Gunner
Replaces Rifleman. starts with 40 :c5strength: strength, and gains even more :c5strength: the more you research as opposed to becoming obsolete. it will retain its price, and gain 10 XP for each :c5strength: strength upgrade it received.

I'd say keep this for when the sci-fi challenge is dropped(I'll be using my Abydos or Arrakis design for that). Go with earth under Baal, because that's what happens in the movie Continuum. Baal goes back in time and stops the stargate from reaching the US and so he takes over the Goa'ould and then conquers earth/gets beaten by SG-1.
Sci fi is way too broad, that'll never come.
Well, majority of time travel fiction are scifi. And IMO inthesomeday is right, sci-fi's way too broad

My point was that Ra never used time travel but Baal did. It's all good, considering the amount of time travel that occurred in Stargate. For my one technically Egil never used future sight and was actually completely against it. I just feel like having two Ra designs for a space-travel or alternate world challenge would be fun. Especially if it's this one versus any other.
Forget that, just got something new, based off November 1963...

The 60's (John F. Kennedy)
UA: Jack is on the Right Track
Spies in enemy cities produce :c5science: science if that can't still anything, and will be replaced the turn after being killed. Buildings cost 25% less :c5gold: maintenance once you exit the era they belong to, and will grant you :c5science: science if built afterwards.

UU: Veteran
Unlocked at industrialization, but replaces nothing. An infantry unit becomes a veteran once it reaches level 5 or becomes obsolete. While retaining the same strength, units that become Veterans have a penalty (-15% :c5strength: ) in enemy territory, but give you the choice whether to upgrade them or consume them for :c5culture: culture*. Veterans grant a boost to all of a city's yields when garrisoned in it (other than tourism).

UB: Inn
Replaces the Hotel. While having weaker effects (converts 33% of the :c5culture: culture to :tourism: tourism), it has a base yield of +2 :tourism: tourism and costs only 2 maintenance. It will grant +1 global :c5happy: happiness if the city has a garrison. If the city has more than 20 :c5citizen: citizens, you may build an additional Inn inside it.
Any last designs or should we vote?
Natan's 60s for me. Not too focused and possibly the least broken.
Senshi's win?
Ok, it's been more than 25 hours, I'm calling it as Senshi's win.

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