Random Rants 92 - Not Enough Snerk

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Round up a helper or two and a pizza menu. At this rate, you'll put yourself in the hospital around the time your friend comes to visit, and that rather defeats the purpose of the visit.

Would they bring the mattress inside for an extra fee?
It's Purolator. I'll be lucky if they even show up.
It's Purolator. I'll be lucky if they even show up.
I have no idea what that is, but assuming they are humans then some folding money for a few minutes work is likely to attract them.
Purolator is a courier company. The degree of service you get depends on what side of the bed the driver got up on that morning, assuming he's a generally decent person to begin with.

It could be worse. It could be That Company I Will Not Name (due to one of their bots casting a Detect Dissatisfied Customer spell, quickly making an account here that got past forum security, and openly addressing me right in the middle of the then-current Rants thread).
Mattress came early. Purolator utterly trashed the box.

Getting that into the apartment was... a task.

But it's in the room now, and on the frame, and inflating.

My body shall enact swift justice upon me.
So my bank will soon require a smart phone for 2-step verification in order to do online banking.....
My city hasn't had a 7-11 in over a decade
My city hasn't had a 7-11 in over a decade

How can your city not have a 7-11? That's like saying your city has no Tim Hortons.

Things are getting to the point where I'm going to have to get one of these things, too. Even the agencies that deal with people like me can't wrap their minds around the idea that there are people like me who don't have one. They get confused when I tell them that my phone and my computer are not in the same room, and if I want them to be, I have to unplug the computer and prop it up in the living room.

Mary Maxim (craft company) sent me something they want me to sign up for... it's not a bad deal, but the final step is a friggin' text message. Now they're harassing me for "not completing the steps."
Mattress came early. Purolator utterly trashed the box.

Getting that into the apartment was... a task.

But it's in the room now, and on the frame, and inflating.

My body shall enact swift justice upon me.
Great news!
So my bank will soon require a smart phone for 2-step verification in order to do online banking.....
I don't know where the US is at these days with making the internet a utility. I was a late adopter of a smart phone, and their utility is kind of undeniable now. Even calling them 'phones' is starting to sound quaint. They're computers that you can make calls on, if you feel like it. I feel like 2-step verification is becoming pretty common now, and for non-trivial things like banking.
I was super late in my broader circle to get a smart phone. 2015. I am very glad to have one. You can get a good condition used iphone, like a lower model SE (which I prefer for size, though I have a 12 mini which is also small) for a couple hundred bucks. like if you ignore any cultural detestations, it's pretty much the greatest thing you can buy.
I bought my first smart phone (an iPhone 6) in 2016. I upgraded to a new SE when they came out. Steve Jobs changed the world.
You ever read a post and wish you could punch someone in the face over the internet?
bah , ı plan bombing raids by 16 Phantoms each .
Has there been an uptick in "bah" or am I swimming in a weird coincidence?
This post makes me want to get within arm's reach of you to stop you from punching yourself in the face!
We certainly don't want him bruised come September.
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