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A CivFanatic Running for Florida State Legislature

I've always theorized such individuals as OP exist. Most of you have no concept of what is even happening here. Oh, but I see. I see the plates of the earth shifting. I see the magma flowing. I see the beginning, and the end, and the beginning once more.

If I was their opponent, this would be a goldmine for political ads. Just take screenshots of this thread (or some of the other spicier off topic threads) and go "this is the type of idiots my opponent wants to appeal to".
If I was their opponent, this would be a goldmine for political ads. Just take screenshots of this thread (or some of the other spicier off topic threads) and go "this is the type of idiots my opponent wants to appeal to".
And now this post is entered into evidence, making that tactic somewhat interesting to apply successfully ^^
If I was their opponent, this would be a goldmine for political ads. Just take screenshots of this thread (or some of the other spicier off topic threads) and go "this is the type of idiots my opponent wants to appeal to".

hush or they’ll uncover the secret communist cadre at the heart of toasty’s election committee
hush or they’ll uncover the secret communist cadre at the heart of toasty’s election committee
Shhh I haven’t started on deficits yet
@Toasty I think what you are doing brave and lord knows especially years back; I’ve had a fantasy of opening a similar thread. Obviously we’re rooting for you. Just remember some basics when it comes to politics:

Keep composed, which is different for democrats and republicans.
Keep your frame
Yes/and aka agree and amplify when someone annoys you
Take everything in good humor, don’t get testy!
Everyone is your friend unless they are your enemy, and no one is your enemy unless that’s what your voters AND conscience demands
People vote for their friends first and their party second
Whoever has the most energy wins
Run to win, not to prove a point
I have binders full of cfcers who can help you with policy if you want us :D but in the end any democrat is a win and do your thing

Finally, good to see you back here
hush or they’ll uncover the secret communist cadre at the heart of toasty’s election committee

Let me clarify, it's not the left leaning users of this forum I'd be wary of if I was Toasty. All you got to do is some light digging and there's a thread about some people JAQing off about neo-Mathaulism. Some of the same people are participating in this thread. And don't forget the Ukraine War thread which features many outright Russian apologists. Wouldn't be a good look running as a Democrat while having those kind of comments associated with their name.

All that needs to happen is for some SuperPAC to find something objectionable said by someone on the forum, and link them to Toasty self-identifying as a user of this forum, and that could be great for an ad tp depress his own base. Doesn't matter if the Republicans agree with the point or not, they just know the average Democrat and Democrat leaning independent wouldn't touch this forum's takes with a thirty nine and a half foot pole

And now this post is entered into evidence, making that tactic somewhat interesting to apply successfully ^^
If I caught someone hanging out with someone wearing a white robe, pointing out that it isn't a good look to them doesn't change that they're still seen with someone wearing a white robe.
All that needs to happen is for some SuperPAC to find something objectionable said by someone on the forum, and link them to Toasty self-identifying as a user of this forum, and that could be great for an ad tp depress his own base.
I don't believe this is correct. Everybody is on social media, and nobody holds a particular user to account for everything said on a particular site he or she frequents. That's nuts. Hell, most politicians suffer no consequences for flat-out objectionable stuff that they themselves post on various social media sites.
All that needs to happen is for some SuperPAC to find something objectionable said by someone on the forum, and link them to Toasty self-identifying as a user of this forum, and that could be great for an ad tp depress his own base. Doesn't matter if the Republicans agree with the point or not, they just know the average Democrat and Democrat leaning independent wouldn't touch this forum's takes with a thirty nine and a half foot pole
I've donated all my one liners to Toasty's campaign. He'll be fine.
Hi Crezth! I hope that your game updates are going well! Thanks for running such a fun roleplay.
Hi Plains-Cow! I hope Off Topic has been treating you well. Always nice to take a dip in the cesspool, eh?

Incidentally, since it seems like there's a little confusion in this thread about what a "leftist" is, I think I'll put on a demonstration for you all.

Yeah, the "voiceless" bit reminds me of the terminology used to describe people like me at the polling station. Someone like me, if I need a little help or want to vote in any way that requires a bit of extra paperwork, is defined as an "Incapacitated Elector."

That's an insulting label. I'm not as able to get out to protests or events, but I don't consider myself to be voiceless.
Well, it's always good to have high self-esteem, but if it makes you feel any better, I also consider you voiceless for reasons that have nothing to do with physical capacity, and everything to do with the fact you live in the bourgeois rental ponzi scheme known as "Canada." In that sense, you're just like most of your countrymen. Boom, dividing lines erased! Another victory for the Radical Left.
If I caught someone hanging out with someone wearing a white robe, pointing out that it isn't a good look to them doesn't change that they're still seen with someone wearing a white robe.
I mean, if that were remotely comparable, you may have a point. Classy, that. But regardless you also nullified it by simply posting that this was a thing that could be attempted. Easy false flag.
Since “voiceless” has gotten so much attention…

Here in Florida, you get what you can pay for. Nothing more, nothing less.

There are a lot of people without capital to expend on media. Be they homeowners, transgender, an Asian immigrant…there are a thousand issues in Florida that aren’t being addressed because the issue is not profitable or doesn’t generate the right kind of outrage.

Those are the issues I want to promote. The first one that comes to my mind for Florida is the state of public education.

We are talking about banning books, loudly and often. Why aren’t we talking about teacher salaries? Why aren’t we talking about how the state is attracting less intellectual talent for college? These are the things that will change our lives. That’s what I want to address.
I don't believe this is correct. Everybody is on social media, and nobody holds a particular user to account for everything said on a particular site he or she frequents. That's nuts. Hell, most politicians suffer no consequences for flat-out objectionable stuff that they themselves post on various social media sites.

This. I mean, no one is beating up any politician because they have a Twitter account. And while some of the opinions posted here may be... odd, this is a site focused on the computer game series Civilization, not any particular political or social agenda.
Did I ever say I would change my stances based on CivFanatics? I'm pretty sure I just said I wanted to hear everything y'all have to say...

Good luck!

I have no idea how to get votes.

Democrats make sure their peeps get paid with a side order of justice.

Republicans like to push whatever they think keeps civilization from collapsing.
God, guns, and a strong personality leader.

For a newbie politician it is all about name recognition I think, and qualifying to get on a ballot somehow.
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not any particular political or social agenda.
I wouldn't be so sure. It is a forum about the game Civilization.
You know what else begins with a C?
Everybody is on social media, and nobody holds a particular user to account for everything said on a particular site he or she frequents. That's nuts. Hell, most politicians suffer no consequences for flat-out objectionable stuff that they themselves post on various social media sites.

It's amazing how fast a suddenly-unearthed social media post can tank a candidate or get someone booted from caucus (not necessarily because the party leader thinks they did anything wrong, but because of public pressure and the backroom handlers realizing that this could cost votes or other support).

For instance: There's a newly-elected MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) from Ponoka who made a statement comparing LGBT students to "feces in the cookie dough". The point she wanted to make was that it didn't matter if the school they attended had overall excellent grades in math or other subjects; if the school was "tainted" by having LGBT students attending, those grades were also tainted.

Many of the public, the Opposition, and others demanded that the leader of the UCP remove this woman as a candidate. The leader hemmed, hawed, and dithered before finally stating that if that woman was elected, she would not be allowed to sit with the UCP caucus - she would have to sit as an Independent, even though she was running under the UCP banner. Of course by that time it was too late to remove her from the ballots anyway, as they'd been printed and were ready to distribute to the advance polling stations.

Well, she did get elected, which says something abominable about the people in that riding. She's absolutely disgusting, showed ZERO remorse other than her abhorrent statement was found and publicized, and mumbled that in future she would try to find "a different, better way" to express herself. So this means she's on a quest to find a less-abhorrent way to publicly express hate speech toward LGBT children.

I have no clue why she wasn't charged under the hate laws. She should have been, but I suppose TPTB didn't want to add yet another mess on top of having a provincial election at the same time that a large portion of the province was on fire (wildfires) and a lot of people were evacuated and uncertain if they'd be able to vote.

The election results were close. If only 1300 more people had voted NDP in specific ridings, we'd have an NDP government with considerably less bigotry, less hatred, less fear for the marginalized demographics, and less contempt from the rest of Canada. I hate it that strangers from Ontario think I'm the same as these hateful people just because I also live in Alberta.

Danielle Smith (the premier of Alberta) and Pierre Polievre (leader of the federal Official Opposition CPC party, and a wannabe Prime Minister) were both photographed posing with a guy in a bright green t-shirt with an anti-LGBT slogan prominently displayed. Both party leaders insist they never read the t-shirt before posing with this guy. The sane people among us, with functioning logic, know that this is utter BS. Will this have any lasting negative consequences? For Smith, not likely. Her rabid gang of thugs that pretends to be a political party are praising her to the skies while insisting that no, she really didn't read the t-shirt, but even if she did, so what? Then they trot out the notion that babies can't be created outside of heterosexual partnership/marriage. As for consequences for Polievre, he's also got his fans, but they're more loyal to the party than to any particular leader. He's often a target for mockery, so this isn't going to do him any long-term favors.

Well, it's always good to have high self-esteem, but if it makes you feel any better, I also consider you voiceless for reasons that have nothing to do with physical capacity, and everything to do with the fact you live in the bourgeois rental ponzi scheme known as "Canada." In that sense, you're just like most of your countrymen. Boom, dividing lines erased! Another victory for the Radical Left.

Y'know, I really haven't missed your rudeness. You know nothing of the situation where I am, and should stop pretending you do.
I wouldn't be so sure. It is a forum about the game Civilization.
You know what else begins with a C?

Sure, but you know what else begins with a C?
also, Conservatism
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