What did your parents think of the Democrats while growing up?

What did you parents think of the Democratic Party while you were growing up?

  • They were pro, but I am anti, Rightwing or Center

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They were pro, but I am anti, Leftwing

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 1, 2002
This is a weird one, and specific. But valuable.

The first part of the poll is your parents, the second is you, and the third part is your political wing relative to the democrats.

We are calling "pro" democrats to include calling them the lesser of two evils!! So even if you hate the democrats as many democrats do, and don't identify with the party, but you vote for them consistently over the republicans, you are pro.

Non-Americans can vote as they would in the subjunctive.

We are considering Bernie/Ocasio-Cortez/Barbara Lee on leftward as left. I don't know who the in-party right person bellweather would be so someone help me out. I don't give attention to the bad guys if I can help it ;) someone a little left of Manchin.

The options where you are anti-democratic party (don't vote for them, would fight them even if the Republicans gain advantage from your fight, etc) are broken up into Left vs not left of the dems, the others are not. Hence why there are 6 options instead of 4, 8, or 12 etc
My parents were both Republicans from Reagan onwards. Grandparents were all classic labor Democrats, growing up during the depression.
My parents always voted Conservative (our Republicans) and I mostly vote NDP. If I were in a riding that was more hotly contested, though, I'd vote Liberal (our Democrats) to prevent the Conservatives from gaining it. I figure that makes my equivalent vote "anti, pro," though it's never been put into practice.
My parents always voted Conservative (our Republicans) and I mostly vote NDP. If I were in a riding that was more hotly contested, though, I'd vote Liberal (our Democrats) to prevent the Conservatives from gaining it. I figure that makes my equivalent vote "anti, pro," though it's never been put into practice.

In other words, ABC (Anybody But Conservatives). :thumbsup:

My mother barely had a political opinion until the mid-'80s, when she worked at the polling station for the same municipal election that was my first experience as a voter. Then she started lecturing me that I should never skip voting (did only once, as I had college classes and couldn't get to my polling station before it closed). I've voted in every election and referendum otherwise, unless it was one of those stupid fake senate votes that the BS!C conservative premiers insist on piggybacking onto our municipal elections sometimes. Those votes are ridiculous. Senators are appointed, not elected. The PM is under no obligation whatsoever to appoint the "winner" of this charade. Neither the NDP nor Liberals have ever bothered putting a candidate forward for this. So there's no point and I always decline that ballot.

I don't recall that my dad had much to say about the Democrats. He had plenty of negative things to say about the Republicans, though.
They were straight ticket Republicans for decades, the “country club” ones who prioritized tax cuts and the like over the cultural stuff (they’ve both always been pro abortion, for instance). They both loved loved loved Reagan and W and said bog standard white people racism/homophobia/etc., over the years. Hated “regulations.” Didn’t think government could do anything right. Nixon canned the draft right before my dad’s age group or whatever was up too which left a lasting impression on him. My dad had a more libertarian streak (pro weed legalization and pro immigration) while my mom was very much an arch conservative.

Then Trump and the GOP anti vaccine stuff took off and nazis started protesting outside Disney for DeSantis (both parents have always been big believers in science AND Disney World), they got fed up with GOP gun love (they hate assault rifles), and are stunned at the level of homophobia, and now they both want every Republican at every level of government to drown (their words) and would consider door knocking for their favorite politician if she runs for president in 2028; Gretchen Whitmer.

I was a libertarian in my teens who sympathized more with dems at the time because social rights seemed more important than low taxes, now I’m your standard anarchist way to the left of dems but who recognizes them as certainly less evil than Republicans.

Edit: My dad’s parents are dead but my mom’s parents include a Bernie loving grandpa and a Bill Clinton loving grandma. My mom’s younger sister is qanon and thinks the covid vaccine is a jewish thing and face masks are Nazi (I haven’t spoken to her since before covid), and her older brother is a non voter who has no politics but did get the covid vaccine. I have a younger sister whose left of the median Dem but not super far, think Warren.
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My story is pretty boring on this one, my parents were left-side democrats and so am I.
Democrats all the way through. My mother's family were union, working in the mills in western Massachusetts. Mom was a furst generation American, emigrating here to Quebec. My father's family ran a dairy farm in northwestern Arkansas. My father told us he better never hear my brothers and me say the N word or be bigoted towards any person or race. His father died in France during World War 1. I have relatives that fought on both sides of the Civil War.

As for me, I am a liberal democrat except for civil rights, where I am a rabid, foaming at the mouth fanatic. My older brother is a liberal Democrat, while my other brother is a libertarian.

Btw, if you need to explain the structure of your poll, you might want to clean it up.
Both of my parents are the typical working class pro-Union Democrats. They see Trump as an arrogant blow hard idiot.

Me, I’m rather complex since my political evolution in the past decade would be described as a rollercoaster due to the influence of anti-SJW content creators and the blatant militant leftism of Imperium Offtopicum (the latter caused me to seek out anti-SJW content as a form of schadenfreude and cope after being bullied for being a social democrat and become more anti-communist, plus being vulnerable after loosing two friends in CFC circa 2016 did not help matters). I became more anti-Democratic Party as I saw (or told) that they were moving more towards the left and embracing woke SJW values while throwing working class Americans, like myself, out to the curb. The breaking point for me simping for Republicans was during the BLM Riots in the summer of 2020.

The shake up was a gradual one, I didint have Charlottesville moment to instantly shake me out. The only close equivalent was January 6, though it was slow to process it since I was on the side of “the Democrats didn't bat an eye during the BLM Riots of 2020 yet freek out when January 6th happened”. I slowly started to question why a party of free speech were onboard with book bannings and why anti-SJW content creators were acting like SJWs. Plus having a job that pays well and improve upon my material conditions help shead away my bitterness I had after a decade or so of underemployment. I became more and more fed up with the GOP as I slowly realized that they were using me and other anti-SJWs as pawns for their culture war game.

I’m still a registered Democrat, though I’m more or less a (or rather slowly returning to) Social Democrat with an anti-communist bent. Pro-Union and low taxes, and I’ve become more in favor of restorative justice. Civil Rights in the modern era, I still have tons to learn and unlearn from the misinformation that I’ve been told by anti-SJW content creators. At this point in time, my feelings are mixed yet slowly warming up to them.
If you asked my parents about the Democrats when I was a kid it would have depended exactly when. They peaked at the 1990 and 1996 elections and held or shared the balance of power in the Senate for two decades which covered the early part of my life. At times my mum and dad probably were generally well-disposed towards the slogan of "keep the bastards honest" even if they didn't vote for them, but likely disagreed with their opposition to our involvement in the Gulf War.

Later on, after the Democrats subsequently self-immolated through internal divisions and the controversy about voting for and splitting over the Goods and Services Tax package, eventually mostly disappeared from the Senate and eventually were supplanted by the Greens as the major third force of politics across the 2000s decade, opinions probably would have been less favourable.


As for the much less interesting US Democrats, they're just mundane centrist imperial administrators, I doubt my folks have a stronger opinion on them than the common Australian view of the US being in general decline, the Democrats just being the somewhat normal ones, and Trump and friends being dangerous lunatics.
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Democrats all the way through. My mother's family were union, working in the mills in western Massachusetts. Mom was a furst generation American, emigrating here to Quebec. My father's family ran a dairy farm in northwestern Arkansas. My father told us he better never hear my brothers and me say the N word or be bigoted towards any person or race. His father died in France during World War 1. I have relatives that fought on both sides of the Civil War.

As for me, I am a liberal democrat except for civil rights, where I am a rabid, foaming at the mouth fanatic. My older brother is a liberal Democrat, while my other brother is a libertarian.

Btw, if you need to explain the structure of your poll, you might want to clean it up.
Clean what up?
As a teen kinda liked Clinton early on but he looked good compared to Reagan. Kinda neutral on Bush.

Think mum was oblivious to American politics stepfather I don't recall.

Beyond liking or disliking the president internal politics unknown.
My dad heavy republican, had his picture taken with/shook hands with most of the republican presidents (and presidential nominees) from Nixon (did get picture) up to Romney (did not).

One night at a supper club, he was eating there and there was some meeting going on in one of the banquet halls in the building. Stuck his head in there to see what kind of meeting it was. And sure enough, it was a Democrat party meeting, which he (allegedly) suspected, because "of the way they talked" (not WHAT was said, because he couldn't overhear them that well, but HOW it was said-whiny voices).

Can't watch any news cast unless it's FOX, otherwise he is on the verge of throwing things at the TV. Have not heard him spout some of the more outlandish right wing talking points, just a few things, that could be proven wrong, or has a kernel of truth to it, but overblown and exaggerated. (I never heard him accuse Obama of being Muslim, or said he wasn't born here, or repeated pizza gate stuff. He does think there was instigators from antifa at jan 6th (IIRC, there was a 'riot porn' guy, but he wasn't representing antifa, he wanted mayhem, regardless of who is involved, the fact he was also at BLM protests doesn't mean he was a BLM supporter, he was trying to start crap there as well. I might be thinking of another event, or maybe I'm thinking of the shaman guy who was also seen elsewhere. Not much different than accusations from 'the left' of 'fbi/undercover instigators' every single time a BLM protest got bad press).

Drove in a 'stop the steal' local rally (this was before the election!), and invited me to join.....I had to work anyways, but my mom suspected I had absolutely no interest in participating, so reminded him I probably don't have time because of work. Of course he voted for Bush Jr, but years later wasn't too happy with him. Voted for trump, but (at least when against Hillary), it was 'there is nobody good to vote for', and parents admitted (my mom did the speaking on this viewpoint) they were ashamed of trump at times (yet still can't bring themselves to vote democrat). Of course, whenever a Democrat president is in office, every bad thing in the world is the president's fault, when a republican is in office, every good thing is because of the president. My mom at least acknowledge "both sides do this".

One of his grandkids asked what happens when you go to college..."you become a liberal" was his answer, which is what my sister became. Obviously not happy about it, but have not seen it diminish their relationship, still treats her like his daughter....just tries not bring up politics with her.

Me....I leaned republican, 10-20 years ago, but now shifting to the left. Dont know how much is because of my actual viewpoints are changing, or because I want to avoid the toxic viewpoints of some elements on the right. Some elements on the left are cringe-worthy as well.
Supposedly my father would have never voted left-wing when he was in Aus, I guess he means he would always vote Liberal. Now he usually goes for Labour here in NZ.

For US politics, my father is (at least recently) about as Democratic as they come... but he likes to watch Fox News for fun, and hates Trump with some passion.

Although I can understand why people vote conservatively I've never understood the US conservative viewpoint... and it seems one of the growing exports of the US is that relatively toxic US conservatism compared to what I've experienced. My family has lost friends to that growing attitude.
I'm on the left of the Democratic bloc, but not so far to the left that I'd consider myself opposed to them. I'd be okay if the Democrats were our conservative party, if our diversity was just accepted as normal and we could argue over real things, like housing and healthcare and whatnot. My parents and grandparents were more strongly Democratic than I am, but of course they lived during very different moments in history. My grandfather was a big supporter of FDR who called himself "a Democrat, with a capital L." My mother was a 2nd-wave feminist who had two brothers in the Army in the late '60s.
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Parents are libs, dad is an actual Democrat who sits on a local party committee.

I used to be a lib when i was 14, and basically have gotten lefter on average ever since then. Still vote for the Democrats but I wouldn't say "consistently" because I live in a place where my vote doesn't matter a bit.
Both parents were right wing libertarianish. My mom still sends me nonsense from Jewish world review far more than she asks about my life.

I'm left but not idenitarian, like social safety nets for people and putting human interests above interest of govt or big business. Big fan of the idea that society should support small business, free enterprise and reward people taking health, education and community organization into their own hands but not bail out useless banks and subsidize junk food.

I think of myself less as L or R and more simply pro-human and pro-earth but since there's no real green party I (very) reluctantly choose left and the less idiotic of two evils.

Also very socially liberal/pro-freedom, use whatever drugs you want (or not), screw whoever you want, do what you want and don't endanger others. Nowadays most human activity endangers others so we should stop that but humans have a propensity to greed that is fed and nurtured by corporate interests from age 0 so it's an uphill battle.
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I don't know who the in-party right person bellweather would be so someone help me out. I don't give attention to the bad guys if I can help it ;) someone a little left of Manchin.

So like Biden, the Clintons? Obama would probably be the center since he's more progressive than those two but still obviously a neoliberal. Jimmie Carville sounds like he's in the Clinton/Biden camp, maybe throw Chuck Schumer in there as well. Blumenthal, Bloomberg, Gavin Newsom, also come to mind. The Cuomo brothers probably also fit the bill, I think they also are good friends of the Clintons.

Keep in mind that the individuals I mentioned used to be the old core of the democratic party, they moved more left under Obama who introduced a lot of progressives into higher ranking positions. But not so much to where they abandoned neoliberalism all together. People like Bernie and so on used to be background characters never taken seriously until the Obama shift left encouraged them into believing they actually have a chance.
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It's difficult to say: my parents have always been social conservatives, but (at least as far as my dad goes) also motivated to some degree by economic and welfare issues. My grandparents both loved FDR, for instance, my dad still dislikes Clinton more for NAFTA than for his adultery and lying. My mom isn't plugged into politics beyond the shallow facebook-meme level, but my dad was in Vietnam and has been archly anti-interventionist ever since. I didn't develop my own anti-interventionism (and anti-police state ism) until the late Bush years, which led to me being alienated from both parties. My parents regard the Republicans as the lesser of two evils, since both parties continually promote globalization and war abroad, but the Democrats more actively support causes my parents find morally outrageous. The latter is true for me: I haven't voted for either party since 2006, and my politics are an odd mix of paleo-con, libertarian and early 2000s progressive, but the identity politics and woke insanity are upsetting the delicate libertarian/trad-con balance that's held for nearly fifteen years.
The poll needs an option for "Non-American and here's my opinion." Asking us to vote how it is now is pointless if our parties don't have a decent equivalent, and anyway, some of us have different political systems.

One of his grandkids asked what happens when you go to college..."you become a liberal" was his answer,
The UCP say that here as well. They constantly bleat about "woke universities", and it would not surprise me at all that our own local college - the one I went to - that was promised university status YEARS ago... is now a polytech, not an actual university, partly due to the UCP deciding that "we can't allow a university in Red Deer - we might start losing votes."

Never mind that the only time in 80 years Red Deer had a non-right-wing set of MLAs was 2015-2019 when we went NDP.

I'm not saying that focusing on practical stuff isn't good - NAIT and SAIT have been good for the people in Edmonton and Calgary. But to rebrand a college so it's less likely to be a well-rounded educational institution in what it offers, means more young people in Red Deer will have to leave from the get-go if they want certain programs or classes.

Although I can understand why people vote conservatively I've never understood the US conservative viewpoint... and it seems one of the growing exports of the US is that relatively toxic US conservatism compared to what I've experienced. My family has lost friends to that growing attitude.
The U.S. has been exporting political toxicity to Canada for a long time. Every so often a UCP or CPC person will scamper down there to appear on some Fox program and whine about Justin Trudeau, and the host just eats it up and eggs them on, since the Republicans there detest Trudeau (he wasn't sufficiently respectful to Trump over the new NAFTA, and I wonder if they finally figured out that Trudeau's gift to Trump of a photo of a 'hotel' in BC that Trump's family once owned was not a traditional hotel, but rather a brothel...).

the Democrats more actively support causes my parents find morally outrageous.
Which causes?
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