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[RD] LGBTQ news

Are you that surprised that women can feel comfortable around schlongs? I’m so sorry.

Well honestly what is stopping you? A feeling of guilt that you “know” you’re lying? Or lack of evidence maybe if you’re asked to explain your heritage? All I can say is human history is full of self reinvention.

The issue is that they don’t feel comfortable
The issue is that they don’t feel comfortable
Who? The business owners? Skill issue.

Business owners, and people in general, shouldn't be allowed discriminate against trans people on religious grounds or because they don't "feel comfortable".
The issue is that they don’t feel comfortable
You’re just making stuff up now. This is a news thread, not unhinged bullfeathers rants thread.
Well, if I attempted to enforce my rights through the state, which often seems to be a necessity when other people won't respect them for you - I might be somewhat concerned I would be forced to pay for my own legal case and the defending representation. The state, which I know you are well aware, actively hungers to punish and destroy those who would buck its moods. No?
It’s a constant tug of war, yes. They take an inch, you take an inch. So it goes.
The good part is that editors of academic journals do not have any influence what is written in a manuscript and cannot change anything in it. They only decide the manuscript is suitable or not. Obviously that has an impact, but not on the content of this manuscript itself.
It sounds like they have been using that impact:

Accusations of editorial bias and subsequent boycott

In May 2023, an open letter, signed by a hundred researchers who had previously published in the Archives of Sexual behavior, accused the journal of editorial bias against the LGBTQ community. The letter also garnered support from five professional groups specializing in the study of LGBTQ people.
You’re just making stuff up now. This is a news thread, not unhinged bullfeathers rants thread.

It’s a constant tug of war, yes. They take an inch, you take an inch. So it goes.
And of the accord? How do we reconcile explicit state-granted status that awards preferential power and influence with self-declaration? "A bad apple spoils the bunch," if I read back far enough, I think it went? As it pertained to enforcement of the accord.
And of the accord? How do we reconcile explicit state-granted status that awards preferential power and influence with self-declaration? "A bad apple spoils the bunch," if I read back far enough, I think it went? As it pertained to enforcement of the accord.
Eventually, it will be gone. And then nobody gets money. May as well collect while you can. It really isn’t like you’re taking it from people who need it more. I am not being sarcastic.
And of the accord? How do we reconcile explicit state-granted status that awards preferential power and influence with self-declaration? "A bad apple spoils the bunch," if I read back far enough, I think it went? As it pertained to enforcement of the accord.
Sorry I'm not following - what do you mean by the accord?

For the record I genuinely don't think that the benefits for lying for benefits (i.e fraudulently claiming eligibility to affirmative action) outweigh the enormous risk one would be taking if caught. Not many people have attempted what Dozeal did, with good reason.
Let’s just say nobody had ever found out she was “lying;” wouldn’t she be?, I think is the correct question. The most objective criteria for blackness we have is heritage, but you can’t actually tell heritage at a glance, even though we live in a society that tends to believe that. Self identification ends up the ultimate authority exactly because there don’t really exist objective criteria to refute it. It’s how we know that trans people will always exist, regardless of the status of social acceptance. Any given person can fool the criteria of social acceptance through their own cunning or through their genuine pervasive belief that they belong to the group in question. Everything else follows. It’s like the corpus delecta of personal identity, except for there never really is a corpus, just someone’s idea of what a corpus obviously is which everyone obviously already knows. In fact they don’t, or they’d never have been fooled by Ms Dolezal in the first place.
None of this is correct, for blackness. It may be applicable to transness and I won't presume to say what the applicable criteria for transness are since I'm not trans. The criterion for blackness and transness don't need to be consistent and its self defeating to try and insist them to be so.
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None of this is correct, for blackness. It may be applicable to transness and I won't presume to say what the applicable criteria for transness are since I'm not trans. The criterion for blackness and transness don't need to be consistent and its self defeating to try and insist them to be so.
I would ask you explain your position because I think insistence on the idea this is an inseparable gulf is dangerous and will ultimately be disproven.
is the appropriate answer that I can check whatever identity boxes I feel on a day, on an application for work, given my feeling are for all intents and purposes self-identified bona fides?

Is this genuinely how you think trans people identify, as an opt in that can be revoked at any second, rather than a continuous, gradual process of self identification, with all that entails?

I understand that cis people might (and do) struggle with the concept of your birth sex not being compatible with your internal identity, but it honestly feels like a large (but not inseparable) gulf of understanding exists, similar to that of sexual orientation and whilst that might be the case, it does feel disingenuous to imply it's something that can be arbitrarily switched on and off for personal gain.
No, it's not. But we're about people who are inclined, or desperate enough, to abuse the system. They exist. And they exist in a world where some people also exist in bona fide fluid terms. At least if I'm listening to the choir and not just the directors. The easier to understand people are easier, the harder harder, and then malice and self-serving confuses everything together. At least some of the time.

I think we're going to get very bogged down on the concept that blackness and ethnicity can be self-identified even as Crezth's point that the only reason Rachel Donegal isn't being considered black is she got "caught" seems exactly right. Being black, and all the legislation that comes with, seems a largely external imposition upon the individual. Since there are socially enforced rules, that very much impact status and money, around that imposition - society will fight to keep the keys to that in its hands, not the individuals it applies to. No? Which is why we're back to the "nobleman's testicles" comparison up above. I may be wrong about those last few sentences. I was trying to ask more than say, and I'm uncomfortable with how long this post is getting, but I did want to answer the questions posed to me.
Sorry I'm not following - what do you mean by the accord?
Just take it as the social fabric. The manners and norms that uphold the moral foundation of fairness, helping to keep large and unfamiliar great apes interacting cooperatively instead of violently with each other. You know, the deal. It has internal and external components.
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I would ask you explain your position because I think insistence on the idea this is an inseparable gulf is dangerous and will ultimately be disproven.
Again, I'm not contesting or disputing any of your reasoning or positions as they relate to transness. All I'm saying is that it does not line up one-to-one with blackness, and it doesn't need to. If you are concerned that viewpoint is dangerous, I would be interested to hear why, particularly from the perspective of transness. I'm also trying to keep in mind that this tread isn't about blackness or Black issues.
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This is good but where was this bill three years ago? It frustrates me that the Democrats have done jack all until the eleventh hour, when all their efforts will likely be blocked or overturned by President Trump and his pack of goons. That's when they're not actively working against LGBT rights.
Apparently, the "compromise" is that embassies won't fly the Confederate flag. Do many embassies across the world fly the flags of their defeated enemies?
This is good but where was this bill three years ago? It frustrates me that the Democrats have done jack all until the eleventh hour, when all their efforts will likely be blocked or overturned by President Trump and his pack of goons. That's when they're not actively working against LGBT rights.

I kind of fudged this, I saw that article pop up in my news thingy, so I assumed it was current, but it's actually from about a year ago (so much for the Google Chrome news algorithm I guess). It looks like the bill had been introduced in '22 as well but died in committee, which isn't a great sign.

Even ignoring all the *******s in Congress, SCOTUS would be a big problem for efforts to use federal preemption to stop discrimination against trans people.
What probably brought into your feed is that we're again approaching the day of Transgender Visibility that served as the occasion for introducing the bill the last two times. For all one knows, that same group of Ds might try it again this year. The effort is not so much belated, then, as futile-in-an-ongoing-way. Until Ds gain the House and Presidency and 60+ seats in the Senate (i.e. never), this won't advance. And, yes, the present SCOTUS would find some way to scuttle it even then.
All of which goes back to the vicious cycle we discussed previously. Democrats' voters will #AbandonBiden them if their one main issue doesn't advance/happen, while Republican voters stay faithful through thick and thin, in the hope that someday, somehow, the stars will align and their team will deliver on one big issue... that's how we end up with Roe overturned, the Voting Rights Act gutted, affirmative action banned, etc... and that's how we are going to end up with Obergefell overturned, another Muslim ban, the return of the Soviet Union/Russian Empire, a second Partition in Israel instead of India, not to mention what is going to happen with climate change.

It's disheartening, but what can you do... I fully understand the reasons folks are declaring that they refuse to vote for Biden, based on one or two issues that are really important to them.
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