Iran, the Red Sea, and the West (tm).

free legs and arms and a coffin
Hey, there are people who would willingly take the offer, 20 years and risk for citizenship in the country for me and my family. Absolutely plenty.
Some do it because they're citizens.

But it does make sense. Those who do service are among the most deserving of a spot at the table, no?
yes . And how are you people going to equip them ? No , it can no longer be an accounting error in the Pentagon budget .
without insulting all those Hispanics who were supposedly prime target of Dabya era campaign of "Die in Iraq and we will bury you as an US citizen" or the rather famous free online computer game that called on the players to enlist , or without mentioning the early 2000 couple in my country that went into a web cafe and asked the owner's help to fill the forms at the height of "outrages" and the owner assembled a larger group and beat the hell out of would be American troops , they will fail to interdict the drones . Unless one talks of an invasion force of millions .
Here is a link to the whole story about enlisting to earn naturalization. Click on "in time of hostilities"

This table shows the killed and wounded in hostilities/war since 1990.

War or conflict..........................................................................................................................DateCombat deaths..............Other ............Total Deaths..........Wounded.......................Total

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This is not the reality I'm living in or literally surrounded by Inno. I think you vastly overestimate consistently how far the US has slid in the last twenty years. USA Inc. is very capable of leveling cities and mass murder across Iran. I agree occupation will always be impossible, but I largely believe the days of occupations by any foreign power anywhere is largely over.


You look at the ability to do something on a limited scale and thing: the technical ability is still here. But the technical ability requirements incude also the organizatiuon, the management. Without competence there there is no scale-up.

Look at Boeing. It keeps sinking despite the problems being known, and the engineering ability not yet being lost. The technique of management is hopeless.
the notion is that the Christian God's chosen country , the US of A , can still fight a crusade in heathen lands despite the masses of losers and stuff . The counter idea is the accounting error thing has been a grave mistake about poking the bear and people will fight back if pushed too hard by the US . What happens with that is those two bottom lines . Even Somalia where people fire at the soldiers of the mostestly unmatchable country in the world . And that before drones , production capacity of hostiles being surprisingly superior . Like simply because glories of the Cold War ... Like back in the 50s America could deploy some division here . Or with the same cost equip 10 of ours . You see any spare M-46 Patton tanks lately ? It is the cozy rooms of CEOs and the similar where people seek thrills . No , Hispanic millions will not win your new Crusade ; enemy drones are already there .
They'll make good countrymen, regardless.
Anybody willing to risk life and limb for my country is welcome to live right here on my street.

(except liberals)

everything glorious . Then money starts to run dry . Who has the money ? Who also tends to be "socialist" in all the Right Wing Conspiracies ? A little thing . Too much effect ! A new war ... With a possibility of less overheads attriting more of the financial superiority . Aid worker , without insulting anyone , is financially insignificant . When (if) compensation is arranged it is likely to be less than the cost of the 4 jets that flew two nights back and the weapons they fired .
I think that Iran deliberately announced the strike before it took place in order to give the Israelis time to intercept them. This allows Iran to save face and not give Israel reason to further escalate, and also draws a line at the Iranians will tolerate.

To that end, I think the USA/UK is responding in kind by giving a few reprimands and trying to sweep it aside as quickly as possible.
iran has been fighting "Western Superpowers" for 2300 years now . They know where to act and where to stop . Do not try to write this up as yet one more Bidon victory .
Mongolians as western superpower. Interesting.
Mongolians as western superpower. Interesting.
Pretty sure he meant Alexander. Or perhaps the Parthians going at it with the Romans.

Unless you read it as him suggesting everyone they fought with was a Western superpower, but I'm assuming you didn't make that mistake.

Cameron on skynews about recent strikes
Well, they started it with the Greeks, but details details and imperial mindset. :lol:

Quite the pause after the Mongolians, tho. Took until 1950 or so to get back to population levels from before?
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