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Iran, the Red Sea, and the West (tm).

they had enough hits , that's why they didn't hit any as proven by some here .

and while it is still fresh , Macron finds it disproportine or however the hell you spell it and Iran must have attacked an Israeli embassy . Like , say , if it was the one in New Delhi , India , too , would be at war with Iran . Foolish Persians , or something .
I was surprised that others - including Cameron - used the term "disproportionate', as if we aren't in the middle of such a response by Israel itself against palestinians.
Maybe we are just at the point where it doesn't matter what is said, because "we know they are lying, they know we know they are lying ... they know we know they know we know they are lying ... and they are still lying".
israel has killed "thousands" of Iranians by now , mostly in Syria . It is like brain washing "Brown" people that they are not allowed to kill "Whites" no matter what but the Whites can .
israel has killed "thousands" of Iranians by now , mostly in Syria . It is like brain washing "Brown" people that they are not allowed to kill "Whites" no matter what but the Whites can .

It is astonishing how the mental division of the world between the colonial sphere, where genocidal violence just kinda happens or is okay because "we're fighting savages/terrorists" and the civilized sphere where it's bad (compare the Discourse on Ukraine and Gaza) has persisted in basically unchanged form through the formal end of European empires.
ah , just noticed the remark ... In the usual course of affairs ı was recently being accused of supporting Taliban . You know , so that America would come at get me . ı think they are now claiming ı did the whole thing , drones and missiles ... So , like New Turkey supports Hamas when they are trading with Israel in massive numbers ? All it takes would be giving Hamas leadership a percentage , they will be brothers real quick again .

WASHINGTON/BAGHDAD/DUBAI, April 14 (Reuters) - Turkish, Jordanian and Iraqi officials said on Sunday that Iran gave wide notice days before its drone and missile attack on Israel, but U.S. officials said Tehran did not warn Washington and that it was aiming to cause significant damage.
Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles on Saturday in a retaliatory strike after a suspected Israeli strike on its embassy compound in Syria.
Most of the drones and missiles were downed before reaching Israeli territory, though a young girl was critically injured and there were widespread concerns of further escalation.

Tukey, Jordan, and Iraq versus Washington... Washington has been lying about everything going on in the Middle East for so long it's hard to believe they can keep it straight anymore (they slip up constantly tho)... So I'm going to believe Turkey and Jordan on this one, neither of whom are super friendly with Iran. Iraq is, but I wonder whose fudging fault that is... hmmm...

Seriously some of the dumb takes people have on this are jsut insanely ignorant of historical reality, geographic reality, and demographic reality.

Tukey, Jordan, and Iraq versus Washington... Washington has been lying about everything going on in the Middle East for so long it's hard to believe they can keep it straight anymore (they slip up constantly tho)... So I'm going to believe Turkey and Jordan on this one, neither of whom are super friendly with Iran. Iraq is, but I wonder whose fudging fault that is... hmmm...

Seriously some of the dumb takes people have on this are jsut insanely ignorant of historical reality, geographic reality, and demographic reality.
Yeah I've been reading Defense News articles all day about how the US Navy's expansion is way behind schedule and how the Navy Secretary says it's because the industrial base can't produce the output, and Democrat and Republican senators are hand-in-hand denouncing the wastefulness of an organization that thinks it needs additional capacity and not just greater efficiency. Thankfully, $15 billion has been allocated to safeguard the industrial capacity and shore up the base, $4 billion of which has already been spent on stock buybacks.
News reports here confirm an Israeli strike in Iran just as Iran has pledged a massive and immediate response should that occur.
All so that Netanyahu can stay in power in order to escape corruption charges.
So, what they are saying on tv is that Biden was trying to entice Israel not to strike Iran by telling them to strike Hamas at Rafah.
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All so that Netanyahu can stay in power in order to escape corruption charges.
So long as the composition of the Israeli Parliament is in his favor and no one casts a vote of no confidence against him.
Israel is just thrashing about in the psychotic death-throes of a dying fascist state. Not satisfied with one front, they want to open another.

That's what decades of material and diplomatic support from the world hegemon does to you. Israel is the mad dog that will take down its masters with it
Turns out the rogue nuclear state was with us all along.
post #11200 and still alive . While the lack of coverage of the totally righteous action will be explained by the lack of other than skimpy reports in the media as of yet . The blog that dispenses Pentagon's lies was of course a first . It says Israeli reprisal against Iranian revenge attacks . As in reasonable on one side and "not exactly" so . A discussion in terms of the Evolution Theory will be tasteless ... And even if Israeli kinetic operations are not discussed because of a State policy and Israelis do not attack anybody , it is Iranians who attack everybody and that blog gets angry when ı describe its audience as idiots , turns out Israelis use multiple stage missiles , too , with at least one booster landing on Iraqis , with no casualties . The Israeli attack was no doubt severe in Syria and Iraq but it follows the form that Iran should not assume it can hit back or something . Americans get so angry when their bases in faraway lands are hit , imagine what they would if their tomahawks are returned one for one . As such the only Iranian report is like some quadcopter drone attack which might have not even targeted the F-14 squadrons and it failed anyhow . Or massive numbers of Iranian targets were superbly destroyed and we will never hear about that because there is a masterful politician in the White House , Iranians are liars and Israelis do not brag .

that the jets were practising nearby this morning is a coincidence . Never said Netanyahu attacked the annex in Damascus because New Turkey was defeated in the elections . If he had ever considered New Turkey that important , he would attacked the British bases on Cyprus and the US 6th Fleet .
Israel shouldn't stop with a limited strike, considering what they've committed to.

Hit hard and keep hitting hard so as to prevent Iran from being able to conduct retaliatory operations.

Whenever you have your foot on the snake, crush it, releasing it now after making it really angry causes it to lash out!
Israel shouldn't stop with a limited strike, considering what they've committed to.

Hit hard and keep hitting hard so as to prevent Iran from being able to conduct retaliatory operations.

Whenever you have your foot on the snake, crush it, releasing it now after making it really angry causes it to lash out!
In self defence.
Israel gets active military help from various 'west ' countries against Iran as we just saw, but the extent of their Gaza campaign was drawing 'concern ' even from the US, so..... picked a fight with Iran.
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