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Putin: "Britain is no longer a colonial power"


Aug 2, 2003
".. and there are no more colonies and, thank God, Russia was never British colony"

Nice remarks by admirable president Putin about British "colonial thinking" (EDIT), which can often be seen on this forum by some British posters.

one of sources.
I could say the same of russia. I don't really see any point in Putin's comment other to rile the British up in some way.
Vladimir Putin is a tool.
Russia? Taking the moral high ground? ROFL!!!11
Vladimir Putin is a tool.

Well, as a Westerner I naturally dislike him, but objectively Russia has come a long way under him. While he is defenitely not good fo Democracy, we must respect him as a very smart, and powerfull man.
I could say the same of russia. I don't really see any point in Putin's comment other to rile the British up in some way.

Seems to me that the comment is directed at the Americans.. in a "ha ha, you guys used to be a British colony, pwned" type of way
Well, he's right, so that can't be held against him, but he's acting like an idiot, so that can be.
Has Putin's "tough guy comment of the day" schtick fallen so far from "I'll cut off your gas" to "You're not an empire, neener, neener, neener!"?
Well, Putin is right in a way that the proposal to change the Constitution really seems rather, uh, strange. Doesn't the British Premier realize that countries usually don't change their laws because another country told them so? And I honestly cannot understand why the British officials are hiding some proofs of Lugovoi's guilt from Russia. Doesn't it seem counterintuitive?

But, having said that...

I find it hard to understand why Russian "ruling classes" (if they hadn't ordered to kill Litvinenko themselves, of course) are stubbornly refusing to cooperate with the Brits in any way. "Lugovoi will remain in Russia - and that's all we say! And it is not our business if he's accused of murder!"

While there are many different way of finding a way of suing Lugovoy that will suit Britain and not violate the Russian constitution, I am sure. Russia can, um, ask Lugovoi to come to Britain on his own will. Russia has a piese of territory in London - it is called the Russian Embassy. Maybe investigation can take place there? Maybe Lugovoi can be judged in Russia - but in the presence of British experts, and if they find signs of foul play on Russia's part, them it will be proven that Russia hides something it should not.

It seems that it is in Russia's best interests to cooperate - that it should be eager to fing was it really Lugovoi to killed Litvinenko - after all, having a murderer in the country is not something unworthy of attention. But, apparently, Russian ruling classes do not think so... Hm? Any ideas why they don't think so?

Althrough, I repeat, the British position is a bit illogical too...
To be fair, Britain's been busily refusing to extrade a few Russian X-Pats whom Moscow would very much like to get their hands on.

Of course, these X-Pats are wanted mostly because they are political opponant of Vladimir I, Emperor of All Russias, but...
I think Putin should focus on trying to get his populace's life expectancy up to standards wtih the rest of the developed world...maybe keep the spread of aids down...and convince his populace to have kids again. But I guess if posturing to appear strong is more important to you...go right ahead.
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