CivPedia Thread

Hmm, might be an idea to create a new Character for thos Quotes, rather then using Kael's real name.

We could get creative with his name and fiddle with it to make something like Kal-El. :crazyeye: (heh-heh-heh)

(Actually the modder who did Double Your Pleasure & then Rise & Rule used Kal-El - I haven't seen him since and I always wonder if he was Kael and DC got cranky about him using 'their' name."
"Don't cry grandson, your father will return from the wars soon enough. Now go tend the herds for they are our blood as much as the plains are our body. I know you wanted to ride with your father to wars, but till you are old enough, protect our herds and know you are becoming as tough as a rock with the eyes of a griffon! Do you think an city-spawn could ever hope to ride herd over our cattle? Could any of those fat, coddled townies shoot a wolf at a full gallop? No grandson, we travel with our herds like the wind and like the wind we Hippus sweep over all."

Hippus Elder Mother Haynan Tai to her grandson at the beginning of the Great Hippus Expansion of 185.

History: The dangers of Erebus have always favored the ability to seek shelter behind wooden palisades and walls of stone. Yet for many folk, that protection seems more a prison and thus they turn away from cities to live a more nomadic life with their herds. The main advantage of the yurt is that it can be fully disassembled and transported as the herds move. Speed and mobility is the the herdsmen's best defense. Many of Erebus best cavalry officers grew up in yurts after practically growing up in the saddle.

Strategy: While not the most productive of improvements, yurts will often yield better results latter in the game by randomly generating resources. If your faction lacks the horse resource, building yurts is one way to possibly obtaining them.
Mana Node
"The glow, the wonderous glow..."
Victim of the Tanshir incident, following the first Amurite Rite of Oghma
As recorded by Prof. Selsten of the University of advanced uses for enchantment magic
-Cevedes, summer solstice 412 AoR


The essence of magic, the very purest of its forms is mana. Mana can be shaped and influenced in myriad curious ways for each kind of magic there is. Mana can be found on those points where flows of power cross, crossings of Ley lines. There mana comes to the surface pure and undiluted (and in far larger quantities than actually needed). Similarily the Rites of Oghma use knowledge of these Ley lines and raw power to split one of them, making new crossings and shifts in power through which new sources of mana appear.

How much are you dependent on magic ? That is how much you are dependent on mana nodes. Each gives an option to open up new spells or enhance spellcasters. Next to that there can be other effects as well on health, happines, maintenance and so on. What advantages do you want ?

Choose carefully...

How had it come to this? One day Essom’s village stood on the border of the Elohim lands, adjoining Belseraphs, his people happily tolerating the bizarre antics of the troubadour nation. The next day the village was in Belseraphs territory and his people were slaves. More startling, they accepted it mindlessly, as if it were the most natural transition in the world.

“Stand up straight, ye lazy popinjay, he’s coming,” Faro snarled.

Yesterday such a remark would have been accompanied with the sting of the whip, and the river would have run with blood, but, for today at least, the slaves have been given the day off, so that they could form a crowd of grateful faces, all appreciatively welcoming Perpentech, the Blasphemy made Flesh.

The clown prince arrived wearing a red suit with black buttons and golden tassels and trim, the kind that adorned doormen on official state occasions. The orchestra began to play the official Belseraphs national anthem, The Dance of the Deer and Duck.

“No! No! No! No! No!” Perpentech squawked. “You’re doing it all wrong. You on the fiddle, go and play the harp. And you, yes you, with the trumpet and the big nose, fetch the timpani. And tell the choir to swap with the piccolo section, whilst you’re at it.”

Essom watched the havoc as musicians swapped places with one another, desperately trying to locate an instrument with which they might bear at least a passing acquaintance. It occurred to Essom that Perpentech had quite the most ridiculous voice that he had ever heard, a squeaky, reedy thing of no substance. And yet, such was his charisma, no-one ever heard the voice, just the threat behind it.

“And a one-two-three, and in your own time.”

The resulting melange lacked rhythm, melody and talent, but made up for it with an enthusiasm born of fear. As discordant notes slid into one another with all the elegance of a coach crash, Perpentech swayed from side to side, flicking his wrist here and there in time with some overblown bugle cry or inappropriate cymbal clash. The tempo varied wildly, some musicians finishing early, whilst others were drawn into extended solos. A capella competed with soto voce, and the lyrics fared little better; at least half the choristers started by singing last week’s National Anthem, Two fiddles and a tug by Solstice Eve.

“Excellent! Excellent! Isn’t out so much better when you don’t play the music laid out for you? Now where are my doves?”

“Doves, Sir?” asked Captain Faro

“Doves. To announce my presence of course!” Perpentech sighed. “If you want something done, do it yourself.” Essom had not seen the prince change his clothing, but now Perpentech was wearing a dark suit with a top hat. With a flourish, the harbinger of chaos swept out his left arm and a swarm of locusts emerged from his fingertips. They clustered together in the form of two doves and then flew into the crowd.

“I apologise for the lack of facilities, sir. It shan’t happen again.” Captain Faro toadied, but Essom had seen that face before. Tomorrow the whip would be twice as harsh.

“I say, Captain, do your feet sweat and stink in this heat?”

The non-sequitur stunned Faro into stammering affirmative response.

“Well we’ll have to do something about that.” And Perpentech seized a nosegay from the buttonhole of the silk pyjamas that current served as his raiment. Peeling the petals from the rose, he plucked them delicately letting them drift on the breeze.

Somewhere in the crowd a voice cried “She Loves Me.” With the next petal, “She Loves Me Not.” Soon the entire multitude was declaring undying affection and remorseful regret with each petal, until, with the final “She Loves Me Not”, the petals danced on the wind to smother the sun and darken the land below.

“Now show me the project.”

“Of course, Sir.”

“And do stop calling me, Sir. It sounds so formal. From now on you must refer to me the Most Beneficent Augur of Munificence and Virtue.”

Captain Faro nodded and showed Perpentech the way to the structure. Three pillars stood in the desert, each a monument to the blood and pain of Elohim slaves. Carved marble masonry, engraved with etchings of frogs and toads dying in burning hail, lay discarded at the side, pieces of a jigsaw that don’t fit in place.

“In fairness, Si... Your most Beneficent Augur of... er... Our architects don’t understand how you expect all the stairwells to be going up all the time.”

“Really.” Perpentech, now dressed in a gold robe which covered him from head to foot, stretched out his arms. “We can’t have that. After all, I can hardly be expected to have servants living below stairs if I don’t have a staircase in the first place. Allow me to demonstrate.”

As Perpentech dropped his arms, a figure appeared behind them. Or rather three figures, three dwarves standing atop of each other. The one at the bottom had so many sores and boils it was hard to make out his visage. The central one was smothered in lice and flies, whereas the one at the top, who was slightly taller than the others, had a stage dagger plunged firmly in his chest.

The dwarves at the top and the bottom of the stack stuck their arms out, bending their elbows and hands to point at right angles. The central dwarf spoke. “My name is Weevil and below me stands Pickle and above me stands Hyde.”

The tower of dwarves then rotated on the spot, slowly shuffling until they faced the audience once more. Although there had been no apparent change in the tower whilst their back was to the crowd, now the dwarf with the boils occupied the central spot, with the tall dwarf at the bottom and the lice-infested dwarf on the top of the stack.

This time, the dwarves at the top and bottom of the stack made surprised faces, eyes wide open, hands covering their mouths in mock-astonishment. The central dwarf spoke once more. “My name is Pickle, below me stands Hyde and above me stands Weevil.”

The tower rotated once more. When it faced the audience again, the configuration of dwarves had changed. The dwarf with the flies was at the bottom of the stack, the palms of his hands covering his eyes. The central position was occupied by the dwarf with the stage dagger, his hands closed over his ears. At the top was the pockmarked dwarf, a hand cupped across his mouth. The central dwarf spoke again. “And my name is Hyde, below me stands Weevil and above me stands Pickle.”

“So there you have it,” stated Perpentech, as if he had just taught a child how to count to ten “When you build my staircase just remember Weevil, Pickle and Hyde.”

“Erm... Right” replied Faro. He almost sounded like he believed it.

Perpentech clutched his nose, as if to stifle a sneeze. “I do apologise,” he squeaked nasally, and then broke wind with aplomb. Reaching down, he withdrew a handkerchief from his backside. As he pulled, another handkerchief came out, tied to the first, and then another, a different colour from the others. Perpentech pulled the string of ever increasing handkerchiefs up to his face and wiped his nose.

“Just a little cold I seemed to have picked up. My nose just won’t stop running. Does your nose run, Faro?”

“Sometimes, Your Most Ben...”

Perpentech stepped forwards in gleeful triumph, his satin leotard sparkling with baleful luminescence. “Well if your nose runs and your feet smell, you must be built upside-down.” Faro started in his horror and seized his face. In the centre, where once his nose had been, there was a large toe. Poking through his sandals, a nose sniffed it’s new surroundings with horrified curiosity.

Essom mused on what he had seen. In a land where only the ringmaster can sing the song destiny intended for him, everyone else is a slave.
Bank of Vivaldi
But dear sir, at an interest rate of only 10 % we're much cheaper than the stewards, besides you can pay of over a much longer time. But don't forget that my employer mr. Balinson is a Dwarf and Dwarves hold grudges. So if you don't repay, you might find us in possession of all your possessions one day. Then again it's better than being mutilated and having your family sold in slavery, which is what the Stewards would add to the list.
Unnamed bank employee, Naggarond Branch of the Bank of Vivaldi

The first banking establishments in the Age of Rebirth were founded by the Dwarves, who were very keen on hoarding gold, but did not always have the place to store it. Then, after several treasure shafts under the homes emptied in a mine, it was decided by Kandros Fir that there should be one storage for gold. The storage was run by a Dwarf named Vivâl and thus the worlds oldest bank was founded, the Bank of Vivaldi...
Zebericts treatises on economy - Part III, chapter iv

If you want more money, this is what you must have. Particular minable resources will even grant more gold for each branch of vivaldi's bank you have.
I've been doing the research on some improvements I want to write entries on and I've run into a bit of a wall on the so called "goum" - frankly I can't find anything on it that would tie it as an upgrade to a yurt. From what I've seen, a goum is a unit of 200 Moroccan auxiliary soldiers working for the French between 1908 and 1956. So I'm not sure how this word got associated with this structure.

So I did some more research and came up with this and before I go nuts on it, I figured I'd get everyone's opinion. Looking up nomadic life, I came upon 'transhumance' from which I got a lot of names of buildings that are used seasonally either for farming or mainly herding during parts of the year. While many are more for hilly areas, this is mostly the case in Scotland and Scandinavia.

I think this would work since to a me a goum is a step up from a yurt (temporary, movable dwelling) to a more semi-permanent structure before it may morph into a full pasture tile.

Some names are
Seter/Saeter - Scandinavian
Bothy/Bothan/Shielings - Gaelic
Hafod - Welsh
Kishlak/Yailaq- Central Asian
Yaylak - Russian

I would go with Kishlakl due to it being of Central Asian and thus being closer to a yurt. Plus it means a wintering camp and those historically often become areas where tanning/slaughterhouses go up and thence small 'working settlements' that I would expect the pasture improvement to represent.
The name comes from arabic I think, from wiki (article on bedouins):
"When resources were plentiful, several tents would travel together as a goum. These groups were sometimes linked by patriarchical lineage but just as likely linked by marriage (new wives were especially likely to have male relatives join them), acquaintance or even no clearly defined relation but a simple shared membership in the tribe."
I am not happy with the name, but did not want to use "encampment" or smething simillar.

If usingt any non-obvious names, I would like to use a word from nomadic people language. In my part of Europe, nomads mean mongols or tatars, so I first thought of Ulus. Nowadays it is mostly used for an administrative unit, but it also was a type of "settlement" of nomadic people or a fort build by cossacs when they claimed Siberia for russia. I think I will probably change goum to ulus then. But first, tell me, is it better?

Kishlakl is a really hard word, at least for me. Yaylak does not sound russian for me... But it may be because of the strange english transcription of slavic words that are normally written in cyrilic alphabet (I so hate it!). I do not think I would recognize my own last name if it would be transcribed this way ;)
Edit: Ok, checked, it is a turkic word used in russian... Not bad...

Also, do you like aduar? It is a berber word for village, and their villages in Atlas valleys are what I thought of when creating the improvement.

I have almost finished adding your pedia entries. Thanks a lot guys!

Arkham, you do not really need to add both a citation and a history. One is enough. I do not mind, but sometimes I split them and cover two entries.

I appreciate your efforts, but slavery text is too long... I am also not sure if your text on Sacrifice the weak (also too long imho) describes the civic right.
I am working on carnival of Mammon, don't you dare touch it!
The name comes from arabic I think, from wiki (article on bedouins): "When resources were plentiful, several tents would travel together as a goum. These groups were sometimes linked by patriarchical lineage but just as likely linked by marriage (new wives were especially likely to have male relatives join them), acquaintance or even no clearly defined relation but a simple shared membership in the tribe."
I am not happy with the name, but did not want to use "encampment" or smething simillar.

I think in Poland you must have a better Wikipedia then here in the US. Seriously, this is about the third time I've done EXTENSIVE Wikipedia searching (and I did Open Source Intelligence for over a year so I know what I'm doing) and come up empty and then BANG you come along with a Wiki entry. Weird.
Also, do you like aduar? It is a berber word for village, and their villages in Atlas valleys are what I thought of when creating the improvement.

I found aduar and read up on them and that seems to be a great term for what it is.

As for Kishlak, I found lots of different spellings but most required special characters to write them out like Qışlaq.

Arkham, you do not really need to add both a citation and a history. One is enough. I do not mind, but sometimes I split them and cover two entries.

I know, but sometimes I think for improvements the history can kind of be used in tandem with strategy or maybe I should just put the 'history' in with strategy to show how they were 'historically' used. Sorry, my father was a history teacher and I believe even 'fantasy' games can be used to teach.

@Jabie: I appreciate your efforts, but slavery text is too long... I am also not sure if your text on Sacrifice the weak (also too long imho) describes the civic right.

I was thinking that it was too long but would make a GREAT entry (with some tweaking) for the minor leader of the Balseraphs! :goodjob:
I have heard that our wiki is second to english only.
But the reason is different. First time, it was holk. This kind of ship was used mostly in Baltic and eastern North Sea trade, so it is easier to find info in Dutch, German and Polish sources. Plus I have already known what I was looking for.

The goum reference I have found wqhen I was creating the improvement. I have read many articles on nomadic lifestyle and bedouin one was one of them. I just had to find the right sentence now.

I agree on the Balseraph leader entry - need to think who should get it. Leader entries can be longer I think, but still shorter than slavery text.

Also, Tayschrenn, wizard enclave is a bit long. Care to cut it a bit? Like in half?
I think the best length is around Arkham's entries, maybe even one part of them. Some longer ones for leaders are ok, but not for anything else...
I have heard that our wiki is second to english only.
But the reason is different. First time, it was holk. This kind of ship was used mostly in Baltic and eastern North Sea trade, so it is easier to find info in Dutch, German and Polish sources. Plus I have already known what I was looking for.

The goum reference I have found wqhen I was creating the improvement. I have read many articles on nomadic lifestyle and bedouin one was one of them. I just had to find the right sentence now.

Well I have no problem with the name; I figured it had to mean something to someone since I doubt it was just pulled out of the air. Which is why I posted, didn't just want to say, "Hey this needs to be changed!" just because I couldn't find it.

Also, for some of these entries, will they get used in other mods like FF or even base FfH if applicable? I think many of the entries that are being done by everyone are really good. I'm enjoying doing them.

Of course I think we all dropped thinking on the Asian Flavored Civ and are all busy writing Civlopedia artivles! :lol:
Well I have no problem with the name; I figured it had to mean something to someone since I doubt it was just pulled out of the air.
It just reminded me that I was not happy with the name. I like ulus better, and it has more turkic sound. I picture hippus after scythians, with some turkic influences, and both yurt and goum are mostly for them. For malakim these are just a way to get aduar.

Also, for some of these entries, will they get used in other mods like FF or even base FfH if applicable? I think many of the entries that are being done by everyone are really good. I'm enjoying doing them.
I think they certainly deserve it and some describe things from outside Orbis. But I can only speak for myslef, it depends on Kael, Vehem and others.
Of course I think we all dropped thinking on the Asian Flavored Civ and are all busy writing Civlopedia artivles! :lol:
I think the dropping is mostly my fault - had not the time to post there nor work on it.
My mother bids me bind my hair
With bands of rosy hue,
Tie up my sleeves with ribbons rare,
And lace my bodice blue.
For why, she cries, sit still and weep,
While others dance and play?
Alas! I scarce can go or creep,
While my love and our herds are away.

'Tis sad to think the days are gone,
When those we love were near;
I sit upon this mossy stone,
And sigh when none can hear.

And while I spin my flaxen thread,
And sing my simple lay,
The village seems asleep, or dead,
Now that my love and our herds are away.

Pastoral Song - Traditional

History: Prosperity breeds its own problems and for the nomad, wealth often brings the ability to buy things that become harder and harder to carry. Thus over time, goums evolve as a means to deal with this problem. Guoms can either be wintering quarters or more permanent camps where the women, children and elderly stay while most of the menfolk ride with the herds to far ranging fields to graze the herds on. Often these camps will grow to more to even more permanent to facilitate such things as tanneries and/or slaughterhouses.

My Notes: Or Ulus if you prefer
I know it would be to big of a pain to do, but I do think the Civlopedia page for buildings and/or improvements could be improved since often times there is a lot of wasted space and the place reserved for the history and the like are really too small.

I wonder if there would be a way to create .wav files where we all could record blurbs that would pop up when techs were done. That would be cool!:p
I wonder if there would be a way to create .wav files where we all could record blurbs that would pop up when techs were done. That would be cool!:p
Of course there is :) Take a micro, record. Then, you just have to modify some Audio Def entriy and the tech you want to record for.

BTW, Ahwaric, since you mentioned difficult names, I hope Ngomele names aren't too difficult. I'm trying to create them so they sound african (and look african, even though it's very stereotypical).
Lets have Ahwaric do it :) (I want to hear his accent) or we could convince Opera to do it :)
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