CivPedia Thread

French accents are awesome
Big Jaffah was a river man;
Rode the rivers with sword in hand.
Heave Ho, Lash and stow
He feared no beast nor undead kind;
But Big Jaffah had much to mind.
Heave Ho, Lash and stow
A wife at home but loves a plenty;
Every port had one of his honeys!
Heave Ho, Lash and stow
Old Big Jaffah had it made;
Till one day when his memory did fade.
Heave Ho, Lash and stow
In passion he cried out her name!
But the wrong one caused much to blame!
Heave Ho, Lash and stow
Now Big Jaffah is stuck in port
With all his assets tied up in court!

Dock worker's shanty - Traditional

HISTORY: Rivers are often the life blood of commerce and that wealth flows through the river ports. The rivers allow for large loads over long distances as well as a focal point of trade. Since river valleys tend to allow for large populations, more specialists can be supported, further boosting the wealth that can be trade via the river port.
And while I spin my flaxen thread

Pastoral Song - Traditional
Is it really traditional or you just written it? If the latter, would you mind if I change flaxen to woolen? Fits pastoralism better

Lets have Ahwaric do it :) (I want to hear his accent) or we could convince Opera to do it :)
Oh, over my cold dead body. I do not want to hear my voice every time I research tech. I would spend all my commerce on gold and culture only to avoid it ;)
Also, do you really want a slavic accent in there? My english is better when written than when spoken, and you know how do I write...
One of the major reasons I did not volouteer to do a podcast ;)

One more thing - try to avoid using & and ' in pedia texts, they do not work well in civ. Will save me some trouble looking for them...
Is it really traditional or you just written it? If the latter, would you mind if I change flaxen to woolen? Fits pastoralism better

Hey, it's your mod! :D As for did I write it, the one for the goum no, I did a Google search and found that one and just fiddled with it a bit so feel free to change it. I tried to find a traditional Mongolian pastoral song but couldn't get one in English.

The River Port song I made up myself although "Heave Ho, Lash and Stow" is a common nautical refrain in many a shanty. Of course being ex-military, the shanty probably sounds more like a running cadence than an actual song you'd load or unload a ship/boat to. :hammer2:

UPDATE: On thinking it over, I think I got the "traditional" not only from the fact it is a traditional song, but in old Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, a few of the techs where either songs or sayings and the voice would always with, "...traditional; Datalinks" - since I'm a SM:AC fanatic, I guess it stuck in my head.
I appreciate your efforts, but slavery text is too long... I am also not sure if your text on Sacrifice the weak (also too long imho) describes the civic right.

Point taken. It is too long.

Sacrifice the Weak was a more subtle take on the subject. The obvious take would be to go down the Neitzchian route and amplify the horror by writing from the perspective of an outsider, possibly working in a parallel with the Bannor escape from hell.

I wanted to take a path less travelled, hence commentary on how different societies ascribe weakness (in Grigori scoeity, Carnuk would be a hero, whereas in Sheaim, Carnuk is weak because his valour acts as a restraint) and the different natures of sacrifice: (not) leaving the farmers to die, Carnuk's willingness to face the consequences, Tebryn's cynicism for political gain...

I was thinking that it was too long but would make a GREAT entry (with some tweaking) for the minor leader of the Balseraphs! :goodjob:

Thanks. The relevant portion of the story could be transferred to Weevil, Pickle and Hyde. The final sentence could be used as a stub for Slavery.
If ninety chiefs had we, none would ask me to leave;
All to me are first cousins—full brothers, indeed.
How fine these my brethren, who camp in the aduar,
Lovers of joy, ever cheering their friends.

From the Collected Poems of Hakim Fu'ad - Malakim thespian

HISTORY: While most cities in Erebus are surrounded by satellite villages and towns, the Malakim refuse to be tied down to such. While those in the major cities have learned to accept the restrictions brought upon by urban living, most of the Malakim breed refuses to have their freedom so tempered. Thus while an aduar's population may remain relatively constant, the people in them are constantly changing as these semi-nomads move with their herds and merchant convoys. To the Malakim, a aduar is a village owned by all; a veritable tavern of a town.
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How sharp is an eagle's eye but may be as blind as a mere mole compared to her steady gaze?

Technopriest Alset after witnessing a shooting demonstration at the Mechanos Court.

HISTORY: Little is know of Feris' early life. Reliable rumors place her being born to a captain of horse in the village of Oakley but rumors these still be. Unlike so many bardic stories, the girl that would grow to become Feris' felt no need to pretend to be a man to enter military service. She marched right into tent of the commander of the newly formed Dragoons and made him a bet; if she could out-shoot him and his officers, they would allow her to join. Not only did she win, but to prove herself to all, she out-shot all of the officers a second time while mounted with the rest shot again while still on foot.

Known for her unearthly sight, calm under pressure, soon Feris's fame was known to every Mechanos and many a enemy commander was knocked from their horse from a distances no one thought possible that a shot could be made. Yet for all her ability to shoot, Feris is beloved by her men for knowing when prudence is the better part of valor and not to be thrown away in useless charges done to coddle a male commander's ego.
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I love it. I use the same model in Malakim+, mind if I take your text?

Anyone can use any of my text. All I ask is that I'm listed in the "I'd like to thank the following..." list.

Besides, half the fun is wanting people to appreciate this stuff! Although my ego does compel me to admit I didn't write it, just tweaked it from a Bedouin poem.
You have to learn to listen to the whistle, my boy. All power has a voice, be it the crash of the waves on the rocks, the creak of a wind or watermill. The fires of the coke ovens will belch out information if you know how to hear it. Here, though, power has a scream all of its own. You learn how to listen to that whistle, that scream and you'll stay alive.

Foreman Sansone Tiziano to his 4th apprentice in a month

HISTORY: While most civilizations on Erebus were content with mills powered by the wind and water or the mana nodes for power, the naturalistic philosophers of the Mechanos went a step further. While decrying the God-Believers, these naturalist noticed the duality in the Gods and saw it in nature as well; hot and cold, light and dark. It was from these observations that the Mechanos discovered that in a union of opposites, in this case fire and water, a powerful energy could be harnessed. Soon mighty factories would be built, all powered by the turbines and steam of the powerhouse.
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How sad to see the Mechanos' nature philosophy writ large into the culture. Their Technopriest study nature and invent amazing discoveries. Yet what do they do with them? They use them to create great factories that eat men like a fire eats coal. Day and night the factories operate; men toiling by the eerie light of the lumos bulbs. Who is the master here? The men who toil till they drop in oily squalor or the machines that they tend? In studying nature, they have created their own antithesis of it; a hell they willingly go into.

Scouting report, Elohim Devout Idore Lykasu

HISTORY: Powered by steam, lit by lumos bulbs, the Mechanos factories work night and day. Young and old, man and women work to keep the machines running. The foremans roam up and down the lanes, watching for anyone shirking their duty to the machines; Mechanos ideals made manifest in iron and copper. The steam whistle brings in a new shift as the outgoing one staggers off to their cramped living quarters...if living is what it can be called.

My Notes: Steampunk is all about chrome and bright shiny optimism and the like. However the industrial revolution had its dark side. We folk forget it wasn't too long ago that a 40 hour work week would be considered Heaven on Earth and 12yo olds toiling in factories a common sight.
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"Welcome to our establishment! Come, I shall show you the way. Here we have the caldarium where you can feel take a proper hot bath. If heat isn't to your temper, then along here with have the tepidarium were the water is deliciously warm. Then for those in need of a refresher, a quick jump into the frigidarium will get your blood pumping!. A special treat after a long day at diplomatic table; we have one of the new sudatorium, where the moist steam will loosen tense muscles. For those disliking humidity, the dry steam of laconicum is for you! This way to the vestibule where you can disrobe in private."

Owner of the Thermae, Poldi Federigo, greeting the Hippus diplomatic party to the Mechanos

HISTORY: Public baths are important places in many of the cultures of Erebus. Often built as public monuments, they are used by everyone, whether rich or poor, free or slave. A person could eat, exercise, read, drink, shop, socialize, and discuss politics.

When asked by a visiting Doviello chieftain why he bathed once a day, an Amurite governor is said to have replied "Because I do not have the time to bathe twice a day."

Governors, Dukes and other powerful nobles often built baths to gain favor for themselves and to create a lasting monument of their generosity. A rich man who wish to gain the favor of the people may arrange for a free admission day in his name. For example, a Baron with ambitions to a higher standing might pay all admission fees at a particular bath on his birthday to become well known to the people of the area and thus become widely seen as kind and generous.
you're... unstoppable arkham4269 is now officially the human pedia creator
"I am telling you, it is not natural. This is the fifth case this month alone! How can I keep the energy flowing if all my men keep coming down with bloody flux and consumption? I have said it before, I respect Technopriest Alset but the somewhere, somehow in this process he has created, there is something that is making my men sicken and die!"

Foreman Anacleto to visiting dignitaries to the initial prototype refinery

HISTORY: Fearing magic to be a tether to the gods, Mechanos technopriests stroved long and hard to find a way to harness this energy without resorting to the magics so intertwined with the Gods of Erebus. Finally the great technopriest Alset discovered that if certain crystals could be imbued with a mana like power from the nodes if those nodes were properly "excited" by a combination of solar energy and rhythmic tonal pulses. These crystals could later be used as batteries to power many of the most wonderful devices of the Mechanos. However this came at a terrible price of thousands of Mechanos workers who died slow and painful deaths before it was learned of the harmful radiation generated in the process.

My Notes: I think the name of this needs a new name. Something vaguely latin but in keeping with the whole steampunk theme. Something like Solarium or Arithmeum or something like that.
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you're... unstoppable arkham4269 is now officially the human pedia creator

It is all just backlog creativity from not being able to be a Dungeonmaster since I was about 22 or so.

...and that was a long time ago. :yuck:

Plus, don't get to excited about my krazy-phat pedia skillz; a lot of this is just knowing how to take info from Wikipedia and fiddle around with it. Look up Thermae in Wiki and you'll see where I got my Public Bath info.
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"Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky. But Kilmorph is your god, Kilmorph and she lives in the earth. Once, giants lived in the earth, Ovdain, my son. And in the darkness of chaos, they fooled Kilmorph, and they took from her the enigma of steel. Kilmorph was angered. And the Earth shook. Fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters and all was covered by the ice. Yet in their rage, the Gods forgot the riddle of steel and left it on the battlefield. We who found it are just dwarves. Not gods. Not giants. Just dwarves. The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Ovdain. You must learn its discipline. For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts, not even gold. Steel, however, steel you can trust."

Khazad Master Smith Arur Dolmak to his son on his Naming day

HISTORY: Masters of rock and stone, dwarven smiths have always been the masters of the metals teased out from Kilmorph's embrace. Their kilns and forges burn brighter and hotter than any on Erebus. To many, the fires of the forge is a din of hammering tongs, heat and sparks. To the dwarves, their smithy's are as Kilmorph's womb.

My Notes: Yes, I'm blatantly stealing here but I loved this film!
Order of Arches

The Prospectors Guild has it's place... and that place is in the mud. Anyone can dig a hole in the ground and call it a mine, but only the truly talented will still have one come the Autumn rains.

Abdul-ibn-Nadir, Malakim Architect

Prospector's Guild

They may call us Muck-scrapers, but I never saw one of those fancy artists from the Order of Tubes walk into the Miner's Arms and get free drinks all night.

Heinrich Shine-Eyes, Dwarven Prospector

History: The emnity between the Prospectors Guild and the Order of Arches is legendary. Each guild claims to construct the best mines in Erebus. Recent reconciliation talks staged by the Stonewardens of Kilmorph ended in bitter recrimincation when Abdul's rabbit stew was found to be laced with hemlock.
Dagda's memorial

For all their well or ill meant actions, for all the gifts the gods have given us, the result of the fact that there are Gods, can be summarised in two words: Children Die. Therefore, let gods be a memory of the past, don't let their kindness, before the fall, be forgotten, but their chance has passed, let them fade to memories

On the Gods, prologue to the first part of Cassiels hundred treatises.
To get the general Ambience correct...

Press Here-->

Mammons Carnival

Welcome to the Carnival! I shall be the guide for you all today, how do you do? Good, Good. To the right of us is the magician's tent, interested in snakes coming out of your noses? He's your man. To the left is the Succubus's tent. Name says it all. Any gentlemen, or ladies, interested? You can bring your kids there too if you want, good for educational purposes. Moving on to the center of the carnival is the Slave Torture chamber. Here you can bring a used slave and a few pieces of silver to toy with them any way you wish, acids? Hammers? Heck, you can do it yourself too!

To the right of us again is the freak show, have you met Mr. Tiddles yet? You didn't? Well I can promise you that it will be a experience you won't forget.

Now, there are many more wonders of the carnival left, so many things to show you. For example, to the left of us again is....
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"He did not care any more... life and death... the same. Only that the crowd would be there to greet him with howls of lust and fury. He began to realize his sense of worth... he mattered. In time, his victories could not easily be counted... he was taken to the East and where the best Mimics would teach him their deepest secrets. Language and writing were also made available, the poetry of the Kuriotates, the philosophy of the Grigori; and he also came to know the pleasures of women, when he was bred to the finest stock. Yet for all of the fame and the roar of the crowd, deep within him he remembered his Doviello heritage and knew one day he would be free and then he'd have his revenge for that day when the Taskmasters burnt his village.."

'Chronicles of Khonahn: The Road from Rage to Power' - Thadan Welhm, Amurite sage

HISTORY: The clang of arms, the swearing of drill masters, the smell of leather and sweat is what is found in most training yards across Erebus. Yet in the lands of the Balseraph, this training isn't kept hidden but exploited for entertainment. Mistakes that would get a upcoming soldier extra detail or a cuff to the side of the head bring boos and often a death sentence. Those who survive their training and able to please the fickle crowds are often the most dangerous (if flamboyant) of all warriors of Erebus. Often these crafty warriors join the elite ranks of the Mimics, famed for their ability to ape their enemies abilities.
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