• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

General chess.com talk

WhiteEagle, can you challenge me?

Sure, what is your username on Chess.com?

Cool. :) How?

It was sitting outside of the Macs across the road from work, so I went over after work, made sure it was the one that was stolen from me, hopped on, and rode it home and locked it up!:cool::goodjob: Technically, it was not stealing, since it was stolen from me in the first place!
Sry DaveShack & col but I'm going to have to go into vacation time again. Just can't focus on chess right now, haven't slept much in days now, probably won't sleep much tonight as I am in my car (my folks surprised me & gave me their old '95 Ford Taurus so I could better get to worksites in Mass). I am about to crash in it now (just enough room to curl up in the back) in a New Jersey parking lot after spending all day with my partner & daughter (the mother-in-law wants to split us up so I'm sleeping here instead of at her house where my beloveds are*) so I can also spend all day tomorrow with them before I have to drive back North.

Needless to say I'm not up for deep calculation but I'm checking into vote games & whatnot to see how they are going. Hopefully I'll be at least 70% by next weekend (or whichever day is best for y'all) for our next mindnumbing team speed vote game. Thanks for bearing with me!

* - not for long I hope. I have an apartment we both like & are waiting on so we can be together as a family again!
I would have started said tournament already but I can't decide on the theme for the trophies.
This reminds me I have to upgrade my membership after I get some more credit card debt paid off. Though the way I keep losing, I doubt I'll be able to compete in any more Chess.com hosted tournaments. Kind of sucks in a way.
You should talk to Erik & see if he'll cut you a deal. He gave me a slight discount on my membership (don't tell anyone! ;)).
He may just do that, as I do have a link to his site that worth $120/year. ;)
I just started a Chess960 game against a friend of mine on Chess.com. Does anyone like this format of chess?
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