Inner Sanctum Documentaries

Well, we're still a couple turns from finishing the Great Library - I'll probably release the next video when that's done.


Spoiler :
... really, I have no schedule. I'll make a new video when something that I deem newsworthy happens :D
Hey Sommerswerd. Glad to have you as a viewer :)

No - the Japanese voice was ripped from something totally unrelated. I think it was some kind of Japanese pop-news show. Hopefully it's nothing obscene! :lol:
Anyone here able to translate? Would be interesting... ;)
Whoo :eek: I just found this... awesome work General _W!
For some reasons, i prefered the first video :lol:

The ISD apologises for the cut backs in the production values due to the increased allocation of resources to wonder builds, instead of military propaganda.

(I mean really, who needs propaganda when you're winning?)

Inner Sanctum Times said:
The Cult of the Triple Alliance follows up on it's stunning Oracle build with a large phallic symbol made from the copper rims of kazakh chariots.

The Collosus:

Said Cult figure AT - "Well, we found this funny weed in the jungle and we were smoking it, dude. And then Memphus says "we should build this TOTALLY huge guy and Krill says "Dude, that's a great idea" then Memphus says "People will come to see it and throw money on the water and we'll collect it" and Krill goes "DUDE!! What a totally kick-ass idea!!" and Memphus says "We'll call it The Colloseum" and Krill goes "Dude, that name sucks - how about the Rathaus?
and Dreylin goes "Rat House?" and General_w goes "combine them - the Ratoleum". But all we remembered was to combine them, so we got Collosus - eh.
Very amusing... :lol:
We don't have any copper though! Those rims are made of hardened cow manure mixed with tomatoes.

Maybe that's why the wheels keep coming off :(
The ISD once again apologises for the cut backs in the production values due to the increased allocation of resources to wonder builds, instead of military propaganda.

Originally Posted by Inner Sanctum Times
The Cult of the Triple Alliance follows up on it's stunning Oracle and Collosus build with a yet another large symbol.

The Pyramids:

SANCTAN scientists have investigated claims that the square-based tetrahedron-like object known colloquially as a pyramid has vast powers, including sharpening Cult axes made dull chopping up defeated Kazahk chariots, preserving food for cooking on fires made by the wood in destroyed Kazah chariots, and providing extra energy for Cultish victory dances around the fires made from Kazahk chariots. While the majority of the claims have turned out to merely be the ravings of diseased minds, we have discovered that the craps tables we installed are making people happier, and funding scientific research for many of our residents - including, oddly, the ballerinas.
yeah, but what are you going to do when you run out of Kaz chariots :p
yeah, but what are you going to do when you run out of Kaz chariots :p

No More Chariots....hmmm...Does that mean we can Relax at our new city? Send the Longbows elsewhere?

Perhaps those new books you have will teach you a way?
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