Funny Screenshots: Part Deux

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Isn't that always the case. You're surrounded by Beaver, but Crabs are lurking nearby. :lol:
The only reason for such amount of furs is because you're near the North Pole, as the ice on your coast proves...

One good city but surrounded by ice... not such a good starting location after all...
He's right, it's too far North. You'll have a lot of plains and tundra nearby.

Grr sent thse to wrong thread so trying again:

Willie showing how bad he wants to see Mamma Mia and:

Georgie's BAT 2.0 fashion statement.

Maybe not the funniest screenies of all time but they made me smile hehe :)

Wait a minute- You have an entire continent, and no Iron, Coal, or Silver?
Those resource amounts seem awfully big. Is that a Big & Small map made with the 'Full of Resources' mapscript, or an 18 civ map in which many players found extra minerals?


If you're asking about my pic with willy that game was a large, 2 continent hemi map, and by that point in game I had control over my continent. Those maps can be wierd sometimes like TONS of some resoruces like as you can see 10 bananas all to myself (and I even think I was trading a cpl) but only ONE flippin stone on the entire landmass.

Damn it, still too new to Civ4 to remember about Coporations...

... Or look at the obvious part of the picture. :lol:
Why is George Washington wearing pink eyeliner?

I believe the Continental Army had a "Don't ask / Don't tell" policy. :p

If you're asking about my pic with willy that game was a large, 2 continent hemi map, and by that point in game I had control over my continent. Those maps can be wierd sometimes like TONS of some resoruces like as you can see 10 bananas all to myself (and I even think I was trading a cpl) but only ONE flippin stone on the entire landmass.


Do you have Mining Inc? Pure ownage that would be for Willie's deal.
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