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The Comprehensive Thread of Requests For the Next Version of TAM

I've played 10 to 20 games since the new TAM is out and the only time I saw them using sea transport it was to build new cities, but never to attack me.

I tried something today while playing with the myceneans, declaring war to the Minoeans, Rome, the Lydians, the Phoenicians and Egypt...after almost 100 turns no one showed any signs that they were going to attack me, even though they stacked transport ships and loads of units. I was playing at Prince difficulty level with aggresive AI. Also none of them were at war with each other. And four of my 5 cities were left unprotected and I only had a total of 2 hoplites, a ship and a few workers.
The Persians will send land units to Egypt and Nubia, especially along the Arabian Peninsula. The Greeks I've seen Attacking Egypt by ship, if the get control over greater Greece early enough and the Germans don't become a huge force.
i just found out about latest unofficial patch and i would like to know are those fixes already been integrated to TAM? i also would like to know what different mods have been integrated.. :p

btw, i already thought TAM was dead, good to see some are still working on it.. ;)
i just found out about latest unofficial patch and i would like to know are those fixes already been integrated to TAM? i also would like to know what different mods have been integrated.. :p

btw, i already thought TAM was dead, good to see some are still working on it.. ;)

Unofficial patch? Where did you find it? :confused:

Latest version and patch are here:

No extra mods have been integrated with 0.90. TAM is TAM and yes, it's alive :)
I suggest incorporating the BUG mod into TAM
"Maintenance" or Corruption if you have been playing Civ since the 80's has always been my biggest problem with Civilization. Always going on distance to the capital (except with the old Communism tech) severely limits gameplay. I played TAM for Civ 3 A LOT...I just got Civ 4 for Christmas and looking for TAM was the first thing I did.

In 30 mins my corruption was so bad that my research rating could go no higher than 0% and I was bankrupt, and I only had 8 cities. I tried several different strategies, rushing for techs or wonders to unlock all the civics, but it did not work. These maps are HUGE. The reasonable distance for maintenance is the distance from Rome to the Alps...after that you are screwed. It is bad enough in normal Civ, but when you DOUBLE it from the beginning...there is no point in playing.

I know someone will probably try to use the "big empires fall apart" card, so I will use some defense. The Roman Empire, being the obvious answer, stretched from Mesopatamia to Britain. Even with the best roads and post riders in the ancient world, it took three months to get from one side to the other. And like every single civilization, there was some corruption. But that doesn't mean the edges of the Empire were any worse than the corruption in the Capitol. The most taxes came from Africa and Spain, not Rome. That is why the Vandal's rampage through Spain and conquest of Carthage was really the end of the Roman Empire in the west. (Unless you believe Gibbon, and Christianity made all those barbarians appear and destroy the Empire). But despite the corruption and destruction of the west, the eastern Byzantine Empire lasted almost to Columbus. Pretty durable for a big empire.

Another example being Genghis Khan, who conquered more lands and people in 25 years than the Romans could in 400. The Mongols could not make metal, cloth, or write, but JUST by creating a huge empire that connected Asia and Europe the Mongol Empire created paper currency, gunpowder, compass, and a thousand other inventions that made their way along to the Silk Road to Europe where they jumpstarted the Renaissance. The Mongols took European, Muslim, and Asian technologies and mixed them together, making something new in the process (like the cannon). It was an age of unprecedented trade, technology, and wealth until the black plague followed the caravans from Asia to every part of the Old world. If a quarter of Asia's population did not died from the plague, who knows where the world would be today. And despite the largest land empire of all time, despite the incredible distances rode on horseback across the empty steppe, the Mongol Empire was one of the longest lasting civilizations of all time. Although the Empire was split between Genghis' sons, and their sons, smaller Mongol dynasties lasted until around the mid twentieth century in Azbekistan.

Sorry for the rant. Someone tried to use the Macedonians as a reason for big empires falling apart, but that was because when Alexander was asked who should be his heir his answer was, "The strongest."

The size and the distance of the civilization should not decide the amount of corruption. It should be a set value because all civilizations, big AND small have corruption. It would stop what one person said, that the AI was building wealth in all their cities...I don't understand how you can play this scenario and not run wealth constantly.
Pheraps you've played without patch C, right? Patch C resets mainteinance cost to BTS level.
After that, Civ4 mainteinance policy is quite different from Civ3. Look at the strategy articles on civfanatics to learn more about this argument.
TAM introduces some strategy elements that you have to take under consideration.
The "double" mainteinance at the beginning doesn't mean a immediate double cost. It become double if you really create a large city system. But if you want a empire, you cannot obtain it with the barbarism civic on!!! ;) Civics play a key role on TAM now, and you need to manage them carefully.
As for the civics...you have to wait half way through the tech tree before you can get away from the double maintenance. And I do mean double as the whole point of the game is empire, and that requires expansion. I am making a request which several others have made as well. There is no reason to defend the game as is. I thought this was "Thread of Requests"?

Mine is simply using a flat percentage of total income, or something along those lines. Better civics could drastically reduce the amount of waste.
I am making a request which several others have made as well. There is no reason to defend the game as is. I thought this was "Thread of Requests"?

Yes, it is :)
As I wrote above, it seems that you've played without patch C, and there are many differences on mainteinance costs.
As general rule, TAM is a tough game, and mainteinance is part of it. Lowering the difficult level, the mainteinance costs decrease accordingly.
A short note on maintenance/corruption concerns. Ambrox has just come across some values buried in the XMLs and is working on changing these to help correct the effect in TAM BTS. We will be testing these ASAP, and hopefully bring this concern back to a reasonable balance soon.

Thanks for reporting the issues to us.
In 30 mins my corruption was so bad that my research rating could go no higher than 0% and I was bankrupt, and I only had 8 cities. I tried several different strategies, rushing for techs or wonders to unlock all the civics, but it did not work. These maps are HUGE. The reasonable distance for maintenance is the distance from Rome to the Alps...after that you are screwed. It is bad enough in normal Civ, but when you DOUBLE it from the beginning...there is no point in playing.

The answer lies in understanding the logic of the game. The whole point of the high costs for number of cities and distance from capital in TAM is to prevent you building large numbers of cities until you have the capacity to maintain them. It is part of the game design.

If you want to be a mad city builder then use another mod or plain BTS. That's what I do. But when I want to be in that ancient Med I'm comfortable with the idea that building an ancient empire almost before Athens was historically founded, is not part of the flavour. Build your empire slowly slowly at first. It soon blossoms if you have the foundations right.

Think TAM not vanilla.
I wish this mod wasn't dead :( it was my favorite mod in Civ 3. Someone should hand over the reins to a more active modder.
A 0.91 version will arrive in a week or two. Stay tuned ;)


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It's been a while since the last time I played TAM. Now that it's been announced that a new version is coming out, I am getting excited! I'd love to see what has changed/added (and hopeful that it has BUG merged in?). Can we get some hints? Please throw us some bones! I'll wiggle my tail!
Yeah, I'd love some information. TAM for Civ3 was so great, and TAM for Civ4 I played was fun too but the AI was lacking. The Phoenicians dominated every time, and some others just could never get going.

Its good that a new version is getting released, I want this mod to be more active.
I've played 10 to 20 games since the new TAM is out and the only time I saw them using sea transport it was to build new cities, but never to attack me.

I believe that's a problem with 3.19 in general, as I know there's been issues in other mods since that patch, such as Fall From Heaven 2.

On an unrelated note, I just discovered this mod, and I love it so far.
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