SCENARIO: Age of Imperialism; 1895-1924, Deluxe Version

The no cd-patch is not needed for it's no cd-function but the patch also disables city-razing by the ai (or at least it reduces it dramticly)
IIRC there should be an NO RAZE folder within your AOI folder which contains the requred file.
As you should play the most up to date version of C3C 1.22 you should use the "Civilization 3: Conquests v1.22 [ENGLISH] Fixed EXE"
But I am not sure whether this fixed .exe also includes the no raze function...
Das Boat...

No Raze Patch
Install Instructions:

~~ very easy - first, go into the Civilization III/Conquests directory and rename the Conquests.exe to Conquests ORIG. It's ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE that you do this back-up procedure.

~~ cut the corresponding no raze file in this folder. now, the one that corresponds for you depends on what type of civ3 conquests you have on your computer. The one with the 2 on the end is Civ3Complete. The one without is Civ3 Conquest. so be sure to use the appropriate no raze file and make certain that you name the new exe file exactly the same as your original one.

~~ it's VERY IMPORTANT that you back up the original Conquests exe file!
Das Boat...

No Raze Patch
Install Instructions:

~~ very easy - first, go into the Civilization III/Conquests directory and rename the Conquests.exe to Conquests ORIG. It's ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE that you do this back-up procedure.

~~ cut the corresponding no raze file in this folder. now, the one that corresponds for you depends on what type of civ3 conquests you have on your computer. The one with the 2 on the end is Civ3Complete. The one without is Civ3 Conquest. so be sure to use the appropriate no raze file and make certain that you name the new exe file exactly the same as your original one.

~~ it's VERY IMPORTANT that you back up the original Conquests exe file!
I tried following the directions and I all I got was the Civ3 Conquests main menu and the AI was still able to raze cities.
Not sure if this works, but I pasted the patch, renamed the old .exe, and renamed the new one that was Civ3Conquests 2 into Civ3Conquests. I loaded it up and it gave me the opening trailer and main menu for Civ3 Conquests, and I have Civ3Complete. I loaded my old game as the German Empire and attacked France. I shelled the garrison of Nancy, captured it, and was able to raze it.
I followed the instructions to a letter. Started a new game as Mexico. Built an army and attacked Central America. It gave me the option to raze the city. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Am I that incompetent?
Das Boat

Try using the other exe, the one without the 2. I ran into the same thing, tried the other exe and it worked. I am running Civ Complete as well.

Hope this helps.
Das Boat

Try using the other exe, the one without the 2. I ran into the same thing, tried the other exe and it worked. I am running Civ Complete as well.

Hope this helps.

Ranger54... I was going to suggest that as well. Not sure why it would work that way for some but certainly worth a try.
Looks like that is what I needed to do! Thank you both, and cubsfan6506, for all your help. Though it doesn't save a few colonies, and Cork, I can enjoy the rest of my game in peace.
Why does Cork always get destroyed? Is there some big in-game conspiracy to wipe out the Irish or something? That city *always* get razed if it's possible.
Anybody else have the Steam version of Civ 3 complete? I know that Steam sometimes has problems when you change the executable of a game, so I was wondering whether anyone has had any trouble getting the no-raze patch to work
Anybody else have the Steam version of Civ 3 complete? I know that Steam sometimes has problems when you change the executable of a game, so I was wondering whether anyone has had any trouble getting the no-raze patch to work
A few of us, myself included, had trouble. Try using "Civ3Conquests" instead of "Civ3Conquests 2." The former worked for me.
I was playing as Russia and I noticed that two cities on my far east coast are producing raw materials. Is this intended? It's not THAT weird, it's just that it seems kinda random for those cities in particular to be producing raw materials and not, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg
I was playing as Russia and I noticed that two cities on my far east coast are producing raw materials. Is this intended? It's not THAT weird, it's just that it seems kinda random for those cities in particular to be producing raw materials and not, say, Moscow and St. Petersburg

Those cities are actually part of your Manchurian sphere of influence of the Russians. They can be considered to be part of Russia's "colonial empire". This is similar to Korea for Japan.
Can someone help me out? I'm trying to find the flag that allows a unit to be army eligable. I know it's likely staring me in the face in the editor, but I can't find it.
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