Recent content by archimandrite

  1. A

    Why Are you still playing Civ III?

    "Scrambled Eggs a la Holiday Inn Bedroom" 1. Break two eggs into a little frying pan hidden in your luggage. 2. Play Civ IV for five minutes on your laptop. 3. Close laptop and place frying pan on top. 4. Eat when cooked. But there are other reasons. Civ IV is what happens when...
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    Hall of Fame Rules/FAQ

    Thanks for all the further replies above, everybody. Very warm and welcoming. :) Yes, I'm using the newer CivAssist now. Having great fun. Not exactly HOF-level fun, but fun all the same.
  3. A

    I’m surrounded by IDIOTS!

    Not sure about that. My experience is that excessive world-wide war shreds large areas of the AI-controlled map, and also causes AIs to incessantly switch from (whatever?) to fascist governments, meaning they spend too much time in anarchy even at higher levels. Either they won't pay gpt at...
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    I’m surrounded by IDIOTS!

    Building the UN somewhat reluctantly--they are quite often rather late starting it--and then not calling a vote, seems to be the typical AI behavior. So much so that in my admittedly very limited number of finished games I've never seen them do anything else. I've also not so far seen a thread...
  5. A

    No temple? No cathedral

    Yes... well you should try, if at all possible, to trade for Alphabet if it is not one of your starting techs. In that case you would set science to 0 until you had traded for it somehow. This implies making some warriors and sending them hurrying out at speed to contact as many other civs as...
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    No temple? No cathedral

    Yes, that's the key, isn't it? Absolutely the key. And as izmirli posted above, he likes to aim for research in 4. That should give more than enough techs for trading. Oh and a little tip for those that haven't figured it out. One should include 1 gpt from oneself to the AI in any tech-for-lux...
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    What if you bombard a city right down before capture and then join some of your own people to it? Even better, let's say it already has a market, the roads are in place, you've plenty of luxuries back home, and you join 5 more people. That's WLTKD the very next turn. I wouldn't think such a city...
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    Hall of Fame Rules/FAQ

    Found four starts with plenty of rivers and cows x 2! :) That was after an overnight run of 2000 trials. Utterly fantastic. Will help hugely my efforts to play a level or so higher without agri. Many thanks to you both. (I feel like a Neandertal who's just noticed other folks rubbing sticks...
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    Hall of Fame Rules/FAQ

    I was reading through some HOF writeups whan I read "I checked 3000 games with MapFinder to get this start". Could someone explain this process to me, please, and how it relates to the rules. In other words, what is the best permitted way to get a good startup? Thanks.
  10. A

    What should I do to launch my spaceship before the time is end up...

    Most interesting. I never knew that. But you are right. For example this one by DaveMcW is entirely phenomenal. 570 AD. It makes my own efforts seem utterly foolish and misdirected by comparison. Almost had me in tears. :( Inspiring in a way, though.
  11. A

    When to switch governments?

    Well, he said use "Net Gpt = Income - (Corruption + Maintenance + Unit Costs)". That excludes science. So you do have a potential saving of 22 there if you set the science slider downwards so that the expenditure is about the same as before, ie 31. (That's what I meant above.) The next thing is...
  12. A

    What are the chances of getting a Science GL when your the first to discover a tech?

    So there's no issue of difficulty level then. Interesting. Random is putting in mildly. :( In an Emperor game as Babs I had a queue of three SGLs in my wonder city waiting to rush. In my two recent games as Iroquois on Demigod and Deity I ain't seen nary a one all game long. Can't help...
  13. A

    Great Library dependence

    I find that an unusual comment because it is precisely at Demi and Deity that my GLB addiction really takes hold. I can manage without it at the lower levels. It's not so much the length of time (sometimes I get Chemistry from it and sometimes not), as the fact that you have that brief window...
  14. A

    What are your favorite and most least favorite civ traits?

    Favorites: agricultural and commercial. Least favorite expansionist (because at the levels I'm trying to master goody huts advance the AIs beyond what I can cope with, so for now I turn barbs off).
  15. A

    YOUR Favourate Civ

    Thanks. :) Yes, I'd be hoping then for one of those "U" or "C" shaped pangeas with the Dutch reasonably central and facing the "inner sea" That should be quite fun and with a bit of seafaring later on after all.
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