Recent content by pau17

  1. P

    Can the unemployment problem be solved?

    Don't know about short-term, but medium- to long-term: space colonization, specifically mining the moon/Mars/asteroid belt. When the costs come down enough, there will be huge exodus.
  2. P

    The FDA is ******ed

    :lol: The only time you'd be deficient in phosphorous is near-total starvation, anorexia, alcoholism or diabetes, since it is so common in many foods...anything that was once alive basically has it, unless of course you processed it all out. If anything, you don't want too much of the stuff.
  3. P

    Ask a Theologian III

    I don't know much about Aquinas, but it just struck me as a little odd. I'll try to rephrase. An atemporal God can love temporal things, but that makes loving itself a temporal process. So let's say that in the temporal realm, at time = 1 you are a certain amount of good with respect to God and...
  4. P

    Ask a Theologian III

    Aquinas holds God outside of time since he knows all future contingents. He also says that although God primarily wills himself indepdently of other things, he can love things other than himself insofar as their relation to his goodness is their end. God loves all his creatures, but not equally...
  5. P

    Ask a Philosopher!

    I believe you mean Ronald Dworkin.
  6. P

    Ask a Philosopher!

    I was watching a debate between philosophers on some theoretical issues around the theory of natural selection. However, one of the points made during the debate stood out more generally as a controversial and perhaps presumptuous thing to say: The quote is from 55:47...
  7. P

    Scientists invent force field - psi weapons to come next

    Didn't the space age begin decades ago? Newspaper articles on science are always funny to read...anyway, sounds like a fancier version of this: In fact, the electric reactive armor is featured in the same wiki entry.
  8. P

    I don't eat vegetables

    I don't know the science behind it, but I'm pretty sure getting the nutrients in their natural form with raw vegetables is the best way to go. Bio-availability and all that stuff. Even steaming vegetables can lower the nutritional content. Did you know that vitamin C gets destroyed by heat? They...
  9. P

    Marxists I need your help in COMMUNISM, wtf does this mean?

    The dialectical triad in this wording is actually from Kant, if not from someone else before even. And "dialectic" has been around since the ancient times. Hegel called the thesis-antithesis-synthesis triad an inert schemata that can be used to predicate just about anything, which is why it's...
  10. P

    Thinking of learning a new language

    Well, you obviously have a framework for understanding linguistics. Was just a compliment; that's all.
  11. P

    Thinking of learning a new language

    Dang, how many languages do you know (about)?
  12. P

    Your Reading Habits?

    For books like that I write in a separate notebook.
  13. P

    Philosophy Experiment - How consistent are you with your morals?`

    Pwned. It's not that the questions are contrived or anything...they just set it up to make certain key words and phrases to stand for very absolute indicators of something when there's actually a lot more packed into the terms. Scientific models of behavior are one thing, and you can certainly...
  14. P

    Your Reading Habits?

    Thank you. I can't get through a book that's all marked up with highlighter and ink and stuff; it distracts from the original text and superimposes all these extra cues and biases from the reader.
  15. P

    America and post-employment.

    People have been talking about this for a while. The solutions look potentially quite Orwellian...
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