Recent content by Sophocles

  1. S

    Great Artists With Multiple Great Works

    True, however Macbeth also works as a vague case of the matter, since it is also a play as well as published as a book, which means that we can't be completely sure which way Fraxis means it as (if they mean it to be any specific form at all) and thus can't really know if Great Works can be...
  2. S

    Great Artists With Multiple Great Works

    Well, if Shakespeare got Macbeth, which as people have said isn't what they expected or his most famous, I'd wager that Poe gets either "The Murders of the Rue Morgue" or "The Fall of the House of Usher". Also, in that regards, do we know yet if poems will even be included as possible great...
  3. S

    something weird

    What if they changed it so that pikes were made weaker, say a strength of 12 or 14, however had a promotion (which they would lose upon upgrade to lancers) that gave them 50% additional comabt strength only on defense, as well as of course still keeping their bonus verus mounted. There, that way...
  4. S

    Great Artists With Multiple Great Works

    Assuming that Homer is included as a Greater Writer (and I would be sorely disappointed if he wasn't), and that Shakepeare's MacBeth has all but comfired that we are only getting one Great Work each, which do you think they will go with for him: The Iliad or The Odyssey? Given that both are...
  5. S

    Great Artists With Multiple Great Works

    While thinking around for some of the possible options for the new Great Artists, Musicians and Writers, I thought about all of the major ones that had multiple great creations that could be Great Works. How do you think Fraxis will handle those Great people that could have muiltple Great Works...
  6. S

    The Bounty of the Sea: More like Kleenex; the handicaps of the coastal city

    I like the idea of additional wonder bonuses for coastal cities. I might also suggest to inclusion of a Sebastos Harbor wonder, possibly located at Engineering (to encourage coastal cities without needing to have to rush a tech that could only really benefit them),which would provide increased...
  7. S

    Israel In BNW?

    The Diaspora doesn't have to necessarily have to be derived from other civs doing things to Israel. It was far more then simply other nations forcing Jews to leave Israel and their spreading out over the world. The event was also a cultural one, as can be attested to by the integration of Jews...
  8. S

    Israel In BNW?

    I believe that if Israel is to enter into CiV (which I am wholeheartedly biased for), that the Diaspora should be included somehow into them, with their UA probably being the best likely means for this.The Diaspora, no matter how you frame the civ, Hebrews, Israel, Ancient Israel, Modern Israel...
  9. S

    Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!

    I think your right when you say that Hebrew school sounds boring, and that Synagogue is the way to go for Israel's UB. Still keeping with it being a Temple replacement (pun not intended*), how about: UB: Synagogue: Replaces Temple. 2 :c5gold: maintenance. 3 :c5faith: and 10% additional...
  10. S

    Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!

    What about a UA that benefits science as well as faith? I think that it would add an interesting and unique extra layer to the faith game for Israel. The idea that I have is something akin to: UA: Rabbinical Teaching: 25% :c5faith: greater generation in cities with at least 1 Specialist and...
  11. S

    Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!

    There are a few problems I see with having modern Israel as a civ: 1) Modern Israel is only about 60 years (120 if you count the Zionist movement), and if you focus only on that, then your leaving out about 3000+ years of its history; and regarding this, ultimately what ever UU you give them...
  12. S

    Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!

    Well, the reason I went with calling the UB Hebrew School rather then something like you suggested was because with most cases in CiV uniques go by an English name, rather then what they were called in that culture/civ (i.e. the Sea Beggar, which are called Watergeuzen). Personally, I like the...
  13. S

    Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!

    There was also: - the Second Temple, Herod's, - The Harbor of Caesarea - Masda Also, Christianity and Islam, which came from Judaism, and are major parts of most of the civs in the game (Byzantine, Arabia, etc) and account for almost half of the global population. How does that not qualify...
  14. S

    Civ 5: Civilizations/Leaders Wanted!

    (Not sure if this is the correct place for this or not, so please move this if it it in the wrong forums, thank you.) One of the most glaring omissions from the Civ series, at least in my option, has been the Israeli/Hebrew civilization, and with the new expansion Gods and Kings, I think that...
  15. S

    Welcome New Members

    Hi, I'm basically new to the Civ series (have only played CiV), but I've been looking at these forums for a while and love all of the info and how useful they've been. Glad to finally be come a member and be active!
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