Recent content by Tahuti

  1. Tahuti

    Neo-Nazi wins Primary for GOP in Illinois 3rd congressional district

    I think the only mistake and the only thing that keeps me from supporting U.S. Libertarianism is that it believes in the 'right' of real estate owners to block people from using because they 'own' even though they don't use it. Go figure: If the Libertarian party would revise their view of...
  2. Tahuti

    British court rules one-year-old should be starved to death

    While I support the existence voluntary forms of euthanasia, if the OP's citations are true, it would actually be a quite dangerous development if a court could decide on someone's else life without the consent of the person(s) involved. Arwon rightly noted that the source may be taking...
  3. Tahuti

    Neo-Nazi wins Primary for GOP in Illinois 3rd congressional district

    This needs to be placed within strong provisos. Murray Rothbard - that libertarian with the strongest developed political philosophy - also considered allying with the New Left in the 1960s. Also, the vast majority of libertarians probably aren't racist or sexist, though they are...
  4. Tahuti

    Israeli Forests

    Turkey is a Muslim country and these are the most numerous in the UN. It is easy to figure that Turkey needs UN sanctions from a Western point of view, though it simply is unthinkable within the UN overton window. Israel is in certain ways the most right-wing country on earth: On paper...
  5. Tahuti

    How would you fix the United Nations?

    How to fix the UN? Have the UN buy this company and use the profits to finance its operations, among lots of other things.
  6. Tahuti

    Is military history really that useless?

    It is perhaps worth noting that charging horse cavalry against machine guns is a bad idea, though it doesn't preclude from having machine guns carried by horses.
  7. Tahuti

    Neo-Nazi wins Primary for GOP in Illinois 3rd congressional district

    Yet free markets aren't by definition right-wing and neither is state ownership by definition left-wing. Free markets can potentionally increase economic equality and there are numerous instances where state ownership co-exists with capitalism and also with right-wing governments. Fascism is...
  8. Tahuti

    The attack on Syria

    So the Syrian Civil War is the Spanish Civil War of World War III? C'est possible, though go figure similar cases like Vietnam.
  9. Tahuti

    The Thread Where We Discuss Guns and Gun Control

    The homicide rates in the US may be rather the result from a complex of factors, including poor psychiatric practices (forced medication with antidepressants can make anyone a spree-killer), anomie stemming from income inequalities and possibly crime stemming from drug prohibition as well. I...
  10. Tahuti

    Israeli Forests

    I can understand the Armenian perspective very well: It must be really frustrating that your biggest neighbouring country denies its own history to the extent that it is insulting to those who have fallen victim to it, despite that in the early days of Ottoman Empire, they participated as...
  11. Tahuti

    Israeli Forests

    It isn't. In fact, BDS emboldens the Israeli right and denies the raison d'etre of the Israeli left. I do see the Israeli and Palestinian left collaborating through inter-party channels rather than interstate ones.
  12. Tahuti

    Worst designed obviously dangerous thing

    This is the Soviet PFM-1 landmine. It looks like a toy, and quite a few children in Afghanistan, Nagorno-Karabakh and Ukraine got themselves killed attempting to 'play' with it. Also, for some reason it sports the Hebrew letter Gimel, in spite there was no Israeli or Biblical involvement I know...
  13. Tahuti

    Aesthetic City Names

    I'm partial to the names La Rochelle, Sofia, Den Haag, Ramat Gan, Kortrijk, Tblisi and Gaylord.
  14. Tahuti

    [RD] What is gender ?

    Gender (i.e. Feminine, Masculine) are the extra-biological constants of sex (i.e. Female, Male, neuter). So gender is cultural/spiritual, sex is biological.
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