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    FYI -- Navy Ship Names

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    Espionage Question

    I am just starting to use spys, and I have a couple of questions about them. I have built the intelligence agency and have planted a spy (I am currently playing WW2 Global by Rocoteh, but I do not think the spy area was modded). 1 -- How can I tell what techs my enemy has? I'd rather not...
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    Not a start, judging interest for possible scenario game

    I currently have 2 SGs running, and that's my limit. I was just curious to see who might be interested in a SG using the WW2 Global scenario.. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=107698&page=1&pp=20 I've been playing it over the last couple of weeks, and I am very impressed...
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    Curious on how people would play this start..

    http://forums.civfanatics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=78692 The SG I generated this for won't be using it. We're using this map instead.. http://forums.civfanatics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=78694 In any case, I am thinking about playing out that first map on my own, and am...
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    AIOJ01 -- America the Beautiful

    Ok, now that my first ever SG ended in success, time to start another one(the first one I've started so if I forgot anything, let me know). Difficulty = Emperor (can be talked down to Monarch if the variants are too difficult) Civ = America Map Size = Standard Map Type = Panega Climate =...
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    Goody huts

    Ok, with exp civs, it's pretty easy. Only build scouts and goody huts are golden. However, with non-exp civs (which I play most often), goody huts seem to be a VERY risky gamble since I usually scout with 2 warriors. I'm wondering if scouting should be done by workers. It definately...
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    Monarch tips?

    Ok, I am relatively new to Monarch(1 other serious game, but I lagged behind in techs BIG time. 3-4 shorter games with royally screwed up starts). I am the Iriquois and I have actually managed to trade myself into the tech lead. Unfortunately, I have NO strategic resources. No iron, no...
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    Tundra tiles .. forest or mine?

    I always put mines on tundra tiles because I thought forests do not generate gold due to a road. Also, you get no bonus due to rail. Am I correct? I was reading a SG thread and came across this: During the inherited turn, I veto-ed a lot of worker actions in the southern tundra. They were...
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    Ctl-Shift-M ?

    http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=94045&page=2&pp=20 Post #40 What does ctrl-shift-M do? Thanks
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    Question about Succession Game

    http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=94799&page=5&pp=20 Post #96 They are on demi-god level, and they had just gotten Lit. Notice how he traded Lit to all the AIs as soon as it was discovered? I am assuming this was a mistake correct? Shouldn't he have waited until the GLib...
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    Having the game jump to a city that was done producing...

    On one of my computers (Civ 1.00), I get a message when a city is done producing asking me what I want to do next. On my main computer (Civ 1.22), I do not get this message. Was this changed in the patch, or do I just have a setting different? Thanks!
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    Going to try no research...

    I just made the jump from Warlord to Regent and got my butt handed to me. I think that's primarily because I formed my empire in basically an E shape in order to get horses and iron(I was the Japanese). I'm toying around with starting a game with 0% research throughout, and being smart about...
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    Any ideas why I havent won?

    I should have a domination victory now right?
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    Culture Victory

    In only my 2nd game at Warlord(I was the Ottomans), I had to switch gears a bit. I was at 61% population in 2010, and was planning on invading America to get the other 5%, but they signed a mutual protection pact with Russia who were keeping up with me pretty good in technology, and had an...
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    FYI -- Navy Ship Names

    I was looking this up for my 9 year old son, as he just found the rename feature :) I figured others might be interested in this too... American -- http://www.nvr.navy.mil/nvrships/s_type.htm It's broken down by hull type. British --...
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    Scroll ahead to fix riots

    http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=96264&page=6&pp=20 2nd message in this thread. What is he referring too?
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    Hotseat crashes to desktop

    I have Conquests v1.22. As soon as I choose the Hotseat option, it crashes to the desktop. This is on Windows XP. Any ideas? If you need more info about my computer setup, just ask. Thanks
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