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    How to deactivate civs?

    Hi, I'm just starting to create civs for my CiV-mod and I'd like to deactivate the existing ones. Didn't find anything about this until now.. perhaps you can help me out quickly :)
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    Are there any FfH2 units converted yet?

    Hi there, the topic says almost everything. I wonder whether there are any FfH2 units available for CiV... Are there any other fantasy units like dragons etc. pp.?
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    Popup texts by using spells

    Hi there, in FfH2 just events create popups with such a line ( cf.addPopup(CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_POPUP_DEFEATED_BANNOR",()),'art/interface/popups/') Now I want a spell ( to trigger a popup but it doesn't work right now...
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    Promotion depending on building in city

    Hi, I created some new promotions for the adepts in FfH2. For example "Knowledge about history" ... it can be gained by upgrading like FireI, Strength and other Promotions but should require that the unit is in a city with the building "library". Any idea how to implement that?
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    Unit doesn't appear .. need help

    Hi, I try to create a spell that creates randomly an archer or a warrior def spellExpeditionToValyria(caster): pPlot = caster.plot() iPlayer = caster.getOwner() iRnd = CyGame().getSorenRandNum(100, "ExpedtitionToValyria") #iDestroyLair = 0 if iRnd <= 100 and iRnd > 50...
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    More than 5 FreeUnitClasses

    Hi there :) I'm hard at work for my Ice and Fire mod and I'm glad that I can use the excel sheet of ffh2 which saved lots of time for me. No I encountered a little problem. I want to allocate more than 5 different freeUnitClasses for each civilization ... can someone explain to me how I...
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    Interface disappears (just one civ)

    Hi, I got a strange problem in my Ice and Fire-Modmod of FfH2. I tested the mod with all civs and it works well but with one civilization. When I start a game with that civ I don't get any interface ... Any idea which part of the civ's xml code can cause such an error? (didn't change...
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    Different unit display ingame and in nifskope

    Hi, I change the textures of the Corlindale unit from FfH2 and it looks like this in nifskope But ingame it looks like this: The artdefines tag: <UnitArtInfo> <Type>ART_DEF_UNIT_AERON</Type>...
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    GFC Error from scratch?!?

    Hi there, got another problem, the biggest one by now :mad: Suddenly I can't start my mod anymore. After checking xml files I get the "GFC Error: failed to initialize the primary control theme" My mod is based on FFH2 but I renamed the folder. I worked on the text.xml, nothing special, tried...
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    mutually exclusive techs

    Hi there, how can I make 2 techs mutually exclusive? The player can't explore tech1 if he explores tech2 and the other way round ... is this possible in FFH2?
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    Song of Ice and Fire Mod | Introduction

    31.08.10: Upload on done, mirror on coming soon Download Version: 0.1 Alpha (31.08.2010) Download links:
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    Reintegrating the Great Wall

    Hi there, I'm working on a FFH2 Mod for the great fantasy epic "A Song of Ice and Fire" and I'm full of confidence that the "alpha" version can be released in August (due to my diploma project I often have to pause my effort on this project and I'm still alone) If any talented 3d modeller is...
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    FFH2: Problem with Leaders

    Hi, if I change values in the Leader table of FFH2 I often get the following error (can start anyway). It seems to get worse the more I change. (for example iFavoriteEarlyReligion causes this fault definitely ... but others too) There are more siblings than memory allocated for them in...
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    Great Wall handling

    Hi there ;) I need help with a little idea I got for my Song of Ice and Fire mod (based on Fall From Heaven 2 release) ... I want to change the way the great wall works but I got no idea if it's possible. I don't want to build ONE wonder and get the wall round my area along the cultural...
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