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  1. J

    Inland sea maps

    I accidentally played this map type recently, and it turned out that I really like it. Plusses: You pretty much will always have 2 neighbors - no isolation You won't get horribly boxed in. There's not so much awful land near the poles. No runaway AI's on other continents...
  2. J

    How to fix this start?

    This one really ****ed me off. :mad: SIP gives:
  3. J

    Max seafood - how to?

    Louis XIV, continents, immortal. How would you open with this? Obv. fishing first, but would you build 5 WB? If not, how many? I haven't played the map at all, so I don't know anything else about it.
  4. J

    Interesting start (not great)

    If anybody wants the 4000BC save, I can post it.
  5. J

    Advice on next steps (Emperor game)

    I could use some advice on what to do next in this game. I've already wiped out HC, and I was thinking of trying to quickly cap WoO with my stack of Cuirs. But I'm having doubts. I could go after Stalin and take all his cities, or I could backstab WK (except he's at Friendly). I think...
  6. J

    Quick one - SIP or no?

    Very tempted to move 1E.
  7. J

    Where did I lose this game?

    I'm Augustus of Rome and this is emperor fractal/standard/normal. I've won plenty of games at emperor, and I thought I was doing well in this game. But it looks like I'm toast. I knocked out Hatty, my only neighbor early. I was able to trade with Hannibal for a long time, and I never...
  8. J

    Best way to do a praet rush?

    Everytime I try it, I seem to get IW too late to do really take advantage. 1) Beeline IW? BW->TW->IW? I want to get Ag/AH in there somewhere to work food tiles. 2) Beeline Alpha, trade for IW? At least you get pottery & writing along the way, but still no Ag/AH 3) How many cities to...
  9. J

    Barracks during axe rush?

    When pulling off an axe rush, is it worth it to build a barracks for one or both of your cities? Or should you just spend the hammers on more axemen? I'm guessing that for Agg leaders, it's probably worth it due to the reduced cost. Most of the time, I do build at least one barracks.
  10. J

    Space race screw job

    In the attached save, I've just launched a completed spaceship. Freddy still needs a piece, but manages to launch on the next turn. So I would expect to get to AC one turn before him. But if you play it out, the ending is "Frederick has won a space victory." So how does that work? Do AI...
  11. J

    Factors that affect tech pace

    I've had some games where the overall tech pace was amazingly fast and some that are just glacial. I have _some_ ideas as to why, but I figured I'd bring it up here. Here's the list I have so far: 1) Land (duh) - lots of green & rivers => faster tech pace 2) Opposition leaders a)...
  12. J

    Dumbest AI move ever

    I have two vassals, Shaka has one, and KK is independent. KK is friendly with both Shaka and I. I built the UN, but for whatever reason, KK votes for Shaka as Secretary General, even though I had the higher + value. Whatever. Shaka then proceeds to declare war on KK and THEN offer the...
  13. J

    Ridiculously easy map (emperor)

    Using unrestricted leaders, I got Pacal of Inca. OK, that's awesome to start with (cheap granaries that act like Creative) + financial. BUT, it gets even better. JDS
  14. J

    Torn on taking 2nd vassal

    Attached is a save from 1120 AD. Hammy is willing to cap, but I'm not sure if I should take him up on it. Mansa Musa already peacevassaled to me, just to complicate things. So should I accept? I'm worried if I don't, he'll turn and cap to somebody else ... Thx PS - I'm...
  15. J

    Fixed leaders, looking for Civ suggestions

    I'm almost done with my personal ALC. These are the only leaders I have not won at on at least Monarch difficulty: Charlemagne Sitting Bull Saladin I play with unrestricted leaders on, I'm looking for suggestions as to which Civs to pair with these leaders. It may be that their...
  16. J

    Is there a way to switch civs mid-game?

    Maybe using the world build and creating a scenario? My last game, Sury had a whopping total of 5 cities, yet managed to keep tech parity and maintain the 2nd largest army. I had 19 cities at the same time for comparison. I really want to see how he did it. It's not obvious at all from...
  17. J

    Why does the AI love Rocketry?

    It doesn't seem to matter which leader, they all seem to love to go after Rocketry and skip over more useful techs. Am I missing something?
  18. J

    Dealing with war unhappiness

    When at war, eventually a few cities end up unhappy due to war weariness. What's the most efficient way to deal with this? I don't want to whip them away since they will be happy as soon as the war ends. I usually just bump the culture slider a notch or two. That cuts into research for a...
  19. J

    An interesting start

    I did the obvious, and it got a whole lot better.
  20. J

    Check out this map

    I've never seen so much of a particular tile type. It'll be a surprise. It's just a continents map...
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