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  1. V

    What do i do about warring city states

    I got in a war with a civ that loves city states, so i got a bunch of little annoying ones near by borders. I went and beseieged one, hoping that by winning the siege the game will give me an option to force peace somehow and I wouldnt actually have to take the city, or at least be able to...
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    How is AI able to get so many missionaries? 5 Siamese missionaries coming through my area.. wtf? How is that possible? Somehow they quickly enveloped the entire world with their religion, I am struggling to just keep one of my non-capitol cities from going to their...
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    Can the map generator be modded?

    Anyone know if the map generation scripts are moddable like in Civ 4? I remember someone made some awesome map generator scripts, like one of my favorite was a Highlands map which had lots of small lakes and mountain ranges splitting up the map all over the place. Was alot of fun working...
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    save game does not like my new building

    I added a new building to my game - a Lumber Factory, which is basically the next level up from Lumber Mill which provides a 50% production bonus just like a Cigar factory or a Textile Mill would. If I start a new game, it seems to work fine. But when I try to load a saved game it crashes...
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    How do I debug Civ 4 ???

    Hello, I would like to be able to debug an error I am getting in Civ4 during a save game which is reproducible 100% of the time. I have both Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 Pro and when the error occurs I get a prompt to debug the code. Now I'm very familiar with using the debugger to debug...
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    bombard buildings - can be done? already done?

    I'm using the Total Realism mod and loving it, but one thing I think it could really use is the ability to destroy buildings on bombardment. I think what would be great is a small percent chance of a unit who is bombarding a city to destroy a random building, and that chance gets higher the...
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    Education confusing

    Hey, can someone explain how the education system in Colonization works? The Civilopedia and the manual are not helping me, and I can't understand what's going on in my games. Is each student learning independent of the others? Why does it seem like when I put a guy on or remove a guy the...
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    Auto Scout?

    Any way to put aircraft on auto-scout runs, so they keep doing Recon missions in the same plot every turn automatically? EDIT: Ok nevermind, I found my answer in another thread... here's another question: Is there a way to open up a log book of events that occurred in a turn? I really don't...
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    Anyway to filter friendly moves?

    I like having friendly moves option on because it's the only way I can get some advance warning about a civ about to attack me... it will amass a stack of units on my border. Doing this saves my ass on many occasions as I scramble my own units to the area and am then able to better defend, but...
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    Any of the mods have building targetting or diplomats?

    Hey, haven't played in a long time and I am way behind on all the mods that are out, but can anyone quickly tell me if there are any mods that feature building targetting- like bombing a city and choosing to try and destroy it's factory? Or what about diplomats, units that allow you to do...
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    my review of the game (using patch 1.1)

    i bought the game more than a month ago, but only started playing this past weekend because I was waiting for a patch to resolve some problems many people were complaining about. now I've played it for several days winning ~10 games with various scenarios I'd like to share some of my...
  12. V

    Has anyone tried this: Target buildings for bombardment?

    I started getting back into Civ4 after many months of absence- I didnt even get a chance to playa round with the SDK yet. Anyway, I always wanted the ability for bombarding units- especially bombers- to be able to target a city's improvement for a chance to destroy it. I looked at some of the...
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    [PYTHON] Building Demolition

    This is a python script modification to the CvEventManager file which enables building demolition from within a city view screen. Detailed installation instructions are in the readme included with the zip You will be extracting this to your My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 folder (do...
  14. V

    class CyGInterfaceScreen...

    Any idea how to get at the source of this class? I want to look at it to learn how much of the interface is built, so that I can learn how to make some important changes to the interface. It seems to be the core class for the interface.
  15. V

    How to make bombers/fighters fully destroy units?

    The first thing I'd like to attempt to mod is to allow fighters maybe bombers to have a chance at destroying naval units specifically, instead of reducing them to 50% max. I imagine this could be altered via python code but I'm not having any luck finding what particular file handles air...
  16. V

    What is the CustomAssets folder for?

    IN My Games\Civilization IV folder where you usually find your screen shots is a folder called CustomAssets. He has the same structure as the regular Assets folder under the installation path but they're al empty...
  17. V

    Oh sweet! Liberation!

    I must have been living under a rock because I had no idea you can liberate cities taken by the enemy! Here's a screen shot of it in action, for anyone else living under the same rock!
  18. V

    Any point to having Coal plant, Nuke plant AND hydro plant in SAME city?

    This is really confusing me now, I once thought that each of these power plants provided a 50% bonus but it looks like it doesn't.. So basically if I built 3 Gorges Dam I can demolish all of these other plants in each city?
  19. V

    Wow! Global warming is a tad too sensitive!

    Ok so in my current game I'm way ahead in tech (I disabled tech trading as an option since the AI's in my previous game seemed to be sharing EVERYTHING for free) and so I guess this made it much easier for me to stay ahead in tech. Anyway, I built the UN wonder and put forward the nuclear non...
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