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SGOTM 16 - Misfit Gypsy Nuts


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
Welcome to your BtS SGOTM 16 Team Thread. Please use it for all internal team communication, turn logs and discussions. Subscribe to it to receive notifications, and do not visit the other team threads for this game until you have finished. Please also subscribe to the
Maintenance Thread
for this game, where teams and staff may post non-spoiler information of general interest.

You can find the Game Details in the first post of the Maintenance Thread. If any changes occur in the game settings or rules, I shall post them in that thread, and edit that post.

Please wait until your team leader/administrator/scribe has reserved a couple of top posts in this thread for game admin information. Then post here to let your team know you have arrived.

Good luck, and have fun. Remember, it's just a GAME! :mischief:
Welcome to our Misfit Gypsy Nuts team thread for SGOTM 16. Let the games begin!

The following are the RULES for competing as a member of the Misfit Gypsy Nuts. All participants are EXPECTED to follow these rules. These rules have been passed down through many generations of SG competitors and competitions and modified as needed. If you have an problem with any of the team rules, please let me know which rules are at issue, and then we can discuss options.

1. All standard GOTM rules apply (see Note 1 below). Mainly, we get 1 shot, no replays, period!
2. No viewing other team threads, period!
3. Have FUN, compete fairly, argue your points until your fingers bleed, or you convince a majority that your plan is superior!

Note 1: Please ensure that you have read and understood the rules provided by the administrators in the C-IV SGOTM Reference Thread, and follow any ongoing discussions in the SGOTM 16 Maintenance Thread. Subscribing to the SGOTM 16 Maintenance Thread for auto-notification of new posts is encourged.

The turn set roster order is listed below & will be updated throughout the game. The next player up shall post a ”got it” within 24 hours of the upload of the previous game save. Otherwise, the next available player has the right to post the ”got it”. These rules replaces guidelines 6 and 7 in the C-IV SGOTM Reference Thread.

We aim to play two turn sets per week. To ensure a smooth handover, please post the ”got it” within 24 hours of the previous save game being uploaded. It is mandatory to wait at least 12 hours after the "got it" before you play, and it's recommended to wait at least 24 hours after the ”got it” before you play. The reason for this is the difference in time zones amoung our team members, and to allow for busy work days and other Real Life distractions which may prevent players from posting useful advice. If you for some reason have to "unget it", please post within 24 after the "got it" if possible.

No-one is forced to play a turn set. You don’t need to announce the reason for skipping a turn set. Any players may swap turn sets if they announce the swap in time. Real Life has an annoying habit of interfering with our limited gaming time, so I urge you to make it clear when you intend to skip a turn. Please post as quick as possible to reduce unnecessary confusion and delays.

In previous SGOTMs we have used something that a lot of other teams practice: a turn set pre-play-plan. Before you start playing, please post a short plan for your turn set, including the following topics: city builds, military activity per theatre, tile improvements, research, civics & religion switches, diplomatic actions (including resource & tech trades) and miscellaneous stuff. You don't need to write a novel. A sentence or two for each topic will suffice. Lets take it from there and see how it falls out. Hopefully this will enable each player to feel more responsible and active. It is not intended to replace the incredible amount of advice from the rest of us.

Please use smilies and emotes in your posts as much as possible. Jokes, humor, sarcasm and offensive language can and will be misinterpreted. Remember that written text is a poor method to convey feelings. Several of us are not native to the English language. The differences in culture is also a source for misunderstanding. If you get upset by a post, please wait a few hours before you respond. With this in mind I would like to encourage all and everyone to trash talk to your hearts content.

Don’t be afraid to post things that may appear stupid or evident. Each player have strengths and weaknesses. There are numerous examples in the SGOTM4, SGOTM5 and SGOTM6 thread when the most simple rule has been unknown to several of us (such as the difference between peace treaty and cease fire). Don’t be afraid that other members will think you are stupid. As team communicator, I am obliged to post the most stupid questions to ensure that the rest of the team appear brighter. If you don't understabd a rule or concept, ask!

Issues where we cannot reach a consensus are resolved by the active player. If you run into a situation where you need advice, please upload the save and let the rest of us take a look. Or post a quick request for advice. It’s better to delay the game a little than build the Globe Theatre in the wrong city. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes though. We all screw up once in a while.

Don’t promote units until they are close to action (unless the promotion increases movement). If you are unsure of suitable promotions, don’t hesitate to bring that up for discussion. We all have very different experiences from promotions, for example barrage/CR for cats and combat vs other promotions.

Don’t play intoxicated (from alcohol, drugs or smoke). Don’t play when you are too tired. Or when you have your kids/wife screaming at you.

Please try to keep track of the diplomatic events each turn, and visit each city regularly. It’s mandatory to check cities that grow or have a border expansion. Remember that the number of happy people will change due to changes in war weariness (WW), gained/lost resources etc. Keep track of specialists. We don’t want to pollute the great person gene pool. Please respect the micro management plans.

Please contact AlanH if your game crashes, even if you can repeat all your moves.

If you PM the team, please ensure every one receives a copy.

Remember that a lot of players read what we post. Please do not be rude or disrespectful to any player not on our team (and, of course, those on our team).

Try to run a test game or two before we start. Your experience may either confirm or contradict some one else's, and is therefore valuable.

The goal for Team Misft Gypsy Nuts is to end among the top three teams. The ambition is to grab the GOLD!

We have an ambition to perform well and of course we want to win the gold laurel. We also want to have fun while playing and we want to learn more. It's more important to me to have fun than win the gold, and I think that it's the same for most players.

Please ensure that your configuration settings (the CivilizationIV.ini file) has autosaves set every turn (AutoSaveInterval = 1). Don't forget to enable all HOF settings in case you lost them during a dual-install or whatever reason. And set the first-turn-setting to first turn = 0. This will reduce future confusion.

When you state the turn/year research is completed (or any other event), please use the turn/year that is stated by the event log. Research for example is completed at the end of a turn. The pop up thus shows the turn after the tech is learned.

The BUFFY-3.19.003 HOF Mod has a very useful Autolog function, and it is often helpful to post the Autolog from your turn set for the other players to view. If you are unsure of how to enable the Autolog, or any other feature of the BUFFY-3.19.003 mod, please ask.

When the game is over, and the staff has confirmed it's over, you are free to read other team threads. When their game is over, and the staff has confirmed it, you are free to post in their threads as well.

Mostly cut and pasted from last game....please ask/say if something doesn't feel right or you have a different idea!

The turn set roster order is....

1) Grifftavian Just Played
2) Ozbenno Up Now
3) timmy827 On Deck
4) Ronnie1
5) Conquistador63
6) Sleepless
7) McArine

Turn Set Player Emeritus & Team Advisor

The turn set roster order was determined using a proven, time-tested scientifc method (i.e., I drew the names out of a hat). It is not chiseled in stone, so if you want to make a change, let me know.
...there will be ten objectives you are expected to achieve along the way.

The Laurels will be awarded to the team that completes the highest number of these objectives. In case two or more teams complete the same number of objectives, the team doing it in the fewest number of turns will be ranked higher. In case of remaining ties, the team with the higher final score will win. All of the objectives are considered equal worth, regardless of how simple or difficult they may appear to be.

The objectives to be achieved in your final save are listed below. You are allowed to do anything during the turn after you click “Wait…just…one…more…turn”, but you may not end that turn and advance to the next turn. Only saves made during your turn at that point will be accepted as final entries.

The Decathlon objectives are as follows:

1> Humbaba --an advanced era barbarian unit -- must be dead (Thanks Leif). He is a real monster just like in BOTM 41, but now lives in a fairly secluded place. STATUS: Not Achieved.

2> You own at least 2 Legendary culture cities. STATUS: Not Achieved.

3> You are EITHER the United Nations Secretary General OR the Apostolic Palace Resident. STATUS: Not Achieved.

4> You have learned Future Tech 1. STATUS: Not Achieved.

5> At least one AI opponent has been eliminated (conquered) by your team. STATUS: Not Achieved.

6> You own at least three Holy Shrines. STATUS: Not Achieved.

7> You own at least three Corporate Headquarters. STATUS: Not Achieved.

8> You have stolen EITHER Iron Working, OR Astronomy, OR Physics using espionage. STATUS: Not Achieved.

9> You fulfil the requirements for TWO victory conditions, at least one of which is NOT Conquest or Domination. (For example, your spaceship arrives on Alpha Centauri the same turn you get Domination, that’s two. If you achieve domination on the same turn as conquest victory, then you need one more victory condition to fulfil this condition. Understood? ). STATUS: Not Achieved.

10> Blazing: You must submit a save covering at least your first 100 turns – or victory or defeat - not later than 2 months after game start. STATUS: Achieved.
OK… so now you know… this is going to be won by a team that plays many turns. Long game, short deadlines… plan accordingly.

Game Settings

Human Civ: France, Louis XIV. Start with Agriculture and The Wheel
  • Creative: +2 culture per city. Double production speed of Library, Theater, and Colosseum.
  • Industrious: Wonder production increased 50 percent. Double production speed of Forge.
Unique Unit: Musketeer, replaces Musketman.
Unique Building: Salon, replaces Observatory.
Level: Emperor.
Map: Hemispheres, standard.
Speed: Normal.
Options: No Goody Huts, No Events.
Victory Conditions: All enabled
Opponents: 6

Starting screenshot
This is the start of the game (click for a bigger image):



The game will start on September 21, 2012.

The completion deadline will be January 21, 2013. Plan your game, and avoid a last minute struggle to meet the deadline.

The laurels will go to the teams that can win the game and hit the highest number of Decathlon objectives. Finish date, then score, will be used to break ties.

Wooden spoons will go to the team who finishes the game (win or lose) with the lowest score.
The Decathlon objectives are as follows:

1> Humbaba --an advanced era barbarian unit -- must be dead (Thanks Leif). He is a real monster just like in BOTM 41, but now lives in a fairly secluded place. STATUS: Not Achieved.

2> You own at least 2 Legendary culture cities. STATUS: Not Achieved.

3> You are EITHER the United Nations Secretary General OR the Apostolic Palace Resident. STATUS: Not Achieved.

4> You have learned Future Tech 1. STATUS: Not Achieved.

5> At least one AI opponent has been eliminated (conquered) by your team. STATUS: Achieved.

6> You own at least three Holy Shrines. STATUS: Achieved.

7> You own at least three Corporate Headquarters. STATUS: Not Achieved.

8> You have stolen EITHER Iron Working, OR Astronomy, OR Physics using espionage. STATUS: STATUS: Achieved.

9> You fulfil the requirements for TWO victory conditions, at least one of which is NOT Conquest or Domination. (For example, your spaceship arrives on Alpha Centauri the same turn you get Domination, that’s two. If you achieve domination on the same turn as conquest victory, then you need one more victory condition to fulfil this condition. Understood? ). STATUS: Not Achieved.

10> Blazing: You must submit a save covering at least your first 100 turns – or victory or defeat - not later than 2 months after game start. STATUS: Achieved.
Hi all.
Signing in.
Intriguing starting position, it is a pity to miss that coastal fish.
Good job with the initial posts, Griff.

I'm leaving tomorrow for a 2-week trip, planning to return Sep30. No playing/testing till there but should be able to get internet access sometimes.
My early thoughts on the Decathlon objectives...

#1: Humbaba. The sooner we find it, the sooner we'll be able to focus our research on what we need to take it out. So we may want to consider getting some Scouts and Exploring Work Boats out early.

#2: must own at least 2 Legendary Cities. Our fearless leader, Louis XIV, is Creative & Industrious, so this one shouldn't be too hard to acheive. With these Leader Traits, we may want to consider a Cultural Victory as one of the two VCs to satisify objective #9.

#3: You are EITHER AP Resident OR UN SecGen. IMO, this one will be determined by who our AI Opponets are, as some AIs are more willing to do Open Borders and Trades than others (yes, I'm looking at you, Tokugawa!). Another reason to get some scouting units out early.

#4: You have learned Future Tech 1. IMO, the objective most likely to be ignored by most of the other teams. Probably not worth considering unless we want to go for Time Victory as one of the two VCs for objective #9.

#5: You have conqured at least 1 AI Opponet. Otherwise known as the Take Out Your Nearest Neighbor with an Early Rush Strategy. Who wants to bet our nearest neighbor has the Protective trait?

#6: You own at least 3 Holy Shrines. IMO the key word here is own; we don't have to build the Holy Shrine ourselves, just own them when we win the game. However, lots of options depending on how we proceed.

#7: You own at least 3 Corporate HQ. There is that own word again. But founding 3 Corporations ourselves may be beneficial.

#8: Steal EITHER IW, OR Astro, OR Physics using Espionage. IIRC, the earlier Techs require fewer Espionage Points to steal than the later Techs, so Iron Working may be the way to go here. Building The Great Wall and getting early Courthouses would help with this one.

#9: Fulfil requirement for 2 VCs, at least one of which is not Conquest or Dommination.. I've never done this, has anyone else? Seems like timing could be tricky here.

#10: Submit a Save coving first 100 turns, or Victory or Defeat, within two months of the start. IMO, the objective most likely to be achieved by all the other teams. This one shouldn't be a problem. For reference, two months from the start would be ~November 21st.

A whole lot of stuff to discuss for this game!
Signing in and hello again to everybody... At work atm and likely to be a busy day so thoughts and play around with the test game will have to wait... :(

Do think we should aim for all 10 objectives though. Do agree with Griff though probably IW for the first steal.
I'm here, thoughts later.
I agree all 10 also.

Culture VC should be one of our 2 IMO because it is easier to time the final legendary city with bombs.

By the late stage of the game required to get a future tech, UN will probably be in play. I suppose if we ignore Mass Media, we could still be AP resident, but I am unclear as to the mechanics of those 2 game systems.

Should be a long strange game IMO!
I agree all 10 also.

Culture VC should be one of our 2 IMO because it is easier to time the final legendary city with bombs.
Agree on both!

By the late stage of the game required to get a future tech, UN will probably be in play. I suppose if we ignore Mass Media, we could still be AP resident, but I am unclear as to the mechanics of those 2 game systems.
Just double-checked the Tech Tree, and it is possible to get to Future Tech 1 without researching Mass Media. This may be a good option to consider, but I'm pretty sure we would need to be the builder of the AP to ensure that it didn't go obsolete.

Should be a long strange game IMO!
Intriguing starting position, it is a pity to miss that coastal fish....
Looks like we could move the Settler 1 SE, found Capitol there and get both Fish & Corn in the Capitol's BFC. That would give us two food sources for the Capitol.

Downside is we would have to wait a turn to found the Capitol, we'd lose a forest to chop, and the Capitol wouldn't be on a riverside tile, which I think means no Levees later in the game.

If we move the Warrior 1NE first, that might reveal if there are any resources north of that coastal plains forest tile. I don't know if we'd want to Settle the Capitol up there, but it might determine if 1N of that forest is a good location for City #2 to claim that Fish.

I think the only other option for the Warrior's first move would be 1SW onto the Grass Hill.
Starting position...

With only dry corn visible it does make the capital a bit food poor.

I do think moving the warrior NE to see if there is any extra sea food would be a good move.

There also seems to be a lack of hammers as well with only one grass hill visible though there could be something in the fog.

But I think I prefer a more risky start which would be move the warrior 1SW to see if there is anything in the fog to move the settler 1S if not possibly move the Settler NW.

Perhaps we will be able to tell more when the save is available and try a bit of fog gazing???
...there will be ten objectives you are expected to achieve along the way.

The Decathlon objectives are as follows:

1> Humbaba --an advanced era barbarian unit -- must be dead (Thanks Leif). He is a real monster just like in BOTM 41, but now lives in a fairly secluded place. Sure we'll have enough units to take him out when needed ;)

2> You own at least 2 Legendary culture cities. Plenty of wonders in 2 cities should get us near this anyway.

3> You are EITHER the United Nations Secretary General OR the Apostolic Palace Resident. Assume we will be the most populous so shouldn't cause to many problems.
4> You have learned Future Tech 1. Again just have to delay victory types till this is achieved.

5> At least one AI opponent has been eliminated (conquered) by your team. Can see this happening. Hopefully some religious nut with lots of shrines!!!!

6> You own at least three Holy Shrines. See above

7> You own at least three Corporate Headquarters. Assume we will have to provide our own GPs for this.

8> You have stolen EITHER Iron Working, OR Astronomy, OR Physics using espionage. Might be an idea to Oracle alpha and set all out esp points on the nearest neighbour. Ideally we want to be first to physics for the GS and astro is a pre-requisite,

9> You fulfil the requirements for TWO victory conditions, at least one of which is NOT Conquest or Domination. (For example, your spaceship arrives on Alpha Centauri the same turn you get Domination, that’s two. If you achieve domination on the same turn as conquest victory, then you need one more victory condition to fulfil this condition. Understood? ). Wait and see with this one but with a requirement for 2 legendary cities culture does seem a possibility but so does space/conquest etc

10> Blazing: You must submit a save covering at least your first 100 turns – or victory or defeat - not later than 2 months after game start. Think this is achievable.. :)
I think before we get bogged down thinking about individual goals, I suggest we just try to play out a high-speed, high-population tech game, ie, pretty much the same game plan as a semi-domination fueled space race.

As far as I can see, all conditions can be achieved in the late game assuming we have tech/production/population superiority. Except One: The spy steal. This is one thing that we can't miss (my opinion is we steal IW).

One other condition that deviates a bit from a typical space race is the requirement for culture. Though, with Corporations in play even this can be achieved easily enough. The reason I explicitly mention it is that culture is one of things that can be difficult to purposely slow down - which could be a problem in the late game if we aren't ready to fulfil the other objectives.

First move: I guess the usual thing is to move the warrior, then post a revealing screenshot. I agree that either SW onto hill or NE into forest are the best options. If we made some assumptions about our preferred settling site, can that help guide which choice we take for the warrior?
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