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Term 3 - Commander of the Armed Forces: All Hell Breaks Loose

@Zyxy - If you wish, I can compile the Intelligence report for the rest of the civs. Also, Thank goodness final exams are done with :ack:.
CG: I had the impression you were busy with something :D
It would be nice if you could do some reports. I suggest to start with the nearest civs.

I know you'd like to wait to declare war on India until we're ready, which you estimate will be about 5 turns after play commences on Wednesday.

However, I notice that Spain will not charge us any gold for a MA against France if we also enter into a MA with them against India (Spain is at war with India). I'd like to save the gold if I could. However, I'd prefer not to wait too long before we enter into MAs with other nations against France.

What is the earliest time you'd feel comfortable with a declaration of war against India? I guess we could always pay Spain for a French MA, then when we're ready to declare on India, see if they'll pay us for a MA against India.
Hi zyxy,

Thanks for your reply in the External Consulate's thread about my query regarding timing an MA with Spain against India. I've decided there are just too many problems with this idea and not enough benefits, so we won't be doing this.

note of absence

I will be away from May 14 until May 18. CivGeneral will be replacing me in this period. I will post instructions for next Sundays TC (May 15), but CG is empowered to amend them if needed. He will also post instructions for next Wednesdays chat.

CG, thanks for helping out! If you're lucky, you may get to start a new war on wednesday :)
Commander (& Deputy)

You've asked that we negotiate a ROP with China so that a horse can do some exploring. I am willing to do so, but as you know I prefer to wait until we secure Gem Mountain so we can block foreign access to our home continent.

Once we enter into a ROP with China, we can't cancel it (unless, of course, we decide to do a ROP rape; which I will consider if that's part of your tactical plan against China but otherwise would prefer not to do). We'd like to declare war on China after we finish with the Indians and our limited war with the French. We will be finished with the French in 16 turns. Do you still have time to explore before we make war on the Chinese? Or should we forget about the ROP & just go in blind? I guess I'm thinking we may not have time to secure Gem Mountains, do the ROP, and still declare war on China in a timely manner.

Instructions CoAF for Term3 TC4, Saturday May 14

Note: I will be away from May 14 until May 18 inclusive. My deputy may post amendments/additions to these instructions if necessary.

  • Take all Indian cities (Bangalore, Delhi, Karachi, Kolhapur, Bengal, Jaipur, Hyderabad).
  • Raze the French cities of Avignon, Marseilles.


Our Indian and French targets are shown in purple squares on the maps. For convenience, I have also highlighted all Indian troops we can see. DP may deviate if they are occupied.

Our army will consist of 4 groups, colorcoded on the maps: Northwest (Red), Southwest (Blue), East (Pink) and North (Dark Blue). Their targets are:
  • Northwest: Bangalore, after that use to reinforce other groups as needed.
  • Southwest: 2 roaming archers, Delhi, Karachi
  • East: Kolhapur, Jaipur, Bengal
  • North: roaming archer, Hyderabad, Marseilles, Avignon

The External Consul decides when war will be declared on India. My preference is to declare on turn 2 (300AD, current turn is counted as 0), and all the instructions below are drafted based on that. Declaring before turn 2 is risky, if we declare after that then the movement and attack of several army groups needs to be delayed in order not to enter Indian territory before a declaration of war.
I also assume that we will acquire Feudalism, and that ST will be built on turn 0.

In case of emergency or unforeseen circumstances the DP may deviate as necessary for the protection of Fanatannia. All forces should be fully healed in safe locations before attacking cities. All Army Groups should move in stacks when not in our lands. Mixed groups of fast and slow units can use the fast units for scouting (but make sure they all end the turn on the same square).

Detailed movement:
  • Roaming archers and such: use the sword ENE of Rivendell, 1 horse from Ela, 1 from Roosting Tree and 1 from Sebadoh to take out the three archers. After that, these units can return to their respective Army Groups. Use the horses to persuade the archer S2 of Husborne to step on flatland (in turn 2), by blocking the mountains SE and SSE of Husborne. The horse from Sebadoh can defend BlackHole. Use some idle units to capture the Indian workers (N2 of New London, S of Strider). Move the spear from Provolutia to Sebadoh.
  • Northwest: assemble NE3 of Bangalore. After declaration of war, move in to attack (5 swords, 1 horse, 2 cat). Preferably attack from the purple spot N of Bangalore. Can attack on turn 4. After taking Bangalore, use forces for resistance quelling, defense, or to reinforce other groups, at DP's discretion.
  • Southwest: Auchtermuchty group can heal in Auchtermuchty. After healing (on turn 1), swing horses round to Bentley (on turn 2, 3), also move the remaining horse in Roosting Tree on turn 3 at the latest, and attack Delhi on turn 4, starting from inside our own lands (and moving through tile SE of Delhi). Move Bentley sword onto the purple spot E of Delhi on turn 3, then Delhi attack force consists of 1 sword, 5 horse. Use Auchtermuchty sword and spear as you think fit.
    After Delhi, move on Karachi. After that, forces are to be used for reinforcement or defense, at your discretion.
  • East: leave Sebadoh horses (except for the one going to BlackHole) for 1 turn in Sebadoh to quell resistance, then move to Kolhapur. They can reach the tile WNW of Kolhapur on turn 2, and so can the horse from Strider. Move sword SSE of Strider to Kolhapur, covered by Strider spear. The whole group (5 horse, 1 sword) can attack on turn 3. After that, continue to Jaipur and Bengal. Use the spear currently near Bengal as a spotter for Indian troops. Fortified on a mountain, preferably in neutral terrain, he also has a decent chance to defeat 1 or 2 archers.
  • North: the elite sword ENE of Rivendell will take out the archer as already said. Move the two vet sword into Middelburg for healing. Also move at least 1 spear into Middelburg. Leave the sword SE of Middelburg where it is. The second vet sword should arrive on turn 2. On turn 2, move the elite sword out of Middelburg (it should be healed now). Activate the vet sword, and say upgrade all (shift-U). There should be only 2 (the vets in Middelburg -- this is why you should not move the elite sword into Middelburg!), please upgrade them. Should there be any other swords in cities, please move them out, or if not possible delay the Hyderabad attack by 1 turn. This should also restore their health. On turn 3, all forces should be healed. Move the 2 swords, 2 MDI, 1 horse, and at least 1 spear, to S2 of Hyderabad. You can attack Hyderabad on turn 5. After that, proceed to Marseilles.
  • Move any other units as you think fit.
It appears that at some point the French have captured the Chinese city of Tsingtao. By examining and comparing the 230 AD turn 8 save to the 380 AD Turn 10 save, I think I know where Tsingtao may be located: I believe it to be several tiles north of Bengal and west of Beijing. In the earlier save the pink French cultural borders around Marseilles extend to the fog while the cultural borders around Beijing extend into the fog. In the 380 save the Marseilles cultural borders extend into the fog and the Beijing borders stop at the fog. Therefore, I guess that Tsingtao must be located somewhere between Beijing & Marseilles.

Capturing Tsingtao from the French isn’t a priority in our French war. However, if it can easily be done it would be useful. IF the military has forces in the area of Bengal that can be spared after the Indian war, it might be a nice gambit to move them north of Bengal towards what I’m guessing is Tsingtao. We’ll eventually want to capture that city, and if we capture it from the French it might increase our leverage in peace negotiations with them.

We may have to cross Chinese borders in order to get to Tsingtao. If we think we’ll be in Chinese territory no more than a turn or two, I suggest crossing through their territory. If the Armed Forces prefer a ROP, I’m open to considering that. We had planned to negotiate one earlier, and I haven’t moved on it because I think it may make our future policy towards China less flexible as I detailed in post 46 above. (BTW, the CoAF hasn’t answered that post inquiring whether we should in fact negotiate this given the way the game has developed.)

At any rate, at the moment the External Consulate isn’t making Tsingtao a formal target; but we’d like the CoAF to think about annexing it if the circumstances are opportune.

(BTW, I'm sure you'll notice this anyway, but BTW, we have military units in Tracheon & No Where that will need to be moved to the front. Just an FYI in case you don’t happen to notice them.)
Consul/Deputy Consul

You may want to consider your future troop requirements to ensure that our Governors are building the type of unit we need so we are not paying unnecessary upkeep costs. I am particulary aware that previously you did not wish to keep all the Spearmen we had and disbanded some to help with builds, but I notice that build queues for Middle Earth now contain Pikemen. Please will you discuss your requirements with the Governors.
Furiey said:
Consul/Deputy Consul

You may want to consider your future troop requirements to ensure that our Governors are building the type of unit we need so we are not paying unnecessary upkeep costs. I am particulary aware that previously you did not wish to keep all the Spearmen we had and disbanded some to help with builds, but I notice that build queues for Middle Earth now contain Pikemen. Please will you discuss your requirements with the Governors.
Sorry, I had to do that ;)

Ill speek to the governor about that about future military defense. Certanly I dont mind having older units in the core cities acting as MPs, but we should have a more modern defenseive units in the outer rim.
Commander & Deputy:

First, welcome back, zyxy!

I've started a thread HERE discussing what our war strategy should be for the next few turnchats, and I'd greatly appreciate your input. Our military has fewer forces than I'd consider ideal, and that might limit what we can realistically achieve in the near-term. At any rate, your opinions are highly valued.
I'm back.

CG, thanks for defending the fort.

Bertie and Furiey, thanks for the heads-up. I'll get to it asap.

Furiey said:
Dr Zoidburg!


ehm..... he's out at the moment, in the weapons lab probably. Can I take a message?
zyxy, welcome back!

I hope things are to your liking with regards to progress in your absence, you now have some Knights to play with!

You may wish to consider how you want any remaining troops upgraded and if the vote for the Great Leader is for Army, what sort of Army you wish to form, although that is probably not a difficult choice ;)

(the Dr Zoidburg comment was to CG)
Furiey and Bertie: thanks for the welcome back!

It's nice to have some knights! It would be nicer to have some more, we are a bit thin at the front. There is also not much left to upgrade.
Draft instructions for TC 6, Sunday 22 May 12:00 GMT

  • I don't know the External Consul's plans yet; I'll assume they are to use an RoP with China to take the Chinese cities occupied by France, and hold the front on all other sides. Any offensives vs Spain will need to be delayed a bit until we have some more frontline troops. I prefer to hit France first because they have no iron and consequently should be weak.
  • We unfortunately don't know the map to our east. This means instructions are necessarily somewhat vague.


  • MGL: If we decide to make an army, use MGL Edward to create an army of three knights. Edward can reach Classicity and form the army on turn 1 (current turn = 0) provided the Dutch archer leaves the road.
  • Upgrades: please upgrade Steven's Swordsman. Also upgrade the vet sword near Falls Church if you deem it necessary. Please use other elite units for leader fishing, and refrain from upgrading unless you have insufficient targets for them. If you want to upgrade some, please upgrade horses first.
  • Homeland defense: consists of 3 swords (Tracheon, Falls Church, Auchtermuchty) and 2 knights (Bentley, Sebadoh).
  • Attack force: consists of 2 cats, 3 swords, 2 MDI, 4 horses, 7 knights, all in the east, as indicated in the map. Please move up some spears/pikes to block Gem Mountain (near Classicity). Use a few troops to pick off intruders. Move the remainder through China and take the former Chinese cities now oppressed by France (Shanghai, Nanking, Tsingtao).
    Murcia (Spain) is a secondary target and we'll need some 5 MDI's or equivalent to take it if it is defended by spears (counting on 2 vet spears) and we'll need 7 MDI's if the defense is pikes. I would advise not to attack unless you can spare such amount of troops.
  • Obsolete units: the army has no need for the ship (Spichester), the 3 warriors (Chaos, Delhi, New London), and for the regular spears in Spichester and Tracheon. They may be disbanded by the governors if they wish to do so. Total savings: 12 gpt.
  • Tactical suggestions: the horse in Naples can attack the Spanish archer near Blacktopia. The catapults cannot cross the Gem Mountain Area until we build some roads there, but would be useful against French Templar Knights.
Instructions CoAF for TC Wednesday May 25, 12:00 GMT

The DP is allowed to deviate from these instructions if that is necessary for the defense of Fanatannia.

  • Primary objective is to take and keep Nanking (French).
    • On the present turn: use the horse from Tsingtao to kill the French archer next to Shanghai. Move the army to Tsingtao to heal. (If you are absolutely certain that the army will not be selected as defender in Shanghai, then you may leave it there. I am not sure if the game always selects the unit showing on top as defender.) Leave the other forces in Shanghai. Move 2 cats, a musket, a horse, a knight and an MDI from Ratopia to the front. (Cats can be used to soften up any crusaders).
    • Attack and take Nanking at the earliest convenient moment. A fully healed army plus some support (1-2 knights/elite horses) should be enough. Nanking is somewhere east of Shanghai. I suggest to move a spear from Strider to Ratopia, and then a pike fom Ratopia to the Tsingtao-Shanghai-Nanking (TSN) region.
    • After taking Nanking, we'll fight a holding action there. Move the army towards Murcia if the TSN region seems safe without it. If necessary, move one or two extra knights to TSN and then remove the army.
  • Secondary objective is to raze Murcia and take and keep Valencia (Spanish). This objective should not be pursued inmediately, we need more troops in the region first. I would also prefer to wait for cavs.
    • Initially, use the units present in the region to fend off Spanish attackers. Add the two catapults from Ratopia to this force.
    • Take Murcia when you have sufficient forces available to do so. I estimate a minimum of 7 MDI's/Knights, or 5 cavs (assuming 2 vet pike defenders, all vet attackers, this has more than 95% success probability). I guesstimate the army would be equivalent to about 4 knights, or 2 to 3 cavs.
    • After that, take Valencia. It's on a hill, so it needs a larger force. With the same assumptions, I estimate we need 9 knights/MDI, or 6 cavs.
  • Home defense: Kill those would-be marines as soon as they land on our shores. Well, you know the drill by now :).
  • Upgrades: please upgrade the horse currently in Tsingtao for 120 gold at a convenient moment. Upgrade the other two horses if you think it necessary, otherwise I would prefer to keep them for leader fishing. When we learn cavalry, upgrade all veteran knights to cavalry at the earliest convenient moment. Cost: 30 gold per unit.
  • Build requests: I'll post them here as both governors seem to be AWOL. Please construct at least 10 new knights (or cavalries) in the next 10 turns, plus replacements for any lost knights in this period. No other unit types are needed.
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