War Addiction: Help needed


Jul 25, 2006
Basically, I am wondering if several or more Civ Fanatic forum members would be so kind as to instruct me while I post current-game screenshots on what to produce/who to attack/where to go in order to achieve a conquest victory. Now, I warn you, the following phrase might make you laugh, fall off your chair and break your spine...

...I need help on Regent mode :( .

I keep playing on maps with around 20 players, small size, regent maps, thinking that if I waste less time learning how to expand, I'll spend more time improving military tactics. Anyways, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but for some reason by 2050 A.D., I'm most likely not even at modern age, and have...say...5-10 civs remaining!!!

Anyways, if I get a post from several or more members that would be willing to help me, then I'll start posting.

P.S.: As for the never getting leaders thing, I seriously do not understand why it doesn't happen, since I play mostly military Civs.
First things first:

Welcome to the Forum!

[party] :band: :dance: :band: [party]

What would be better than a screenshot would be a screenshot (which shows where you want help) and a saved game. The saved game would allow helpers to look at your builds, corruption, etc.

Having said that, playing on a small map with 20 AIs is not the way to learn military tactics. With no room to expand, losing even one city to an AI can be a major setback.

Believe it or not, expansion is key to a conquest victory. To win by war means warfare, which in turns means losing units in combat. To offset those loses, you need cities building replacements. And you will need lots of replacements, which in turn leads to many cities.

Take a look at some of the Succession Games and some of the Stories and Tales. Some of them have very good explanations of why they do what they do.

Don't be afraid to post your screenshots and saved games. This is a very helpful forum.
Ok, I'm going to attach to this save file, and first off I would like to guys to tell me what I did wrong with this game. (Save file is on PTW, with snoopy's graphics and latest patch.)

First off, I myself realize that my artilerry force was a bit hefty compared to my actual amount of horsemen/archers.

Also, I'm planning on starting a new game now, so here goes.

Game 1:
Size: In between small and standard (forgot classification)
Surroundings: 80% water, pangea, arid/cool, 3 mil. mountains, no barbs
Civ: Rome, Other Civs: Random
Difficulty: Regent

2950B.C.: Irrigated two plains and one cattle, mining 1 bonus to even up production, currently growth every 5, settler every 6 with the grainery, a little worse than what it could have been i guess. Heres a picture of what my town currently looks like. (Picture is the on attachment )

1725B.C.: Fifth city up, treasury getting a bit hard to control (constantly having to modify civilian tile occupations from more food/less gold to less food/more gold. Science going at a fast rate, 2 main cities with Granary popping out settlers at a fairly fast rate, getting low on workers. (Second attached picture)

Now then, what do I do to get even up with 2 workers/town, or at least 1 per? Fighting units won't be much of a problem in this game until I discover another civilization, so I don't have to worry about funding them for a bit.

Thanks in advance for all the help.

GRRRRR, Ok, uh...forget everything I said about attached pictures, I'm going to try and attach the latest save of the actual game, I'm playing the ROME game right now, the Vikings save is an example of my past playing. Every time I try to upload a file/use image shack my internet connection crashes and I have to waste 5 minutes restarting it, I'll try to host the pictures again tomorrow :(.


  • Vikings Crowded Map410BC.SAV
    129.1 KB · Views: 46
  • Rome 1725.SAV
    65.6 KB · Views: 56
Play a map with the normal number of civs on it. That's your biggest problem. 20 civs on a small map is probably fun, but crazy.

Also play as Persia, Iroquis, Celts, or some other civ with an early UU.
metamike, I am up in a monster game AW with 30 civ on 250x250 so it will be a few days before I could get to this. If you have not posted back during that time the thread will probably die and I will not bother.

If you are still interested at that time, then I would look. It is all too often the case that I put in a fair amount of time on some of these games and there is little follow through, so I prefer to not put in more effort than the owner is willing to put in.
Well you see, I can put... say 2 hours a day literally every day into the game, but I haven't bothered to keep my game going because almost no one replied with any interest until you. However, if updates based on 2-hours of play (years go by pretty fast in my game, because I only micro every now and then when needed) are good enough for you, then starting tommorow I'll start playing.

As for the pictures, I mean huh, does anyone know what's the problem and why my internet drops? I mean I'm ok with simply posting a saved PTW game every time I finish an update, but that'll mean I'll have to post every single move (which I'll probably do anyways).

~One second, I'm going to try and see if I can fix the picture posting problem.
All I am saying is just post anything to let us know you are still interested. Just a one word Bump will do fine. Even if you go on to another game as long as you want to see some feedback. I should finish my turn set today.

It took 8 hours to play one turn, yesterday, but the next ones are much faster. I did 3 turns.
I must confess I have not played PTW in a couple of years, so I am sure to forget things.

I do remember that it has RCP. Ring City Placement. This is a concept that corruption is partially a function of rank.

Towns are ranked and the distance is considered as well. One way to combat that is to use RCP. You determine what the best ring for this location is and try to use it.

You do not want to drop a town at ring 4 and then one at ring 5 and so on. With that in mind a better plce for Neapolis would be only 4 tiles way instead of 5. Veil is on 4.

Antium is 5 as I remember.

Even without that consideration, I do not want any core town 5 tiles away. Now having said that I use to use a camp scheme instead. I would something we called Zenning after Master Zen on Poly and his own site.

In this plan I would found two camps one on each side of the capitol. They woudl be up one and over one tile. IOW right on top of the captiol. Then build 4 tiles in one direction and one over. Then space them that way all over.

If this map were really large, then I may toss in more camps, but that was rare. Later you abandon the camps. They do nothing but make either workers or troops. The captiol makes only settlers.

The camp that makes troops gets only a barracks. The captiol gets a granary.

Now you wasted worker turn by irrigating 2 plains that are not going to be worked. You have several BG tiles that would be better with a road and a mine. They get 2 food and 2 shields as well as 1 commerce. The plains get 2 food and 1 shield.

With 2 of those up you could get to +4 food. Swich Veil to a worker to get some help. Look at Antium. It is scheduled to finsih the worker in 2 turns, but won't grow till 3 turns. Since it is size 1, the worker cannot be finished. You just lost those shields for 1 turn.

The settler should have been 1 tile closer to Antium. This keeps it only 4 tiles from it and in the 4 ring. It is in the 4.5 ring, so for the capitol, that is the same. It is however going to be 5 tiles from Antium and that can matter if you are under attack.

Cumae worker could stand to improve the BG before the wheat as you need shields badly.

This choice does not have to be made, if you have enough workers as you have citizens working unimproved tiles.

I admire you courage, but you want a few warriors to deal with MP duties as you can see no lux. Deal with barbs and possibly the AI. You also have to get out 2 explores now. How can you plan an empire without some knowledge of the map?

So change Rome to warriors. Let the place get to size 5 or 6 before going back to settlers.
Bump for this thread, concidering I have abosolutly NO time for computer, I'll spend this 2-minute session by trying to post a screenshot again :(

Nope, still doesn't work, I'll probably post my next save game tomorrow.

Damn these busy summer days:mad:
Ok, now that I better understand the things explained, I see how badly I've messed up with worker production and will start a new game.

60% Ocean
Normal Climate
4 Billion Years
Archipelego (modified to connect all islands together through mountains)
No Barbarians
Small Size
Another bump, and an update on my new game.

Race: China, Difficulty: Regent, Dom/Conq

Ok, lets get started

4000 B.C.: Worker moves 1SE and fines 1 Wine tiles, I'm getting rather excited, this could lead to a good game :) . Settler follows him there to get the wine in his borders when they extent.

3950B.C.: Nooooo:mad: . This was going to be a good game! GOOD! But no, once again, Rome prevails, it appears the Romans have settled their capital RIGHT south of us, captured that wine in their cultural borders, and when Beijing is founded it appears ANOTHER Wine also!

3950B.C.: Beijing founded, science set to 90% for fast Pottery production, Beijing set to make Barracks to switch to Granary when Pottery finishes.

3900B.C.: Worker sent to mine bonus 1 tile W, or SW (I forget) of Beijing, mining begins.

3850B.C.-3650B.C.: Nothing.


Worker finishes mine on SW tile. two choices:
1) Road the mine, OR.
2) 2 walking turns away, mine the other bonus right by Beijing.

I go with choice 1 and road this mine to try and keep up commerce with the crazy 90% science rate.

3550B.C.-3500B.C.: Nothing.

3450B.C.: Culture expands, Rome is right next to me and yet I am unable to trade with it, because of lack of money wasted on Pottery science funding.

3400B.C.: Pottery is finished, Beijing grows in population (maybe this turn, maybe 1 turn before, not sure), Barracks (2 turns left) changed to Granary(8 turns left), worker sent to 2nd bonus to mine it, after finishing the road on the first, Code of Warrior started to get horsemen soon as possible and attempt to annihilate Rome before too long.'

3000B.C.: Granary finishes, I start making 1 worker so that I have 2 ready to work on my 2nd city's tiles before it is made, and this worker will be followed up by a settler. Science funding forced to decrease to start creating a profit in order for Roman trade. Bonus mine is finished, road began for commerce.

2900B.C.: 2nd worker made, 1st worker finishes road and moves 1N to find :)D THANK YOU) 1 wine near some plains E of it, and mountains W of it.

CURRENT OUTLOOK OF MAP: On a 4-5 tile wide island-like-...thing, which so far is known to extend N and S( but the south border is closed up by Romans). So my only path of expansion until Horsemen is North. To the North, there is a variety of terrain. NE We have desert/plains, and NW we have lots of mountains, so I can't settle there. I plan to expand NW and hope to run into some resources there.

2nd town is going to have mountains, 1 plain( or 2), hills, 1 wine tile, and grasslands on it.

2850B.C.: Warrior code finished, Wheel started, settler finishes in 5 turns.

2800B.C.: Worker 2 sent to Wine by future 2nd town to start mine, Worker 1 sent to a hill 1W of future town to see of NW is expandable. Planning using worker 1 to mine the wine, and later the hills, and Worker to to connect the Wine tile to Beijing.

Found!~ Another Wine tile is aprox. 6/5W, 1N of my future 2nd tile, surrounding by LOTS of forest, about 3-4 tiles S of the wine is more desert, and 1 Insence.

2nd city planning to be founded in 6-7 turns (that's counting the turns it'll take to reach its destination), and my 3rd city will most likely be SW of the Wine tile surrounded by forests, to have its borders and my 2nd city's border combine.

That's all for now, I'll post the currently save game now since pictures make my internet crash.

Name of save game- "China 2800.SAV"


  • China 2800.SAV
    48.9 KB · Views: 47
a couple of things:

instead of researching warrior code, it may have made sense to research the wheel, then trade wheel to rome for warrior code.

The decision to road that tile was a good one. When your civ is small, you need to optimize every tile - making every tile you work roaded is a good way to start that.

It may make to road to your next city, now that you have an extra worker. I wouldn't take it off anything it is doing now.

You say you will have a new city in 6-7 turns, including how long it takes to get there. If you had a road to where it is going, you would cut 1-3 turns off.
Another update coming up later today.

@Teller: Now that I think of it, I can prolly cut it down from 7 to 4 turns till next city if I forget about making that mine in wine early, and use both to first connect the new town.

So...2nd town in 4-5 turns instead of 6-7 now I guess, and thanks for the tip on trading science, forgot about that.:)
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