[BtS] Dales Combat Mod!


Mohawk Games Developer
Mar 14, 2002
Dale's Combat Mod for Beyond the Sword 3.17!

Dale's Combat Mod is the culmination of years of modding work in relation to combat and other combat related themes. It is the combination of a number of combat related Mod Components to increase the enjoyment in war during a game of Civ4.

Updated to v1.7 for BtS 3.17! Please download again to obtain the new features!

1. Download the mod. http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7946
2. Unzip to your Mods folder: ..\Sid Meiers Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\
3. Launch BtS and switch to mod DalesCombatMod.
4. Play as you normally would.


The current version is DCM v1.7 for BtS 3.17
You MUST have the BtS 3.17 patch installed to run DCM.

This Mod combines all of Dale's combat related Mod Components, such as airbombing missions, battle effects and ranged bombardment. All source code is available for this mod, fully commented to easily signify what component code relates to. All components can be easily turned off or on in a single XML file which can be edited in any text editor.

Included Components:

Civ Customiser: Removed in v1.7 due to issues with BtS 3.17
Civ Customiser gives players the ability to modify their Civ to their liking. After choosing a Civ and starting a game, popup windows will allow players to change the leaderhead, traits, starting techs, unique units and unique buildings.

Airbomb Missions:
The air-bombing missions which featured in the BtS Mod Road to War are now available separately! Bombers can now air-bomb city defenses, city buildings, port air-bomb mission to attempt to sink ships, or other air missions as added.

Battle Effects:
As opposed to most of my other Mod Components, this one is purely aesthetic. Ever wanted to see plumes of smoke from the battleground? Well this component is for you.

Ranged Bombardment:
Ranged Bombardment allows siege units to bombard in the field. By selecting the bombard icon you can select whether to bombard units, improvements or cities.

Archer Bombardment:
Archer Bombardment allows archer units to fire a volley at adjacent plots. In this way they can damage enemy units before combat.

Civ Changer:
Civ Changer allows you to change the Civ you are playing in-game.

Combined Arms Stack Attack:
Combined Arms Stack Attack allows a full stack of units to engage an enemy stack of units. It replaces the one-on-one combat concept and allows a full stack to work together to eliminate an enemy stack.

Opportunity Fire:
Opportunity Fire allows fortified bombard capable units (such as artillery) to automatically barrage enemy units which close on the position.

Active Defense:
Active Defense allows patrolling fighters to engage enemy troops closing on them. This includes fighters on patrol in any location (city, carrier, etc).

Nuke Bomber Unit:
The Nuke Bomber unit is an early atomic weapon available with Fission and Flight. The Nuke Bomber simulates the atomic bombs of World War II, specifically the ones dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Turning components on/off:

1. Open the file ..\Mods\DalesCombatMod\Assets\XML\GlobalDefinesAlt.xml in notepad (or other text editor).
2. Search for the relevent tag for the component you wish to edit (EG: DCM_CIV_CUSTOMISER for Civ Customiser).
3. Edit the iDefineIntVal value such that 1 = on, 0 = off (zero).
4. Save the file and restart the Mod. You should notice that the DCM Status popup changes to reflect the changes you make.


This Mod is provided for the benefit of the whole community. Please use all/any parts as required, but please give me credit for the work I've done.

A number of new XML tags have been added to certain files, please merge carefully into your own Mods. I suggest using WinMerge to help, as I will only provide "Best Effort" support of merging into your own Mods.

All source code is included in the folder \CvGameCoreDLL\ inside the Mod's folder. I have made comments to help you identify which parts of the code belong to which components:

// Dale - DCM: DalesCombatMod specific code (not related to any component)
// Dale - AB: Airbombing missions
// Dale - BE: Battle Effects
// Dale - CC: Civ Customiser
// Dale - RB: Ranged Bombard
// Dale - CCH: Civ Changer
// Dale - SA: CASA, Opportunity Fire, Active Defense
// Dale - ARB: Archer Bombard
// Dale - NB: Nuke Bomber


DCM v1.7:
- Removed Civ Customiser

DCM v1.6:
- Battle Effect length maxed at 10 turns
- MHP requires Fission
- Various bug fixes
- Can Port Airbomb ships in forts
- Solver's unofficial patch

DCM v1.5:
- Many bug fixes
- Many balance changes
- Been so long I've forgotten all of them

DCM v1.3:
- Added Fighter Engagement mission
- Added CASA complete
- Fixed Ranged Bombardment bug
- Fixed Battle Effects bug
- Fixed Nuke Bomber intercept bug

DCM v1.2:
- Updated Airbomb Missions to 1.3
- Added Archer Bombard
- Added Nuke Bomber Unit
- Fixed Interface mode bug
- Fixed Battle Effect bugs

DCM v1.1:
- Updated Airbomb Missions to 1.2
- Added Ranged Bombardment
- Added Civ Changer
- Added Combined Arms Stack Attack (beta)
- Added Opportunity Fire
- Added Active Defense

DCM v1.0:
- Added Airbomb Missions
- Added Civ Customiser
- Added Battle Effects
- Added required code for DCM Concepts and Status popup

Looking forward to a version with Ranged Bombardment and Route Pillage :)
As I work on components, I'll be updating DCM to incorporate them. So very soon my friend. :)

This mod looks fantastic. :goodjob: I'm going to have to try it out tonight.

The only BTS 3.13 additions that I can recommend at this time is:

1. Ranged Bombardment
2. Archery Barrage

Roamty was nice enough to combine both mods into the current BTS 3.13 download and should make it little easier to combine into your combat mod. Here is the link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7865

Both mods have unique capabilities that would make excellent "combat" additions to your outstanding mod composition. :thumbsup:

Very Respectfully,

Orion Veteran :cool:
1. Open the file ..\Mods\DalesCombatMod\Assets\XML\GlobalDefinesAlt.xml in notepad (or other text editor).
2. Search for the relevent tag for the component you wish to edit (EG: DCM_CIV_CUSTOMISER for Civ Customiser).
3. Edit the iDefineIntVal value such that 1 = on, 0 = off (zero).
4. Save the file and restart the Mod. You should notice that the DCM Status popup changes to reflect the changes you make.

Hey Dale, it's really easy to tie your code in with in-game options rather than an XML file so people can turn them on and off when starting a new game (custom game). I put a tutorial up on how to do this in the tutorials board.
Hey Dale, it's really easy to tie your code in with in-game options rather than an XML file so people can turn them on and off when starting a new game (custom game). I put a tutorial up on how to do this in the tutorials board.

Yeah I know (I wrote the original tute on it ;) ), but I'm also throwing a few other component related attributes into this XML file too. Better to keep it all in one place.

Besides, it wouldn't take me much to knock-up a GUI interface into the XML file using C++ so you can change the values. :)

This mod looks fantastic. :goodjob: I'm going to have to try it out tonight.

The only BTS 3.13 additions that I can recommend at this time is:

1. Ranged Bombardment
2. Archery Barrage

Roamty was nice enough to combine both mods into the current BTS 3.13 download and should make it little easier to combine into your combat mod. Here is the link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7865

Both mods have unique capabilities that would make excellent "combat" additions to your outstanding mod composition. :thumbsup:

Very Respectfully,

Orion Veteran :cool:

Last night I finished converting RB into 3.13 (I've done some heavy changes to RB in a number of areas) and DCM. It's possible to have both types of bombardment occurring now (RB and Civ4) as well as a few other things to clean up, speed up and make the AI better at it. :) It'll come in the next update for DCM.

I haven't looked at archery barrage, so can't comment on that yet.
hey Dale that scorched earth mod looks cool, I might try it out. you say it's only aesthetic but combat will reduce the food and commerce output in the tile? can you clarify this point and how long that effect lasts? and where do I download this mod, I don't see a link....
hey Dale that scorched earth mod looks cool, I might try it out. you say it's only aesthetic but combat will reduce the food and commerce output in the tile? can you clarify this point and how long that effect lasts? and where do I download this mod, I don't see a link....

If its just the battle effects you're after, then here's the link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=257045

Yeah you're right, but all it does is lower food/gold by 1 on the tile when the battle effect is in place. The effect lasts for 2 turns, increasing by 2 for consequent combats (so 2 combats = 4 turns).
Thanks for the update Dale.
Hi Dale!
I'm on Bts 3.13, and your fantastic mod seems to refuse to run. It's well in the /Bts/mods, yet it doen't begin to run. "Excuse Windows for the mistake, send an error message..":confused:
If its just the battle effects you're after, then here's the link: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=257045

Yeah you're right, but all it does is lower food/gold by 1 on the tile when the battle effect is in place. The effect lasts for 2 turns, increasing by 2 for consequent combats (so 2 combats = 4 turns).

thanks, that's a really neat idea. Although when units are fighting on one of your city tiles, you don't get any benefits from that tile anyway. So I guess that's why you made it 2 turns, in case they move off the tile or the enemy dies, the turn after you are getting the reduced effect.

Hey just wanted to leave a thanks. Your probably the best SDK/Phyton guy we got. I love your stuff. :goodjob:
haha, from the looks of it I think we all are going crazy for the combo effect. When you do add in ranged bombardment you might as well throw in archery while your at it since every one seems to like that combo. I'm a fan of JFortZoC and influence driven combat but I know those are not yours so I can add them in myself. :lol:
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