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SCENARIO: Age of Imperialism; 1895-1924, Deluxe Version

Hey, Hikaro! I'd like a copy of that screen to use when I get tired of seeing the old French cruiser belching out black smoke that will be on the ver. 4.0 AoI. Either u/l it here or attach it to a pm to me. Thx.

here's a quick update on some of the latest work:

new advisors - here is the Military Advisor. not sure i'd mess w/ this guy :cool: all of the other advisors have been replaced as well.

new specialist pop heads for the city screen. some have been replaced (Charlie Chaplin and that blond-haired chick among others) and many of the originals from c3c have been retained. all have been switched to the Industrial era so that there are not any Ancient of Middle Age looking peoples in the city screen :)
the no-raze patch will be included w/ the DL. it will be strongly recommended.

i need a break, man :) can't say when or if i'd pick that up again. had some issues w/ it when i ran it through alpha tests.
Sorry I am so late to the party. I just started 3.0 and I wanted to know if you want to hear about pedia typo's and omission. I was wondering about the advertised 4.0, it looks like it is alive.

I will have to back up a bit to see see what is new or different. At nearly 250 pages, a new thread for 4 would be nice.
Let me ask about the no raze issue. I guess you are concerned as settlers are not allowed in the game? Why not have a small wonder that makes a settler periodically? Maybe 1 in 20 turns. Depending on if you have a turn limit in the game or not, you alter the rate or you could start them with the wonder.

Or is it just that you have the towns where you want them and do not want any changes to that layout? IOW I am not sure I understand the need to make a no raze executable.

One of the things that makes most mods unattractive to me is the need to replace parts of the game. AoI does not require that, so I can add it to the scenario list and not impact normal games.
vmxa: they placed every single city very carefully, named them and gave them the buildings they wanted. Think about USA. They usually don't lose a city, and if they do it is very rarely razed. So by the end of the game, they would have dozens more cities than they did at the start, even from one settler every 20 turns. The cities are all placed where they are in real life, with the industrial capacity that they pretty much had in real life, too.
The human player is going to to have a lot more than a dozen more cities than they start with, regardless of the nation they play. The US and Russia and China would all gain lots of towns in real life and should in the game.

They had the most land to fill and pop growth to fill it. Anyway I do not intend to argue for a change, only wondering the purpose.
Actually, if you read the population totals in the city screen, the game overestimates the US population totals by a huge amount. In one game I played of 3.0, Philadelphia had over 20 million people.
vmxa... AoI takes place over a 29 year period. Compared to a Normal CIV Game that lasts over a 2000 year period, 29 years is merely a small section of time to depict this World Event.
The game was made to be as close as possible to the History of that Period... At least as close as the CIV Engine and hard coded game factors will allow.
It is about WWI, Not Settlers or new Cities :)
The No Raze Patch insures that the AI will not Raze a City because Wonders do Not absolutely prevent Razing.
I am not sure why everyone feels the need to point out the obvious. I know the game is meant to cover a specific period and a lot of work went into it. I know they want to prevent city razing, I just do not grasp why.

The time frame is immaterial as the game allows more than 540 turns. What times you associate with them, is for entertainment. I presume it is to try to approximate what occurred in history.

I do not know how it has played out in the many runs others have played, but I suspect it goes sideways more often than not. Chaos will rule out. In any event designers put out a product and players accept it or not.

I just wanted to raise one tiny voice to not force a no raze, make it an optional one. On the settler issue, not a big deal either way. A small wonder making one from time to time can be attenuated, by making them build the wonder.

Say it is available late in the first era and take 10 turns to make, you are well into the game when a settler arrives. Not going to be a game breaker, especially as the map has about 400 towns to start. That breaks down to a few new towns for each nation.
I am not sure why everyone feels the need to point out the obvious. I know the game is meant to cover a specific period and a lot of work went into it. I know they want to prevent city razing, I just do not grasp why.

The time frame is immaterial as the game allows more than 540 turns. What times you associate with them, is for entertainment. I presume it is to try to approximate what occurred in history.

I do not know how it has played out in the many runs others have played, but I suspect it goes sideways more often than not. Chaos will rule out. In any event designers put out a product and players accept it or not.

I just wanted to raise one tiny voice to not force a no raze, make it an optional one. On the settler issue, not a big deal either way. A small wonder making one from time to time can be attenuated, by making them build the wonder.

Say it is available late in the first era and take 10 turns to make, you are well into the game when a settler arrives. Not going to be a game breaker, especially as the map has about 400 towns to start. That breaks down to a few new towns for each nation.
The no-raze patch isn't required to play this, you can still play the mod without it. It just adds a lot more historical flavor to the mod (there really wasn't any case I can think of in this time period where an entire city was completely eradicated and depopulated), and prevents the AI from placing random cities in ahistorical places.
I am not sure why everyone feels the need to point out the obvious. I know the game is meant to cover a specific period and a lot of work went into it. I know they want to prevent city razing, I just do not grasp why.
Because you can't build anymore, and the ones placed are placed to specifically fulfill a purpose or role.

The time frame is immaterial as the game allows more than 540 turns. What times you associate with them, is for entertainment. I presume it is to try to approximate what occurred in history.
The timeframe is very important when you are aiming for historical accuracy. For instance, it's completely absurd to have modern technologies in the 1500's. Time frame is critical.

I do not know how it has played out in the many runs others have played, but I suspect it goes sideways more often than not. Chaos will rule out. In any event designers put out a product and players accept it or not.
Chaos will not always rule, and most players can or at least try to appreciate the thousands of hours that went into the research and development of the scenario.

The information contained herein is accurate down to the smallest detail. It is a virtual encyclopedia of international affairs of it's namesake time period.

I just wanted to raise one tiny voice to not force a no raze, make it an optional one. On the settler issue, not a big deal either way. A small wonder making one from time to time can be attenuated, by making them build the wonder.
You don't have to install the no raze patch. Nobody's got a gun to your head making you do so. Besides, I don't even think you could insert a wonder that spawns settlers without deleting an existing one and if you did delete an existing one, it would undoubtedly cause a cascade of errors to occur.

Say it is available late in the first era and take 10 turns to make, you are well into the game when a settler arrives. Not going to be a game breaker, especially as the map has about 400 towns to start. That breaks down to a few new towns for each nation.
Again, it's set up to be historically accurate. Each nation has a set number of cities because these were the major cities each faction had at the time.

El Justo is a stickler for historical integrity. And I, for one, am in agreement with him.

If there's so much you don't like about the scenario, why not just make your own? Then you can have all the settings just the way you like them.

If you don't know this already, you can play the no-raze patch WITHOUT DISABLING THE NORMAL GAME!!!!

The No-Raze patch is nothing more than a hacked Conquests.exe file... Just name it "NoRaze.exe" and create a shortcut to your desktop called "Conquests No Raze" to play the game with AI city razing disabled, and just start the game with your default Conquests.exe shortcut to have the AI go on its usual pillaging sprees....

So, basically, in this case, you CAN have your cake and eat it, too. ;)

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