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Night of the Werewolves XXVIII Game Thread


So Happy I Could Die
Apr 20, 2007
Dancing in the Dark
Night of the Werewolves XXVIII:
"Everybody wants to change the World"
Game Thread

The two dozen Amurites stood in their camp where they had rested overnight, their journey from Arkanridge to the Tower of Alteration having begun some days ago. Among them were archmages of all the eighteen schools of magic known to men, as well as three of the Tower Masters. The Caswellawn and Valledia, the Spymaster and de facto ruler of Amure, had each sent one of their servants to observe if everything went according to plan, just as the Amure High Court had sent a representative.

It was this man, Lieutenant Diamondeye of the Shield of Kylorin, the highest ranking soldiers of the Amure nation, who was now laying face down in the campfire in the middle of the camp, obviously dead. And quite obviously not killed by outsiders. This road was safer than most palace vaults, and no-one else had knowledge of their quest. There were usurpers among their ranks.

The Flesh Golem brought along to defend them waited with a moot expression. They had only about a week's journey left, and the more time they wasted standing still, the larger the risk that the usurpers got the best of them.

They had to press on.

Welcome to the 28th installation of the Night of the Werewolves games! The game is now started, and from this post, there is 49½ hours until night falls.

You can accuse and support vote from the very start. Please keep accusations in bold black and support votes in bold green.

Please note that it is allowed to show items to other players (giving them a simple impression of the item). If you want another character to study your item in detail, you have to trust the person enough to give that person the item.

Clarification on items and recipes:
All recipes will require three or four reagents to create a constructed item. These items can be given away. When a constructed item is up for vote, everyone is told what reagents the item consists of. The winner of the vote can choose to dissemble the item to gain access to the components it consists of.

Player List:

Tower of Divination:
Master of Divination: Winston Hughes - Survived
Life Archmage: Oyzar - Survived
Law Archmage: Frozen In Ice - Survived (Preserver!)
Mind Archmage: Chandrasekhar - Lynched, Day 5 (Preserver!)
Spirit Archmage: Hell_Hound - Survived
Sun Archmage: KingMorgan - Survived

Tower of Alteration:
Flesh Golem: Krill - Survived
Enchantment Archmage: Stuck In Pi - Lynched, Day 1
Body Archmage: Love - Dead, Night 4
Nature Archmage: Sprig - Killed in daylight, Day 3 (Preserver!)

Tower of Elementalism:
Master of Elementalism: Sepuku - Survived
Fire Archmage: Nictel - Lynched, Day 3 (Destructionist!)
Water Archmage: Autolycus - Survived
Air Archmage: Renata - Killed, Night 3
Earth Archmage: TheForestAuro - Survived
Ice Archmage: Seon - Lynched, Day 4 (Assassin!)

Tower of Necromancy:
Master of Necromancy: PaulusIII - Dead, Night 1
Entropy Archmage: Backwards Logic - Survived
Death Archmage: ZPV - Lynched, Night 6 (Seeking Lichdom)
Shadow Archmage: Civplayah - Survived
Chaos Archmage: AskThePizzaGuy - Poisoned, Night 4 (Destructionist!)

Amure Court:
Hand of Valledia: CCRunner - Lynched, Day 2 (Destructionist!)
Eye of the Caswellawn: Zombie Monkey - Survived
Metamagic Archmage: Choxorn - Poisoned, Night 6
Shield of Kylorin: Diamondeye (NPC) - Dead, Night 0

You may now post!
The Master of Divination floats cross-legged a few inches above the ground, deep in meditation. His ancient features are a picture of calm, as he projects his consciousness into an uncertain future. Suddenly, his eyes flash open, catching the gaze of every member of the party at once.

The betrayers amongst us remain shrouded, but the nature of the crimes they will commit is all too clear.

There will be much death before this matter is done.
Oh, Winston, really do you think so? I had so hoped this would be an uneventful journey.

The Air Mage fluffs out the ends of her flowing sleeves so that they flutter about her thin hands like birds' wings. The freshening wind tugs at her bright hair and twists the folds of her night-blue cape about her knees. She smiles.

Don't let me get too glum, dear Wind. We will persevere, come what may.
Barefoot, his gaze passed over the land they would travel today. The Earth Archmage was stoic and silent, and leaned down, picking up some dirt in his hands, and he let it fall slowly.

"The path is long and hard. Let us leave immediately."
The Chaos Archmage, his eyes burning, and his wild beard flowing across his robes, looked upon the fallen one. In his mind, he knew by instinct alone who would have done this... those who confine their thoughts within rules and regulations, who allow blind obedience to pervert their moral judgment. Always distrustful of the Lawful, he set his gaze upon the Law Archmage, for as he well knew, Lawful is not a synonym for good or righteous, merely another term for weak and obedient; servile. Kneeling before whatever force was in power, and doing their bidding. Just the kind that would allow atrocity to happen, and rationalize the evil with convenient excuses, such as "I was only following orders" and "It's perfectly legal".

Nothing was stopping the Chaos Archmage from acting upon his instinctive judgment, not the law, not the threat of punishment... nothing except for his own conscience. It was better, and morally correct, to wait for evidence before acting upon this judgment. But the Chaos Archmage would be watching the Lawful one carefully, and with the greatest of contempt. Finally he spoke:

I agree. We should not stay here. Let us keep moving.
The Nature Archmage sat in the foliage, cloaked in leaves and gazing intently at the Earth mage while he ran the soil through his fingers. The Nature Mage’s expression turned to one of admiration. So subtle was the work of the Earth Mage, which only the well trained, would have spotted. The Mage thought back to his youth and thought about his own initial ambition to become an Earth Mage before his greater calling came through due his other natural abilities with Water and the Sun. The Earth Mage reminded him pleasantly of such times, it is a shame that they are now such a distant memory and compared harshly to the realities that they now faced.

The Nature Mage Grew out of the ground into a standing position, His cloak of leaves thrown back to reveal the fur linings underneath giving him the peculiar appearance of half a bear and half tree. He wandered over to the dead body. Where his footsteps fell; tiny shoots of grass sprang up to meet the sun. He stopped at the body of Diamond Eye and looked down.

“From Nature you came and Nature you shall return. Let Nature guard you in the afterlife”​

With that he bent down and touched the body. Out of the earth sprang vines which wrapped around the body like bandages.

"Agreed, We should move on, but what do you want to with the body? Perhaps the Earthmage can make a tomb for him?"​
The archmage of Ice yawned."What is next in this constant parade of interruptions?" he moaned out aloud.
The archmage of Water glides smoothly into the clearing, sometimes slowing, but never truly stopping
"We must keep moving. Nothing truly stays the same. Sometimes things seem to remain static, but underneath, they move all the more strongly. Let the Shield's corpse alone. It is a block set in our course by our enemies. Let us flow onwards."
"It seems that even here, we cannot escape from the grip of mad ideology. Such tragedies are inevitable when fools believe that their lives belong to some greater cause. To kill in such a way is an irrational and sloppy way to impose one's will, because more often than not, such killers are rooted out and eliminated. I'm sure that we're dealing with a group of deluded individuals that have managed to convince each other that this is the only way to carry out whatever shared plan they have - this will be their downfall, for no two minds are quite alike, and their differences will force them to show a weakness that we can exploit."

Apparently satisfied that it's only a matter of time until the killers bring about their own destruction, the Mind Archmage nods to himself and falls silent.
"The earth will not hide this atrocity. Leave him as a testament to our unmoving devotion to this ritual. We will not lose the time we have discovered runs thin."
Why all this talk of death and burial? Do we not have a life archmage among us? Let him then give life to our friend! Then he can tell us who killed him :w00t:

You see, that is why I have risen to be the right hand of our leader-- I know how to utilize resources
"Do not suggest something that defies the subtle laws that govern nature"​
The Nature Mage regarded the Hand of Valledia witha quirky look in his eye.
"Besides you wouldn't like to see him now, the wrappings I gave him, weren't to preserve him."​
"Of course in the last week of the journey things start to go wrong. Let us move on now."
The life archmage bends over the prone form of the late Diamondeye. He chants a few words and put his hand on the head of the dead man.

"I am sorry but this man is too far gone. I can't resurrect him."
The Sun Mage is puzzled - Sepku lives (unless you know something we don't)

Sepuku is the Master of Elements and is very much alive. The Shield was named Diamondeye.

Oh, and since several people have asked: The innocent victory condition is written in the OP of the sign-up thread. So anyone who has "Ritual of Alteration" as their VC are innocent.

I consider letting this day last another 24 hours, mostly because of personal schedule, but also to get a real amount of votes running. If you can't think of anything better, root out an inactive :p
The spirit archmage walks to the campfire, shocked to see the corpse of the Shield of Kylorin.

So, clearly someone wants us not to perform the Ritual of Alteration. They will not succeed if we all keep hope.
Nictel, a week yet on the road? Are you certain?

(OOC: How do you know? It's not in my PM, and I don't see it in Diamondeye's posts, either.)
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