And now you see why Tama and Peach are not in the written story...

(I had this planned before I wrote the story by the way)

This will be Tama's funeral dirge.

If the narrators had funding, they probably would have played it... ;)
I forsee two epic back to back events coming up...
The Duo of Narrators will be on hiatus today, as they are currently pestering sponsors for money, with the help of Transit Advisor Jim.

So now, we'll just cut right into the comic in 3... 2... 1... GO!


Warning: VTOLs may be hazardous to your health. Symptoms may include evisceration, first, second and third degree burns, followed by death.


Remember, Martha is really seven hundred years old and has not accessed the Internet much at all while in Iran


Cue the music!


Not bad for an escape sequence, don't you think?


Good old lampshading...



Technically Tama was still alive in the last comic. So now I'm spacing out the killings :D

Anyway, that'll probably be my last comic for a while. I'll probably be writing the DYOS story and sending chapters that detail the adventure between Project Titan and the Final Showdown...
Accension? Please, that mission with the tanks is much more fun!
Accension? Please, that mission with the tanks is much more fun!

Only if the tank could regenerate and had more shells...
The Tropes page is right in that you have to ditch the tank barely halfway through the first area...

I wish there were more levels like Ascension though...
Enjoy Colonel Maxium while you can...

...cause he wont be around much longer. Kaede/Lucy turns him into a pink cloud? CivGeneral puts a luger in his head? Suffers the wrath of Wesker? Who knows ;).
Ah, comic book time! :D

Double feature, since I haven't posted in so long. I also found that the pictures become grainy because of resizing - you guys know any remedy for this?

First problem, it is saved as a gif.

What kind of scanner are you using? Does it automatically save it as a gif? Can you adjust the resolutions, brightness, etc?
I don't think the scanner automatically saves it as a gif. There wasn't any resize issues before as far as I can tell.
Either way, fun stuff, Gruekiller. :)



Samus clones? That's going to be problematic. Except on my end, if they do get out, since she's so fun to draw. :crazyeye:
Four words: :lmao:
Why hasn't evil learned anything!?
Umbrella never watched nor read Elfen Lied :p

Samus clones? That's going to be problematic. Except on my end, if they do get out, since she's so fun to draw. :crazyeye:
We'll, All I can say is that you're going to be in for a treat in my next comic...

...and be prepared for a bit of mind screw



I actually shouted Leeroy! before reading the subsequent panel. :lol:

No! Don't give in to the man with the eyepatch and the cool uniform!
...We're boned.
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