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The many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XVII

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Would a person of mostly, if not entirely, European ancestry born and raised in South Africa qualify as an African-American if he would move to the US?

Charlize Theron does.

Charlize Theron: Thank you! I'm delighted to be here in New York, hosting the show. I actually wasn't even born in the United States - I was born and raised in South Africa. But I live here now!

Tracy Morgan: [ standing amongst the audience ] Oh, Boo! Boo? You serious?

Charlize Theron: Yes.. Sir.. you have a question?

Tracy Morgan: No, I'm not a Sir. I'm Tracy Morgan, I'm on the show.

Charlize Theron: Oh, really?

Tracy Morgan: Yeah. I didn't have much to do this week, so I skipped the practices. You live here, but you were born in Africa?

Charlize Theron: Yes, that's right.

Tracy Morgan: Hmm.. so you're an African-American?

Charlize Theron: [ contemplating ] Wow..! I guess I am! I.. I.. I never thought of it that way..

Tracy Morgan: [ steps on stage ] Well, you better start thinking about it that way!

Charlize Theron: You're right. People always think I'm Swedish or German.. but I'm African-American, you're right!

Tracy Morgan: Yeah, we have to stick together, because this business is rough!

Charlize Theron: You're right.

Tracy Morgan: Hell, yeah, I'm right! So, I saw you in that new movie with Will Smith.

Charlize Theron: Yeah, "The Legend of Bagger Vance". It's me, and Will, and Matt Damon.

Tracy Morgan: I don't know him.

Charlize Theron: But you know Will Smith?

Tracy Morgan: Not personally.. but I hang out with DJ Jazzy Jeff's crew. You know Griffin Louie Trade? Man, that dude is hilarious! [ laughs ]

Charlize Theron: That's the guy with the iguana, right?

Tracy Morgan: Yeah, man, that lizard is crazy! [ takes out a pack of cigarettes ] You want a Newport?

Charlize Theron: [ takes out her own pack of cigarettes ] That's okay. I got my Kools.

Tracy Morgan: Mmm. When I saw you in "Bagger Vance", I knew you was African-American, man. When I heard you talking during the movie..

Charlize Theron: I was in the movie.

Tracy Morgan: So was I. I was yelling at the screen: "Let Will Smith hit the ball, man! He's like Tiger Woods!"

Charlize Theron: So, did you like the movie?

Tracy Morgan: Uh.. we didn't get to see it all. They had kicked us out because they said a little trained lizard had bit a kid in the third aisle - but I didn't have nothin' to do with that! But we all know what the real reason was.

Charlize Theron: Because you're African-American.

Tracy Morgan: Oh.. you can relate. Damn! It's about time they let a sister host this show! And you're fine, too!

Charlize Theron: Thanks, Tracy!

Tracy Morgan: [ peeks around back ] Your ass a little bony, but that's okay. Anyway, I'm gonna let y'all get on with your show - it's a big one, the election show. By the way, who you voting for?

Charlize Theron: Well, actually, because I was born in Africa, I can't vote.
IMO, he is classified incorrectly, though race is a very muddy and confusing issue, especially for those from the northern portion of Africa.

EDIT: Crosspost
Are you talking about what you would fill in on the census, or what people would guess regarding your ancestry if they were pressed?
I think they are typically more interested in your genetic ancestry than your place of birth.
I think they are typically more interested in your genetic ancestry than your place of birth.

Actually, as far as the US Census is concerned, you self identify. They don't categorize you. So while Chalize couldn't call herself Black, she could call herself African.
True enough.
Why are North East Asian countries more anti-drugs than Western European countries?
Why are North East Asian countries more anti-drugs than Western European countries?


But more seriously, Asian countries seem to have more of a culture of obeying tradition and discipline - they're also less keen on binge drinking and punk music. We place a very high value on individual freedom and ability to express oneself, they as a whole would rather live in peace with each other given the choice. You'd never catch Singapore starting a war 'for freedom'.
Right now, it looks as though the Minnesota state government will shut down. If it shuts down tonight, will fireworks displays be affected? If so, how?
Fireworks shows run by, assisted by, or policed by state employees will probably not happen. Fireworks shows run on state property that is now closed will probably not happen. Local municipalities holding shows on municipal property are likely to go ahead as planned.?
Right now, it looks as though the Minnesota state government will shut down. If it shuts down tonight, will fireworks displays be affected? If so, how?
Not sure. Most fireworks are put on either by private agencies or local governments which keep operating.
Why are North East Asian countries more anti-drugs than Western European countries?
Maybe the state of things before the Opium Wars left a bad taste? I probably misunderstand history here, but British traders were growing rich on the suffering of Chinese addicts.
If you have trouble carrying luggage up a staircase and someone comes and helps you and only afterwards demands money should you pay? I wouldn't mind the money but I feel ripped off when they only tell me after.

If someone doesn't negotiate pay before service, you probably aren't obligated to pay. However, if you're in a foreign country, you may not want to make waves. Pay very little in those situations.
If someone doesn't negotiate pay before service, you probably aren't obligated to pay. However, if you're in a foreign country, you may not want to make waves. Pay very little in those situations.

Reminds me of the bell-hops in NYC. :p
I have this dream of someday laughing at the OPEC nations when the industrial nations of the world no longer need oil. What about you guys? What instances of geopolitical schadenfreude do you wish to partake in?
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